farmer's daughter

Chapter 653 The prince is an empty shelf

Chapter 653 The prince is an empty shelf

Chapter 650 The fourth prince is an empty shelf
The people in the room were suddenly silent!Xue Jian has always reacted quickly, and said blankly:

"The third senior brother is the third senior brother. It's not the second senior brother, and it's not the youngest senior brother. Don't you know the third one?"

The Supreme Emperor himself stayed for a moment, Xuejian, what's the answer?Only then did the Taishanghuang realize that he seemed to know that this emperor's uncle had four male disciples, but he didn't seem to have seen the second and third.I heard that the second child is going all over the world, but I don't mention the third child, and I have never cared about having a third child.

The Taishanghuang looked at the people in the room, and everyone in the room looked at their noses and noses, watching their hearts, pretending not to see the Taishanghuang's eyes.There is something strange about this.

Old Man Mo said coolly:
"You asked what our third child is doing. The third child is the grandson of an old friend of mine. He is seventeen or eighteen years old this year. Don't you only have one daughter, Princess Yu, and you plan to give it to our fourth child? Why do you miss our third child again? "

As soon as old man Mo's words fell, Xuejian couldn't help but burst out laughing.The Supreme Emperor said angrily:
"Uncle, how can you make fun of your daughter's family, it will damage the daughter's family name."

Old Man Mo also waved his hand and said:
"Oh, you guys are really troublesome. What are you talking about? Does it matter who the third child is? The important thing is what Xue Er wants to say, how to divide others, she is really not obedient!"

The Supreme Emperor froze again, feeling that he had lost his way talking to the master and apprentice, and it wasn't his fault that the topic was taken away, but now it seems to be his fault.No matter who the third child is, let's not talk about it.Anyway, knowing that there is such a person, it is impossible not to know in the end.

The Supreme Emperor also shut up, and everyone looked at Xuejian.Xue Jian said sternly again:
"We have taken a wrong path. In the past, you may have thought of dividing them. Maybe you only thought of dividing their business and interests. But those things are compensated with a price. They are not short of money. Maybe they will pay each other some compensation. There is no need to pay."

"The division I want to talk about is to divide people's hearts. And the one who can divide people's hearts the most is the woman in the backyard!"

As soon as Xue Jian said these words came out.The Taishanghuang and Lian Quchen's eyes lit up, and Lian Quchen applauded directly:

"Okay! Xue'er's idea is good, we really didn't think about the back house! The back house, that is a place where any family is prone to dirty diseases, but we have always ignored it!"

Even children like Quchen, who grew up in the backyard, and people like the emperor, who have seen all kinds of genocide brought about by the backyard, have seen the dawn!They all agree with Xue Jian's opinion, but to implement it, I'm afraid they have to go deep into the enemy's interior.

This requires a suitable candidate, Xue Jian said:

"I'm not good at this kind of thing. You guys have to choose someone, right? This person only needs to do some picky things."

The Supreme Emperor's eyes didn't know where to look, and he didn't know what he was thinking.Then I saw him smile and said:
"Xue'er, you are such a treasure! This is a good idea! Although it is a bit dark, it is still a great move!"

Xue Jian let out a cry, and attributed her own idea to a dirty trick?Well, it means that what they did was a bright move, but what they did was a shady trick?Xuejian was a little unhappy about Taishanghuang's evaluation.But then I also laughed, thinking about it, this kind of trick is really only a woman can think of.Men may not even think about the women in the back house.

Regardless of whether it is a positive move or a negative move, a useful move is a trick!Xuejian only has to come up with ideas, how to do it depends on people like the Supreme Emperor and the Emperor.Because it will take some time to do actions on the back house, so I can only wait and see.

But wait and see over there, things here have to be done first, of course, during the preparation period, if you can't let the wind out at all, what can you do?
Lian Quchen said beside him:

"I have an idea, let's see if it works!"

Everyone turned their heads to look at Lian Quchen, and Lian Quchen said:
"Emperor Taishang, you conferred the title of Prince Rui, but the prince is an empty shelf, without a food town, can this Li County be given to Prince Rui as a food town, so there is no reason for Prince Rui to manage this food town? Doesn’t it make sense to do something here?”

Although everyone agrees with such an approach in their hearts, no one dares to speak up. Who can take this idea for the royal family.

The Supreme Emperor thought for a long time but did not reply, even Quchen touched his nose and said:
"If not, then with Prince Rui's current reputation, no matter where Prince Rui goes, everyone will be watching, especially those from the Lu and Xu family will pay more attention to Prince Rui's movements, let alone Wula and Wuli These dynasties. But if it was originally given to Prince Rui, it would be different. Prince Rui saw that the people there were too poor, so he would try to save the people there. Maybe others would just reward Rui with a barren place in the beginning. The prince should regard it as a matter of seeing Prince Rui's joke."

Only then did the Supreme Emperor nod his head and said:
"Yes, I was wondering if only giving it to Li County would attract too much attention. Everyone pays attention to the poor in Li County. Is it unreasonable to give the poorest place to the most famous prince?"

I can't accept this.Then the Supreme Emperor said:
"In this matter, I will write a letter to the emperor, and let the emperor issue an order to give the prince both Li County and Suoyang County over there. Wouldn't it be better?"

Even Quchen and the others nodded, patted Taishanghuang's flattery and said:

"It's still the Supreme Emperor who thinks carefully."

Now that Xue Jian has to wait for the imperial decree to come, he can go to Li County to do things in a grand manner.And as a subject of Li County, as a subject of the prince, you are blessed!

After a few separate actions, the Supreme Emperor personally wrote a letter to Liang Shengyue and said:

"You go to Beijing as soon as possible, and your wife and children can come to the capital next time. There are at least a few people around the emperor."

Liang Shengyue stood up, and even Quchen wrote a handwritten letter to Liang Shengyue:

"Do you still remember the courtyard where you went to take the exam? You hand this letter to the steward, and that courtyard will be your home from now on. When your wife and children go up, live there. It's still quiet there."

Liang Sheng became more busy and refused:

"I don't even need the son, I can go to the capital to see it again."

Lian Quchen smiled and said:
"You go and live in it. That's my private yard. I gave it to you, and it's yours. As for the people in that yard, I have other arrangements. You can take them there by yourself."

With everyone's arrangements, Liang Shengyue said that he would go to Beijing tomorrow.Because Liang Shengyue went to Beijing to attract the least attention from others, and he had originally come to Beijing to do business by order.So no one cared too much about what his arrival would bring.In the capital, there are still some wealthy families who don't know that Liang Shengyue is Prince Rui's uncle.Therefore, the only thing known about this second-rank official who came to Beijing was that he was a passer-by of that year!
(End of this chapter)

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