farmer's daughter

Chapter 638 Master, Can't Eat

Chapter 638 Master, Can't Eat
Chapter 630 IX Master, Can't Eat

Xuejian is not someone who only listens to good things.First of all, I must go to the field to see for myself. Now that I have entered the shed, the specifications of the shed are not bad. At first glance, the corn here really does not grow as well as my own.Can't help Xue Jian asked:

"Uncle, what did you plant last year? Did you fertilize the land?"

"It was some grass ash. Nothing else was done."

Zhuangtou replied.

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"From this year, you plant some soybeans in winter. Then when you harvest, you only need beans, and you chop up the collected bean stalks and scatter them on the ground. Soybeans are the most fertile land. Bean stalks can also be used as fertilizer .”

Zhuangtou has also been taught.Usually, those who grow beans don't grow much, because there are not many opportunities to eat beans.I can't even sell it.

But now I heard that it can fertilize the land.It's all kinds.

Xue Jian looked around.The person is also a little tired, and said with a smile:
"Uncle He, it's really okay on your side. This is the first planting, but you must let them keep making this record. In the end, this record will be put away. If there are any abnormalities, put them together especially for future years. , and when you encounter a problem, you will know how to solve it.”

He Yuan looked back at Zhuangtou and said:
"How about it? Write it down. In the future, if you have nothing to do, go to the Zhuangzi on the prince's side and learn how to do it."

Zhuangtou responded repeatedly:

"It's good!"

When Xue Jian returned to Zhuangzi, it was almost dark.Fu Jinghao stood at the door and waited. It seemed that he had been waiting for a long time.Seeing Xuejian coming back, she blamed and said:
"Are you tired? Don't run so far to see the injury before it heals. It's not too late to see it in two days."

Although he blamed him, he helped him down gently.Then ask again:
"How is it? Does the wound hurt?"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"It doesn't hurt, are you done with your work?"

"After making some assignments, they all went to the barracks. After getting to know the background of those people, they will conduct intensive training. By the way, Wu Lin has set off. Going to the aunt's house."

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"He went alone?"

"I brought another person with me. How can you say that a young master must have someone around him?"

Xue Jian smiled, and didn't know what Wu Lin would do.

into the house.Cheng Wen came out and whispered:

"Sister, that brother-in-law is here."

Fu Jinghao reached out and patted Cheng Wen with a smile:
"What is that brother-in-law, that is called the eldest brother-in-law. Sister Cao'er is the eldest sister. I am your second brother-in-law."


Xuejian immediately gave Fu Jinghao a sip.Fu Jinghao laughed loudly and said:
"Look, look at your blushing!"

Xuejian entered the room, and sure enough, He Zijie was sitting there.I saw Xue Jian coming in.Busily got up and went forward to salute:
"Meet the prince."

Xuejian raised her hand and smiled:
"Brother-in-law, in your own house, you are brother-in-law. I am just a younger sister. There is no prince or prince."

He Zijie smiled and didn't speak.He Zijie is a man of few words.But it's not the kind of person who reads and reads stupidly. He has a handsome appearance, but his figure is a bit like Mrs. He, tall and thin, not like Mr. He.Master He is a little stronger.On the contrary, He Zichen of their family is very similar to Master He, he has been chubby since he was a child.Very cute.

Because Xuejian was going back to the backyard to change her dressing, she greeted everyone and left.Fu Jinghao also said to talk to his master about something, and went to the backyard as well.

When Xue Jian returned to the room, Mother Tang immediately came to change the medicine, and said:

"Miss, Madam took Third Miss and Young Master to Fucheng, and said that Miss Biao's mother-in-law has also come. They are discussing how to protect Biao Miss from having a baby."

Xue Jian smiled lightly:
"Look, Sister Liang Shuang is going to be driven crazy by them, everyone is eager to stare at Sister Liang Shuang, so what freedom does Sister Liang Shuang have? I'm afraid she will be trapped in that mansion, no, I'm afraid she will be trapped in the mansion." Get stuck in bed and do nothing."

Nanny Tang said:

"Women have to be careful when they conceive a child. I think back then."

Xuejian stopped talking halfway through Mammy's words, and said:
"What's the matter Mammy?"

Mother Tang smiled and said:

"Actually, the old slave also had a child back then. It's just that when she was pregnant with the child, she had to do work and serve her mother-in-law. The mother-in-law said that I didn't pick the right food. She punished me to stand for a long time, and then the child disappeared."

Xue Jian was a little surprised and turned to look at Mammy, Mammy spoke calmly, but Xue Jian's eyes turned red when she saw Mammy.

Xue Jian said softly:
"Mother, do you have no other children?"

"The master joked. I shouldn't have told the master about such a bad thing. I just remembered it all at once. It's gone. Later, their family said that I couldn't even keep a child, so it was of no use. They divorced me. Let me go back to my natal family. My natal sister-in-law is pretty good. She allowed me to stay. One of my aunts was working in the palace, so she brought me into the palace. I have been in the palace for 13 years. With my aunt's favor, my aunt sent me out when I was matching the master with a nanny in the palace. My aunt said, it's better to follow the master outside."

Xuejian was surprised and said:
"Mommy, it turns out that your aunt is in the palace. Why didn't you go to see her last time you went back to the palace? Didn't you hear anything?"

Mammy wiped her eyes and said softly:
"My aunt is gone. It was less than three months after I left the palace. My aunt left. She died of illness in the palace, and my elder brother went to collect the body when she died."

"Oh, then which palace is your aunt in?"

"Concubine Xian, my aunt is Concubine Xian's nanny. She entered the palace with Concubine Xian. It's just that Concubine Xian's life is not good. She only got Princess Yu, and even gave her own life for this child." .My aunt saved the princess. Asked someone to speak in front of the queen. Then the queen adopted Princess Yu. It was my aunt who lived in the palace of Concubine Xian until she died of illness!"

Xue Jian didn't know what comfort to give this woman!Just said softly:

"Don't worry, Mommy, if you follow me, I will take care of you until the end of your life."

"Hey! Thank you, master!"

This comforting word drew Mammy's tears.

Mammy smiled again and hurriedly wiped away her tears, saying:
"Master, the wound is healed. It's time to eat. Should I go out to eat or eat in the house?"

Xue Jian thought about it and said:

"Let's go out to eat, we haven't eaten together for a long time."

It's getting colder in the evening.Mammy still put the big cloak on Xuejian.Xuejian opened the door and came out.Just look at Fu Jinghao standing beside the flower platform outside the courtyard gate.Xue Jian said with a smile:
"Brother Jing Hao, are you waiting for me?"

"Who are you waiting for? Let's go, go to eat. I heard that I will eat fish tonight. It is your favorite food."

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"That's it. I have to eat."

"Master, you can't eat it. You still have an injury. After eating fish, the wound will leave ugly scars,"

Mammy said hurriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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