farmer's daughter

Chapter 667 Successive Good News

Chapter 667 Successive Good News
Chapter 660 Eight Successive Good News

At the first selected point, when the second usable well was drilled, the output of the first well reached six to seven catties of salt per day.All the technology here is immature, so in Xuejian's view, this is a big deal.All relying on my own little memory and everyone's help, this is the current output.

With the output of the first well there, as long as the second well starts to produce salt, it will produce more than ten catties a day.Then if there are two shifts of workers working in rotation, then double the number.And just at this first point, seven or eight wells may be drilled.It's just not that big yet.Everyone is still working hard to accumulate experience!

For this problem of accumulating experience, Xuejian specially summoned all the people, and asked everyone to record what they did that day, the different things they encountered, and how to deal with them when changing shifts every day. Come down, if you can’t write, please ask someone to write it for you, because in the future, you will use these accumulated experiences to make teaching materials. Xuejian plans to add a task to Yuan Conghai, which is to be responsible for sorting out these materials, and put these experiences one by one. get ready.Compiled into a book, the people who will come to work next must first undergo training before going up to do things.

This was recognized by Lian Quchen, Liang Junzhen and Jiang Youpeng had to learn how to operate all the working procedures.How to solve problems encountered.

Moreover, Xue Jian entrusted some technical work to some younger people. First, they can do it longer, and second, young people are more flexible in their minds.

When recruiting people in the future, try to recruit younger people as much as possible, and don't ignore the older ones, there are other things that can be done for them.For example, sun salt, for example.Kangyan, for example, something to contribute.

Now it seems that there is still a lot of recruiting, but now it is not possible to recruit people outside the county.Even people in the county cannot be recruited casually.As for recruiting, Xue Jian should leave it to Murong Xing.Murong Xing has a background, so it is much more convenient to check people and do things.

Things at Jingyan went very smoothly, which made the Supreme Emperor not want to leave even though he was living here.This Cher's villa is warm everywhere.And living here is easy and comfortable, not to mention him, even the Queen Mother doesn't want to leave.When I came here, I felt that I have lived for decades, and there are still so many things I don’t know.There is also a lot to learn.

The old couple didn't want to leave, and they didn't want news from the palace that the new queen was pregnant.This made the empress dowager very concerned, she still wanted to go back after thinking about it, this was the first child of the emperor and empress.Although the original Concubine Liang also had a child, that child has always been the same as the mother, born with a disease, and now can only rest.

Speaking of recuperation, the Empress Dowager mentioned to the Supreme Emperor that she wanted to put the child here with Xuejian.It might be better for the child to rest here.Taishanghuang said go back and talk to the emperor.

Therefore, the Supreme Emperor and the Queen Mother still planned to leave Leisurely Villa and return to Beijing.This time, they have lived here for almost half a year.

When the Supreme Emperor and the Queen Mother left, Xuejian's Leisurely Villa ushered in a bumper harvest again, and this time the corn harvest was even better, but Xuejian didn't plan to grow corn in the future.The corn she planted first was only intended to be used as seeds for the whole dynasty.There are now.There is also food.Xuejian plans to fertilize first this winter, and plant rice after the spring.It's just that these rice paddies are going to be planted with black rice and red rice, which are different types of rice, on a large scale.In the second half of the year, I will plant rapeseed again. The harvest of rapeseed planted last time was not very good because the seeds were really bad, but now I have these to make new seeds.Then look again.In the future, I want to promote this rapeseed oil.

The successive good news in the capital made the emperor feel that this winter will be warm.The biggest good news is that Xuejian produced salt over there, and it is now in front of him, brought back by the emperor and the queen himself. Hearing what the emperor said about the big scene, the emperor is eager to go and see for himself what.

But I have no reason to leave Beijing.My every move will attract the attention of others. The father and the queen are all going out to see the corn planting situation over there.I can no longer use this reason, not to mention that Xuejian has promoted corn.I heard that those who learned it went back and planted successfully.

But now listening to his father explain everything in detail, the emperor is also satisfied.

The second happy event is that the queen is pregnant.The emperor is the happiest in this matter.The emperor used to have a good relationship with Princess Liang.But because Princess Liang is in poor health, he has very few heirs.At that time, I didn't want to arouse the prince's suspicions, so I didn't pay attention to it. Now that I am in power, I only have two children, one is sick and the other is the youngest daughter.This is not what an emperor should have.

Therefore, some people in the previous dynasties made up for it.The emperor asked the emperor to accept concubines, but because of the influence of Lian Quchen, Liang Shengyue and others, the emperor did not want to accept concubines.Therefore, the only way to keep everyone's mouths shut is to beg the queen to get pregnant early.

But now as soon as they knew that the queen was pregnant, two ministers sent their daughter directly.It is said that the queen can't serve the emperor now, and can't let the emperor have an empty bed.

Just about this matter, the emperor was so angry that he couldn't speak, Liang Shengyue still laughed at him, saying that those people were afraid that he was too strong.

The third thing, of course, is that my good friend Sun Minxing did a great job.Changsun Minxing was originally a smoke bomb sent out. Everyone knows what the result will be if the scholar leads the army?
I heard that Chang Sun Minxing believed that there should be poetry clubs in the army, so a poetry club was established in the army. Now you look around, the guard is surrounded by people who are holding books and talking.Changsun Minxing's literary talent was already high, and soon after he took office, he wrote poems that were correct, and compared all the scholars in Linhai County.He was dissatisfied, and took people to Haikun County, which directly sent the smoke to the Lu family and the Xu family.

I heard that people from Lu and Xu's family even paid a high price to invite people who understand poetry to accompany the eldest grandson to play.The sons of the two families are now friends of the eldest grandson.Everyone watched the wind and scenery together, and went to drink flower wine together.This is not something ordinary friends can do together.

When the emperor heard about it, he laughed loudly and said:
"Min Xing has lost himself for the sake of the dynasty! He must be rewarded properly in the future!"

For the emperor, this is good news!Therefore, when the news came that the prince of Hu State, Batuo, was coming to the Eastern Dynasty again, the emperor was very happy, saying that he would raise a level to welcome him, because the current prince Batuo is the disciple of Prince Rui. .

Of course, I also heard that the second son of the Lu family will come to Beijing tomorrow.The emperor had arranged for someone to watch over him early on.

(End of this chapter)

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