Chapter 625

Chapter 620 Just try it
The old monster in Caiyi tilted his head and thought for a while:
"Someone told me to kill her, but then I heard that she was very capable, so I wanted to capture her."

Unexpectedly, he really answered old man Mo.Old man Mo said again:
"Your emperor?"

The old monster in Caiyi glanced at old man Mo in surprise, and then fell silent.He only reached out to take a sword from a disciple behind him:
"No matter who you are, I won't kill her now, because she is your disciple. I have met your disciple before, and I didn't feel sorry for him, but you have to fight me again."

As he spoke, he raised his sword and pointed at Duan Fei.

It seemed that he remembered Duan Fei.Old Man Mo also reached out and lifted the front of his clothes, as if he really wanted to fight him.He heard a voice behind him.


Fu Jinghao helped Xue Jian out.See Xue Jian.The old monster in Caiyi was a little surprised.Then he looked at old man Mo and said:

"This is the disciple who closed the door?"

Old man Mo frowned and looked at Xue'er who came out. This old monster had a strange temper, and he was afraid that if he made a move, he would hurt Xue'er. Xue'er was injured in the first place.The injury is not healed yet.

Xue Jian got off the carriage, walked over slowly with the support of Fu Jinghao, looked at the old monster in Caiyi, and said softly:
"Brother Jing Hao, are all his disciples really lying to him? Look at this old man, isn't he not pretty? Why would they let him wear that kind of clothes? It's really even uglier."

The old monster in Caiyi blushed again.He turned his head and looked at his disciples again.

Those disciples were all looked down again.Xuejian slowly stepped forward and said:

"Senior, I heard what you said to my master just now. You are really a great hero. Look, you can keep a promise for decades and never come to this land, which shows that you are A person who keeps his promises. We juniors all respect people who keep their promises."

The old monster in Caiyi was obviously flattered by Xue Jian's flattery.Grinning, she looked at Xuejian and said to old man Mo:

"You little disciple is very good. You are also very good-looking. I want to take you away and be my disciple."

Before old man Mo could speak, Xuejian said first:

"That won't work, I have to see if you are smart or not. I will be my master to those who worship smart people, not to stupid people. Presumably you also like smart people, right?"

Seeing Xuejian, the old monster in Caiyi was really cute, and he could talk.So she nodded with some kindness towards Xuejian.Xuejian looked at Caiyi old monster and said:

"If you want to take me away, you can't rely on martial arts alone, you need someone with a brain. Tell your disciples to stay away from you. I will ask you a few questions, and if you can answer them well, I will go with you without using force."

The old monster in Caiyi stretched out his hand, and those disciples moved away from him, leaving him alone in the middle.Xue Jian was not afraid of him, she looked around and said:

"Stay away from me too, don't say I'm in collusion with you later."

Fu Jinghao frowned, and left as Xue Jian said.Only Old Man Mo and Old Man Xiao stood there without moving.

Xue Jian slowly said:
"Tell me, which is heavier, a catty of cotton or a catty of iron!"

"This is simple, of course it is iron heavy!"

Xue Jian sighed and said:


Xue Jian pointed to a disciple behind him and said:

"Tell me, which one is heavier?"

That disciple knew it clearly, but he didn't dare to say it.How can I be smarter than the leader!The disciple said, "My subordinates don't know."

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"It's so stupid. How did you find a stupid disciple?" Then he turned around and pointed at a random person, who said:
"Back to the prince, they weigh the same. Both weigh a catty."

Xue Jian smiled and said:

"Look, this is the correct answer, both of which weigh the same."

Caiyi old monster glared and said:

"I didn't hear clearly just now."

Xuejian said again:

"Okay, okay, you didn't hear this clearly, so please listen clearly now."

"There is a cow facing north. It turns to the right and turns three times, then turns back and turns three times, and then turns to the right. Where is its tail facing?"

As soon as this question came up, not only the old monster in Caiyi, but also Fu Jinghao and others couldn't help but figure out, where is the bull's tail heading?

Caiyi old monster thought for a while, then said:

"Can you say that again."

Xuejian really said it again.road:

"You are a senior, so you can't play tricks. If you don't know, you don't know. You can't say that I didn't make it clear."

Caiyi old monster glared and said:

"I hear you clearly."

Then said:

"I figured it out, it's heading north."

Xuejian looked at the people around, smiled lightly and said:


"That's right, you've switched positions and positions. Why not?"

Xuejian called:

"Second senior brother, bring a horse."

Duan Fei really led the horse over.Xuejian asked him to lead the horse around as he said just now.Duan Fei thought it was a little funny, but he did it anyway.After turning around, Xuejian called Caiyi old monster to see:
"Look, where is the ponytail facing?"

"This is the north side."

Xue Jian smiled and pointed to the pony's tail and said:

"No, the tail of the horse is pointing straight to the ground. It hasn't changed!"

Lian Quchen and the others behind him laughed softly.The old monster in Caiyi had a strange expression on his face, changing back and forth:

"No wonder they say you are smart. This question really tested me. Interesting, then you can go to Yueshan with me to have a look, and I will let you come back later."

It seemed that this old monster in Caiyi was having fun with Xue Jian.On the contrary, I fell in love with Xuejian.

Xue Jian shook his head and said:

"No, I still have things to do. If I pass by my Yueshan one day, I will visit you again."

Seeing that Xue Jian said this, Caiyi's old monster was not very happy.Look at Xue Jianhou said:
"Then don't blame me for being strong."

Xuejian blushed with anger and said:

"I called you a great hero just now. It seems that you don't count on your words."

The man withdrew his hand in embarrassment.Xue Jian said again:
"Look at you. You came here by keeping your promise. A promise made by a person cannot be broken. God has opened his eyes and can see every subject under him. By the way, you just talked to Master about the past, the past What is your promise? What would happen if you stood on this land?"

The Caiyi old monster was stunned for a moment, then sighed:

"Back then, I made a bet with your master. I said I would never step here again. If I violated it, I would be driven by the other party for three years."

Maybe this promise doesn't matter to ordinary people, but to these two stubborn old men, it's still very important.Especially the old man in Caiyi valued his reputation.Those who value these must take advantage of them.

After hearing his words, Xuejian rolled her eyes and said:

"Oh. If only I could make you break your oath. But it seems that you are also a smart person, and it is impossible for me to trick you off this log."

Caiyi's old monster smiled proudly.

Xue Jian sighed and said:

"Well, just turn your original bet around. If you were on the ground, I could trick you into standing on this log."

The old monster in Caiyi stared and said:

"Hmph, I don't believe it. If I come down, no matter what you say, I won't stand up. You still lie to me not to go up."

Xuejian stood up unconvinced, stared at the old monster with big eyes and said:

"Do you dare to try?"

The old monster in Caiyi stared, hating people who looked down on him the most, he stood up immediately and said:
"Come on, try it!"

Who would have thought that Xue Jian smiled, squinted her eyes, turned her head and said to Master:

"Master, look, old senior Caiyi has been under your command for three years now!"

(End of this chapter)

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