farmer's daughter

Chapter 640 Here, There Are Good Things

Chapter 640 Here, There Are Good Things

Chapter 640 Here, There Are Good Things
The purpose of hosting this banquet is to announce to everyone that Prince Rui, who was about to die, has come back alive.never mind.Therefore, no matter where they come from, they are received. Everyone eats for a whole day, and there is an endless stream of people coming.When you come, you can sit down, and you can eat when you sit down. Finally, when it gets dark at night, it starts to finish.

Once the dinner was over, word spread everywhere that Prince Rui was not dead, Prince Rui came back to life again.

As long as she returns to this villa, Xue Jian will not think about other things.Just thinking about how to do something that benefits everyone.Two days later, the wounds on his body were all healed.Xue Jian looked around lively again.Thinking of agreeing to the county magistrate Yang to visit him, Xue Jian asked someone to get the carriage ready.Going to have a look.

When going out this time, of course Fu Jinghao has to accompany him. First, he was originally the person who was ordered to protect Prince Rui. Second, after the last assassination, he was not at all at ease with Xue Jian's safety, so naturally he wanted to keep up with her. Yes, Shi Chun followed, and Xiao Hui, who had learned how to grow corn, also followed.

Some people rode in carriages, some rode horses, and the group walked for nearly two hours before arriving at the boundary of the county. It is said that it will take another hour to reach the county seat.

As soon as he entered the boundary of this county, Xuejian got off the carriage first.A lot of space here is empty.Overgrown with weeds.But the weeds everywhere are dry and yellow, as if there is no moisture.

Xuejian was very strange. After walking for a while, most of the land did not look like it was cultivated.It's all wasteland.

There is a low mountain in front of him. Xuejian, Shi Chun and Fu Jinghao flew up the mountain. There are not many trees on this mountain, and some of them are short trees.Xuejian couldn't name it, but at first glance, it was the same tree as the bush.

Looking into the distance, most of the land in the distance is like this. There are a few houses in front of them, and in front of those houses, a few pieces of land seem to have been turned over.But also nothing.

Xue saw them moving forward.When I arrived at those families, two old men were sitting in front of the family's door and talking.

Seeing Xuejian such a group of people coming, everyone stood up with some panic.Because they don't know what this person who looks like a wealthy family is here to do.

Xue Jiandang stepped forward and said:

"Several old people invited me. I want to ask, why don't you plant such a wide field here? Isn't spring plowing started now? Why haven't you plowed the field?"

An old man hunched his back and looked at Xue Jian, Xue Jian said with a smile:
"Old man, is this a village or just a few families here? Is your village head here?"

The old man nodded and said:
"We are a village. People in our village have gradually moved away. Now it's just our family."

"This place is called Heishuigou. We used to have about [-] households, but now there are only a few dozen. Some of the dozens of households don't live here anymore. There is no way to grow this land. There is no way to collect it, alas, people here are almost dead!"

Xue Jian said oh.Shi Chun stepped forward and saluted:

"Gentlemen, how far is it from the county seat? How far is it from your town?"

The old man sighed and said:

"Take the official road over there, and there is a town not far ahead. There are not many people in the town. People with a little money are starting to move out."

Xue Jian said seriously:
"Old man, have you been here for generations?"

"No, our ancestors came here fleeing famine. They said that the land was only given here by the government at that time. But it was a place where there was no grass at that time, but I thought there was a corner. So I stayed. Once a year After a few years, I realized that no crops can grow in this land, and they all go out to help others to support their families. After so many years, these lands are still like this, and there is no way to grow them!"

Another old man also sighed and said:

"It's not just that the land can't be planted, the water here is also unpalatable. The water that's pumped up can't be eaten within a few days."

Snow's face darkened when she met her, and said:
"Oh, can I see your well here?"

The old man looked at Xuejian, Shi Chun stepped forward a little unhappy and said:

"This is Prince Rui. He came from Qingyang to take a look. Your county magistrate specially invited Prince Rui to come and see you. He said that you can't grow crops here."

As soon as Shi Chun finished speaking, the complexions of those old men changed, and they immediately fell to their knees with a plop.Xue Jian hurriedly shouted:

"Several old people please, I just passed by here to take a look. I saw these lands so empty, and I felt uncomfortable. I want to find out why and find out the reason. I also ask a few old people to tell me what they know. Say, maybe, I can help you."

Several old men stood up with help.They all hunched their backs in front of the snow meeting.The old man took Xuejian to see the well water he said was not edible.He drew some water from a bucket by the well.When Xue Jian saw it, it was indeed dark and had a smell of seeds.But this smell is somewhat familiar.It seems that I have smelled it myself.I looked again, but I didn't recognize it again.Xue Jian could only put down her brows with a frown, ready to take another look.

After Xuejian had a look, he went to look around the village and saw a big pit on the hillside over there, and said:
"Did you dig that hole?"

The old man shook his head and said:
"No, but I heard that there was no pit here when our ancestors came here, but one day some god may have stomped here. There is a pit here, but no one knows how deep the pit is, but the pit Water often comes out of the water, and the water is also unpalatable, but it is not black, but a little yellow and black."


Xue Jian thought in his heart, what kind of gods, the earth has sunk.But I can't explain it well to these old people, they would rather believe that this is the footprints of gods.

Nothing grew around, and Xuejian didn't see why.When he turned to leave, he smelled something different.

Xue Jian turned back abruptly, took a deep breath and said:

"Did you smell anything?"

Fu Jinghao frowned and said:

"It's kind of smelly and disgusting."

Shi Chun also said:

"Isn't that right? Will it be poisoned? It's better for the master to leave."

"That's right! Shi Chun, that's right. This is poisonous, but if you smell it like this, you won't be poisoned, it will only make you sick!"

An old man on one side said:
"Back to the prince, this smell comes from the stone pit. Every time this smell comes out, the yellow-black water will come out. There's nothing wrong with a gust of wind."

With an excited smile on Xue Jian's face, she stood there staring at the stone pit in a daze.After a while, he said:
"Come on, Brother Jing Hao, let's get some water and have a look."

Since Xuejian said it was poisonous, how could Fu Jinghao let her go.Pulled her and said:

"Wait here, I'll go take a look."

Fu Jinghao looked around, and finally took the bucket of water from an old man behind him, and flew forward.After a while, I saw Fu Jinghao covering his nose with one hand and flying back with a bucket in the other.Xue Jian looked at the water in the bucket.I dipped my fingers in it and tasted it. It was really unpalatable, astringent, bitter, and smelly!

Xuejian hurriedly gave two peeps, and Shi Chun also hurriedly brought the water bottle.Xue Jian washed up and said:
"Brother Jing Hao, we have something to do! Here, there are good things!"

(End of this chapter)

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