Chapter 665
Chapter 660 The sixth is not to be trifled with

With this first use, Xue Jian has more ideas, not only natural gas can be burned, Xue Jian thought of making biogas, it seems that it can be put on the agenda.

The Taishanghuang and his party were still reluctant to leave Yantian, but Xuejian didn't dare to let him live on this barren mountain, so she invited him back.Along the way, the Supreme Emperor was as excited as a child.To pester Xuejian to talk about, what is natural gas?Xue Jian said:
"How do I understand this? I don't even know what it's called. I wonder if it's not formed naturally, so it's called natural gas?"

"I found out that it can be burned. It was on the way we went to investigate. Once we were cooking, we didn't expect that there was a small hole on one side that was breathable. So, it burned there. It was hard to put out the fire, so I know this Kinds of things can be burned, isn’t it necessary to burn the brine to make salt? There is no firewood here, so I thought of using this to try.”

The Supreme Emperor laughed and said:
"Xue'er, you really should compare yourself to a few men!"

Back at the villa, the Supreme Emperor immediately wrote a letter to the emperor, saying that the salt could be produced.This means, you can do it.

When Lei Shangshu left two days ago, he took Xiao Hu, his children and Zhang away.Now the Supreme Emperor sent a letter from Lian Quchen to the capital.

In the capital, when the emperor received the letter from the Supreme Emperor, he was also overjoyed, so he called Liang Shengyue and said:

"The preparations we have made can be implemented."

From Liang Shengyue to the emperor's side, the two of them have been planning how to take back the sea salt whenever they have time. Even if they don't control the production of sea salt, they can collect all the taxes that should be collected.From the time the salt came out to the time it was sold, most of the taxes paid along the way were eaten up by those officials who united with the Lu family and the Xu family, and only a few fell into the national treasury. According to what I said, it's not just them, maybe people from all ministries in Beijing are involved.Therefore, to cut this piece, you must be fully prepared.

Liang Shengyue has just arrived at this position, and he is also a new official. He wants to burn three fires, but it seems that if this fire is lit and controlled, then he will be worthy of a famous official. qualified.For a person who is a scholar and an official, to live a long life is the highest pursuit!
Liang Shengyue is not an impatient person, and he is very safe in doing things.According to what Xuejian said before, she can only do some internal divisions with the Lu family and the Xu family.Liang Shengyue didn't dare to think about this matter before, he didn't have these people, but after he mentioned it to the emperor, the emperor told him the next day, yes.Because in the backyards of these two families, there are really people from the emperor.

Therefore, the first step Liang Shengyue took with the emperor after taking office was to quietly activate a person lurking in the Lu family.This person is the wife of a brother from a branch of the Lu family.This woman is holding some indecent handles in the hands of the emperor.Therefore, she can only be obedient. If she is not obedient, she and her natal family may be minced by the Lu family.

When she was asked to do some provocative things in the middle when she was given a task, she laughed. She thought this kind of thing was too simple.And she's good at it too.

It has to be said that this woman is still a bit capable, and within two months, there was news that the Lu family and the Xu family were not doing well recently, and the Xu family had two businesses and did not seek the Lu family again.Life in this school was covered by the Lu family before.

Mrs. Lu's wife originally fell in love with a young lady in Xu's family to be her nephew's daughter-in-law, but now she has also retired.This divorce is a big deal.It caused a lot of fluctuations in the two families.

The girl who was divorced was shameless, and it was said that she had hanged herself. Although she found out that she was almost dead, her heart was also dead.In the end, I heard that she entered the Buddhist hall, chanted scriptures with the old lady of the Xu family, and became a woman with hair.It is said that this incident made the old lady of the Xu family furious!
The discomfort in the backyard will bring about some movements in the front yard. The most obvious manifestation is that the two parties no longer have dinner together the next day.

This is not a small signal, which means that the two sides are not so closely colluding.Without collusion, there are some constraints in doing things.It also gives others the opportunity to intervene.

When the emperor received the news of the production of salt from the Supreme Emperor, he also received a message from the people over there that the second son of the Lu family had left home.It seems that he is going to Beijing, and it is said that he may come to marry a big family in Beijing.The person who came with the second son was the head of their house.It is said that the big manager is worth half of the family.

Several generations of Patriarchs of the Lu family and the Xu family have never been to the capital, no matter what the big event is, they are not called to the capital, they are afraid that the patriarch will be detained in the capital.In this next generation, the eldest son will be the head of the family, and the eldest son was not allowed to come to Beijing.This Second Young Master has been here since he was a child.Maybe some people in the capital still have an impression of this second young master.He is a handsome boy.

After Liang Shengyue heard the news, he thought for a while and reminded:

"Your Majesty, shouldn't it be time to take care of Princess Yu's affairs?"

The emperor was taken aback, that's right, the Lu family couldn't have played Princess Yu's idea, right?Want to marry the royal family?It is impossible for a royal princess to marry that kind of merchant family.If she were to marry into the Lu family, she wouldn't be able to be the daughter-in-law of the second son.

The emperor thought about it, the matter of Princess Yu was previously said to be assigned to Murong Xing, but the emperor did not get a clear statement from his mother, Princess Yu was not born by her mother, but was raised by her mother's novice.Therefore, the emperor decided to wait for the mother's will.

As for the Second Young Master, it depends on his performance after entering Beijing.

The emperor's new move is to change a county magistrate.The newly appointed county magistrate was Song Changshu, Liang Shengyue's contemporary.This person got Tanhua in the first place, firstly because of his good grades, and secondly because of his good looks.

Unlike Liang Shengyue who was an official at the local level, all the No. [-] picks in the past were sent to the Imperial Academy for grinding.Now that Tanhua was released, everyone in Beijing who was paying attention to these people was a little surprised.

Among the three, Song Changshu was not the one who won the hearts of these adults the most, nor was he the one with the best performance.I have never seen any collusion between the emperor and him.But he was sent out by the emperor to become a county magistrate.And that Linhai County is not too big or small, a mediocre county.There is nothing special about it. The only special thing is that Linhai County is about the same distance from Xu's and Lu's.But he couldn't control the Lu Xu family.

Anyway, from the looks of others, it seems that this is the emperor's first move.

second action.

Grandpa Changsun Guo has always said that he would give his adopted grandson a chance to exercise.No, the emperor was happy in the court one day, so he agreed.It was only after I answered that I realized that there is no place to put down this young master.So I asked Liang Shengyue.Liang Shengyue said that there used to be a garrison in Linhai County, but because there were only some navy troops there.There were not many armies, and later they were merged into Haikun County and managed together. Why don't you let the eldest grandson take over the defense of Linhai County.

Well, from other people's point of view, this gentleman and his ministers are just trying to please the eldest grandson, so he temporarily set up a guard for the eldest grandson to lead and play?This made some outspoken people unable to see it, and first objected:

"Your Majesty, if you add a garrison, you need to add some preparations, which will cost you a lot of money. It's no joke!"

(End of this chapter)

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