farmer's daughter

Chapter 643 Completion of a Major Event

Chapter 643 Completing a Great Event

Chapter 640 Complete a Big Event

Everyone is here.Things are also ready, let's see what Xuejian is going to do.Xue Jian didn't do anything, but arranged for County Magistrate Yang to discuss with the two old men how to make this sand table.County magistrate Yang told the two elders what he learned from Xuejian and what Xuejian asked him to do.

The two old men looked at the little female prince in surprise.However, according to the request of the county magistrate, it took several people nearly two hours to complete a sand table.Xuejian looked at it and found that it was doing well, but it looks like this.Xue Jian understood a lot.This county is a slightly elongated shape, from west to east, according to the words of the two elders, it may be nearly 260 miles.And from north to south, it may only be seventy or eighty miles wide.Five counties in two prefectures were imprisoned in four weeks.

Talked to the two old men again, and confirmed that this county is the least populated place in the entire dynasty. Even if it is cold in the north, there are more people than here.It is because there is nothing to grow here.Not only are there few people here, but there are also few animals here.

Xue Jian nodded and said:
"Okay. Then I know. This thing stays here first, I have to go back to Qingyang Mansion tonight. When I pass by Heishuigou, I will take two buckets of water with me. You wait for the news first, Also, you two old men, you'd better bring a letter and tell all the men in your family to come back. If I come to start working, the wages will definitely be higher than what they get when they go out to help others. County magistrate Yang, please collect it too, see See how many people will come back to do things. I need tens of thousands of laborers. You can count them out. And let the word out, the wages of those who come to help us must be higher than those who help others.”

Magistrate Yang hesitated for a moment before replying:

"Go back to the prince, there may not be so many people."

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"In this way, I will discuss it with the emperor. In the end, I may have to mobilize some troops to do things."

County magistrate Yang was a little surprised, and wanted to mobilize the army?But he dared not ask the prince what he meant.

Xuejian probably confessed for a while, and then took the people away.It was almost dark.On the contrary, none of the people who came along the way were afraid of the dark.

The carriage rushed to Heishuigou, and brought Xiaohui, another person, and two large buckets of water that Xuejian wanted.I thanked those fellow villagers, and Xue Jian asked the fellow villagers to call them back, saying that they had to do something soon.lack of people.

It was past midnight when the group rushed home.Shen Sanzhu and Xiaocao were still waiting under the lamp.Xue Jian sighed:
"I'll be taken care of when I go out. Don't worry, we'll call you when we get back. It's cold and tiring waiting here."

After Shen Sanzhu's daughter was injured this time, she was also afraid, and felt that her daughter was too far away from him, so he was worried.Smiled and said:

"To be honest, even if I go to sleep, I still think about it, but I still can't fall asleep. Why don't you get up and sit here. Your mother didn't sleep either, but she just wanted to watch the two little ones. I came here to ask again just now."

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"It seems that I have to add some people to my family."

Xuejian also wants to understand now.It's not that servants cannot be used.Using servants can actually be regarded as giving some people some chances to survive.It's just that those who want to be masters will handle things, so it's like they are coming to work in their own home.I pay you to do what you do.

Looking at her parents and elder sister now, she tried her best to do everything by herself, and Xue Jian was also worried about her health for them.Medicine is underdeveloped in this era, and sometimes a cold can kill a person.

Xiaocao made arrangements, cooked noodles for Xue Jian and the others, and everyone ate some hot food, and then they all went to settle down.

Early the next morning, old man Mo took Xue Jian to practice on the mountain behind. Of course, old man Xiao was also watching Fu Jinghao practice. After an assassination, everyone took this matter seriously.Xue Jian naturally had to suffer a lot.Because old man Mo started to overweight her.

I have practiced.Xue Jian said with a smile:
"Master. Senior Qin, don't play chess anymore today. Come with me and watch me do something for you. If I guess correctly, we are going to accomplish a big thing this time."

The two elders knew that Xuejian was very excited when she came back yesterday, saying that she had discovered something new. Hearing what she said today, they all understood what she was going to do.

After Xue Jian had breakfast, she asked someone to add a small iron pot to the small floor heating stove behind a house in the front yard.Then I took a bamboo tube and made something like a measuring cup, and poured the two kinds of water I got back into the pot for cooking.While waiting, she asked someone to set up a temporary small pot on the side, and put the black water in one cup and the yellow half cup in it to boil.Chengye, who called Fu Jinghao and came to see the excitement, made a record of the situation in the pot.

Seeing how long it takes to cook, Xue Jian set up two pots again, this time with two cups of black water in one and two cups of yellow water in the other.It seemed that Xuejian was having a great time, and Chengye even went to call Junlin over and let everyone help the land to make records. The division of labor is good, each person makes two records, and remembers what Xuejian said. What's the matter.

Waited for a while.The water boiled.Xue Jian opened the lids a little bit and asked everyone to watch to see what changes would happen in these pots.

After a while, Chengwen was heard shouting:
"Sister, there is something white in here."

Jun Lin, who was looking at the division of labor over there, also called out:

"I saw it here too."

The first one to see the white thing is the place where half a cup of yellow water was added to the black water, but the second one saw it was the place where the yellow water was.The first pot also appeared.Only the place full of black water appeared after waiting for a while.Xue Jian asked everyone to fish out those white things continuously until the water was boiled dry, and each got a white thing the size of a fingernail.

Xuejian looked back and forth, reached out and lightly tapped on the first white thing that came out.Then I tasted it and smiled.Then ask Master and Old Man Xiao to taste it lightly.

"Salty! It's salt!"

Old man Mo stared at these little white things with wide eyes.

Xue Jian nodded repeatedly and said:
"Yes. This is salt! In the future, we will produce this salt. We no longer have to worry about the price of salt. That county is full of salt! So no crops can grow!"

The two old men glanced at each other, this thing is really beyond their imagination.But Xueer knew it.

Xuejian increased the proportion again.Everyone came to watch Xuejian boil salt with interest.Fu Jinghao was happy and greeted everyone:

"It's fine if you know it, don't talk about it!"

Everyone understands.Xuejian hasn't started yet, so I can't tell the outside world yet.Xue Jian didn't care so much, because after tasting the salt just now, the salt made from black and yellow was better.So this time Xuejian made all black and yellow water.

(End of this chapter)

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