farmer's daughter

Chapter 651 What's new?

Chapter 651 What's new?

Chapter 650 What's New?

At that time, the Lu family wanted to send another woman in, but the empress firmly disagreed that time. She was a villain and made all kinds of criticisms. The Lu family also had a big opinion on the empress dowager back then. She once said that the emperor should abolish the empress. of.But I don't know why, and I didn't make any more publicity.

No matter what, the Taishanghuang's brain started to move again.This is a major event, and with Huang'er's experience, it may be difficult to control this situation.If Xue sees here, she will move.The salt merchants over there must be making trouble, and that is no small matter.

Two big salt merchants, one from the Lu family and one from the Xu family, are not easy to mess with, and each occupies a mansion. Although they are not masters of Futai, they are more useful than Futai talking in that mansion. The Lu family and the Xu family basically Become the emperor of the soil over there!Sometimes the decrees that go to the court have to look at the wishes of the two patriarchs before they can be moved.

If Xue sees this move now.Afraid of getting involved.One is safety, and there will definitely be hidden dangers in Xue Jian's safety.And there may be problems with the safety of Xuejian's family members.The second is the safety of the people in those two prefectures. Maybe, if the dog jumps over the wall in a hurry, they rely on their wealth, and there may be turmoil.

For a dynasty, stability is the most important thing first!If the basic security can not be achieved.Then I really don't know what to do.

The Supreme Emperor fell into serious thinking, Xue Jian saw that the Supreme Emperor stopped talking, smiled and said to the Empress Dowager:
"Why don't you go out for a walk with me, old man? We don't pay so much attention to etiquette when we come here. I told the people in Zhuangzi last night that in the future, don't call you queen mother. How about calling you old lady?" Be more comfortable like this, why don't everyone see you kneeling, and have fun? Yesterday the Supreme Emperor went to see the land I planted, and you haven't seen it yet. Would you like to take a walk?"

The Empress Dowager is very curious about some things in the countryside, and she nodded quickly after hearing what Xuejian said:
"Okay, okay. I'll go for a walk with you! You have a good idea, and I don't want everyone to respect me. I like this kind of life here. Let's go, why don't we call Yu'er?"

It seems that the Queen Mother really likes that Jade Princess.Wherever he goes, he still misses Princess Jade.

Xuejian came out and asked Banxia to inform Miss Yu and Miss Shan that she would go to the field with the old lady.See if the county chief doesn't go.

Ban Xia ran away.Xuejian also went to order Shi Chun and Gu Gonggong to accompany her for a walk.For other people in the dark, Xue Jian acted as if he couldn't see them.Anyway, they are the secret guards brought by the two of them, so how to arrange yourself as if you don't know is the best arrangement.

The queen mother liked the new clothes that Xuejian brought her to change into. The sleeves of this kind of clothes were not so big, so it was much more convenient to do things.

The members of the Shen family, after knowing that the person who came was such a noble person, quietly pretended that they did not exist, and generally did not come out to move around.He just stayed in his own yard, and Lao Niu went to live in another yard with Steward Huang last night.He said that he did not understand those etiquettes, and he was afraid that he would not be able to bear it if he saw a nobleman make a mistake.

Fortunately, the second couple are gone.He took old Mr. Shen and Mrs. Wang back to Shenjia Village.They walked on the front foot, and the Taishang Emperor and his party arrived on the back foot.

Xue Jian took the Queen Mother, Princess Yu and others out of the manor, and the Queen Mother was also very surprised when she looked around and saw those sheds.

Xue Jian took them closer to have a look.Pointing and telling them what it is one by one.In this way, Princess Yu knew how the corn she ate came from and what it looked like, and there were a few fields that were not planted with corn. Xuejian also took them to see it and said:
"This is my newly planted black rice, and the one here is red rice. These two numbers are different from the white rice we usually eat."

Princess Jade looked at it and said:

"Xue'er, is the white rice still grown like this? How did it end?"

"Of course it's the same. As a result, you have to wait until they ear, and then you can see them. Now you can't see them."

This line of business gave Princess Jade and the Queen Mother a lot of insight.Usually I am in the palace, and I only see which are rare flowers and which are rare grasses, but I don't know this kind of ordinary things.

The queen mother sighed:
"Hey, why do I feel so much more comfortable venting my anger here?"

Everyone laughed.

In the afternoon, Shi Chun's son sent a special letter, so Liang Shengyue came to see the Supreme Emperor, and called Lian Quchen. The three of them discussed in the room for a long time. He called a person who knew how to sculpt, and Xue Jian drew some pictures for them to carve.

The Queen Mother also went up to look at Xue Jian's paintings and asked her what she did.Xue Jian said with a smile:
"This thing is called mahjong. It's something to play. I'll teach you how to play it. This thing needs four people to play. From now on, everyone will have something to do every day."

Princess Jade smiled happily and said:

"Playing again? What's new?"

Seeing that there is not so much jade here, Xue naturally asked someone to polish the bamboo and make it into small squares one by one.Then carve it up.

And woke up early this morning.Murong Xing took the three princes to the prefecture to play. He didn't know what they were playing, and they didn't come back until it was almost dark. They were all very happy.

But as soon as Batuo came back, he approached Xuejian, saying that he was going back to China, and his mother's birthday was approaching.He wants to rush back.

So I want Xue Jian to teach him the method of irrigation as soon as possible.Xuejian took him to the outer study, sat down seriously and explained to him how to make this thing and what to pay attention to.In addition, he explained that Zhuangtou will take him to see how the water pump works tomorrow. When he leaves in the future, he will give him a water pump, but if you want more, please use the purchased one.

Ba Tuo immediately stated that he signed the contract in Beijing, saying that he wanted to buy ten water pumps.Ten sets of threshing machines, as well as shackles, have all been purchased.

The prince of Wuliguo was embarrassed to ask Xuejian to teach him, and he knew that Xuejian was different from Batuo because Batuo saved Xuejian's life.And the killer is someone from his own dynasty.Therefore, Prince Qiu also clearly felt everyone's indifference towards him and enthusiasm for Ba Tuo here, especially when Xue Jian introduced him, he said that Ba Tuo was her lifesaver.Therefore, everyone in the whole villa treated Ba Tuo as one of their own.Even when she was sleeping at night, the nanny specially sent Batu a water bag, saying that she was afraid that he would catch cold.This house has floor heating!

In addition to what Xue Jian said, the prince's elder brother's hostility towards him is so obvious, if he stays any longer, he is afraid that something will happen to him.Therefore, Prince Qiu also proposed to leave.

These two are going to leave, so the Prince Ula of Ula Kingdom will naturally not be able to stay.It's just that he is still debating whether to marry that girl from Lian's family and go back. He blames himself for being quick-mouthed at the time, but now he is married, but now he has seen too many girls here, so he realizes that even the girl can shoot arrows and ride horses. What an advantage.

(End of this chapter)

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