farmer's daughter

Chapter 623 What Are You?

Chapter 623 What Are You?

Chapter 620 What Are You?

With everyone's protection, those arrows did not hit the carriage.Maybe they didn't have many arrows prepared.So there was no arrow shot down for a while.

But from the dense forest came out nearly ten men in black with the same dress.

These people couldn't help but barge in and start fighting, so Lian Quchen and Fu Jinghao had to deal with it separately.Even the people guarding the carriage came out two to meet the enemy, but the two old men still sat still in the carriage.

Xue Jian was sitting in the carriage, only hearing the sound of some weapons clashing outside, and a burst of shouting or muffled snoring from time to time.Xue Jian couldn't stay still anymore, she didn't know what was going on outside.

Xuejian became a little impatient and wanted to open the car door and go out.But old man Xiao raised his hand to stop her, and said softly:
"Also, there are still some of them who have not come out. At least, there is still a master."

Xue Jian was stunned for a while, someone who could be called a master by old man Xiao must be a real master.Xue Jian couldn't help but stop, turned her head and said to Master:

"Master, brother, are they all right?"

Old man Mo just listened to the outside silently, and when he heard Xue Jian's words, he just nodded and was still listening outside.It's not good for Xuejian to disturb Master anymore.

Now the outside of the carriage is intertwined, and everyone can't get away.There were not many casualties to each other, but Lian Quchen was stabbed in one of his legs in order to help Fu Jinghao block the sword.Fu Jinghao cried out in shock:
"Big Brother!"

Duan Fei was also distracted by Fu Jinghao's call, not knowing what was going on with the elder brother.He also narrowly escaped the two swords.I heard Lian Quchen shout:

"Be careful, I'm fine, just got swept by a sword on my leg."

Xuejian couldn't sit still inside, and said anxiously:

"No, I have to go out and have a look. Senior brother is injured. I'm afraid they have that poison on their swords again."

Old Man Mo's eyes moved a bit, but he still didn't move, but his face was a little frozen.Old man Xiao thought about it and said:
"You guys should just sit down and I'll go take a look."

Old man Xiao gently opened the door of the carriage, and he walked out slowly, but he was not far away from the carriage, as if he was the ultimate protector of the carriage.

Once old man Xiao got out of the carriage, the fight outside the carriage changed somewhat.There is also the old man Xiao who comes out, no need to do anything, the people here are more courageous.And the people over there are all distracted here.What is this gray-haired old man doing walking out so slowly?Looks like a tall man?
Old man Xiao looked at the situation in the field, and it was evenly matched!Don't be too anxious, but because Xue has seen that their swords are poisonous, old man Xiao took a closer look at their weapons, and indeed saw a layer of whitish things when facing the light.

Old man Xiao said in a deep voice:

"There is poison on their swords!"

Then he flew up.In every fight, he ran around, and wherever the old man Xiao went, he heard the sound of jingling and some cries of oops.Old man Xiao took away all the swords that could be taken away, but he couldn't.It was cut off.Just use a bamboo flute in his hand!
But after the old man Xiao moved, there was movement on the mountain. While the old man Xiao was still cutting off his weapon, there were a few more people in the forest. Three or four people stood there with a white-haired old man. Not masked, but the four people behind him were masked.The white-haired old man was also dressed strangely, in colorful clothes.

When it comes to his clothes, they are as colorful as they want.It looks brighter than women's clothes.And the old man is ugly.Too ugly to forget.If it was old man Mo standing outside, one could tell at a glance that this person was the head of Yueshan who had dealt with him before!
The master walked slowly, really slowly, as if he was afraid of trampling ants to death.Come here slowly.As soon as he waved his sleeves, a person behind him said in a deep voice:


Those men in black who were fighting all put away their swords and retreated.They didn't even chase after Quchen, they all gathered behind old man Xiao.The old monster in Caiyi stared at Lian Quchen and said coldly:
"I haven't been to this continent for many years, so I didn't know there were so many young talents! The skill is good."

Even Quchen and the others remained silent.Old man Xiao heard about the existence of this old man in the car that came, and he didn't dare to take it lightly, but turned his head to Lian Quchen and said:
"Go back to the carriage and get some medicine."

Fu Jinghao also turned to look at Lian Quchen.Even Quchen knew how tyrannical this poison was.After hearing what old man Xiao said, he really went back to the carriage.Seeing that Lian Quchen's leg was still bleeding, Fu Jinghao also wanted to go forward to support him, and Lian Quchen waved his hand to let him go, and he was fine.

Lian Quchen got into the carriage and saw Master's solemn expression.Tang Nanny rushed forward, trying to lift up Lian Quchen's clothes to look at the wound.Lian Quchen was a little embarrassed, Xuejian was a little worried at first, but she understood what the senior brother meant, and turned around.Nanny Tang is an old woman, but she doesn't care. She took out the medicine that Xuejian and the others used last time. This medicine only takes one drop, put it in the water, drink half of it, and use half to clean the wound. up.

Because Lian Quchen's injury wasn't serious, it was healed in a while.Lian Quchen said:
"Here comes an old man, an old man in colorful clothes. There are four people behind him. It seems that each of the four people may be stronger than the second junior brother. It's a bit tricky."

Old Man Mo didn't speak, but just sighed.

Old man Mo is blaming himself.If I didn't give that person a chance to recover back then, these things wouldn't happen now.Now all three disciples were injured.But is that person really from Wuli Country?

If true, are there any follow-up questions?
Inside is guesswork.The old monster in colorful clothes outside looked at old man Xiao and said:

"The old man has never seen you. Who are you? Why bother meddling in this matter? All I want is that girl. I don't want her life. Of course, I wanted her life before. Now I just want to take her back to raise her. Maybe it's fun. So, you don't have to stand here anymore, you guys are not my opponents!"

After saying that, he swayed and walked towards the carriage gently and slowly.It was simply ignoring the existence of Old Man Xiao and the others.

Naturally, it was impossible for Fu Jinghao to let him come over, so he took a step forward and pointed his sword at the old monster in Caiyi, saying:

"Where are you from, why do you do such a thing? Do you know the crime for intercepting and killing Prince Rui!"

The old monster in colorful clothes stopped for a while, and a young man stood up behind him, but he was said to be young because of his figure and actions, but in terms of his face, compared to the old monster in colorful clothes, he was infinitely uglier up.Shen Sheng said:

"Get out of the way, what are you, dare to come out and block the head!"

(End of this chapter)

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