farmer's daughter

Chapter 677 That's the Lu Family's Child

Chapter 677 That's the Lu Family's Child

Chapter 670 That's Lu Family's Child
Of course, Patriarch Xu didn't know.These matters were all the result of discussions between Liang Shengyue and the emperor, and they also knew that they could not take care of both of them at once.Then we can only keep one family first, and it is not bad if we can destroy one family.

First, some people picked up the inner courtyard, and sure enough, there was some improvement, but they couldn't touch their sore spots.So, next, some guards were arranged to lead some people to become bandits.Don't grab anything else, just grab the salt delivery team of the salt merchant.

Don't steal too much, just pay for it.Anyway, it's what disturbs you.If the Xu family and the Lu family had really reported to the officials, then these bandits might have closed their hands for a while.Because it is impossible to kill each other.But they didn't, which means that the relationship between them is no longer that kind of iron bucket.

The pirates at sea are naturally the masterpiece of Zhang Sun Minxing.Changsun Minxing's martial arts is not very good, he can only strengthen his body.He is usually a scholar, but the belligerent factor of the eldest grandson's family is also in him.

After he took office, he drank and talked poetry with everyone all day long.Disliked by several generals who are actually soldiers, but because he is the leader.You still have to be in charge.Finally, a lieutenant turned his attention from cultivating the connotation of soldiers to cooking wine and singing poems with those sons and pals.Everyone can really train their soldiers.

But the newly appointed guard started going to and from some fireworks places with some young masters.Not only that, the Linhai County where he took office is not enough for him to play.I also played in Haikun County.I eat, drink and have fun with some young masters every day.None of them looked like they were on guard anymore.

But it was precisely because of his actions that everyone lowered their guard against him.He inquired about the situation of Lu and Xu's family, and took the opportunity to send a letter back to the camp to bring him the lieutenant of the eldest grandson's family, who was the real behind-the-scenes figure who came out this time.

This person was also given the surname of eldest grandson by the eldest grandson Hou Ye.His name is Changsun Yanshan.He is brave and good at fighting, and he is also a resourceful person.It was only after the death of the eldest grandson Hou Ye that he only thought about the eldest grandson's family, so he didn't enter the barracks again.

Now that he is given a chance, he will naturally use it well.In addition, in the barracks in Linhai County, there are a group of navy troops.These people were originally planned to be managed in Haikun County, but they were disgusted by the generals there, and they have long been angry.So, when the lieutenant found some of the good sailors, he said something.Everyone wanted to follow the lieutenant general, and that was the beginning of the scene.

In other words, the Xu family was being targeted by the court.But because what they did was different from the way forward, and what they did was considered the behavior of a villain, so neither the Xu family nor the Lu family had thought of it.This bandit is not a bandit, and this bandit is not a bandit!
The Xu family has suffered a lot, and they can't make it public. This is a slap in the face.I can only send the boat again and pay the money.People bring it back.Salt was also brought back.But he didn't know that the token had been copied!

Here, the Xu family was cleaning up the salt, and found that there was no problem. When the people who were brought back asked, they only said that after getting the salt, they were locked up on the boat.In addition to food sent in.No one can see one.At sea, people have the final say.

The Patriarch of the Xu family was ruthless, and he must come back with this tone.So, let's talk again.Talk to the pirates.Another person who pulled out connected the line.This guy is exactly from Lu's fourth aunt's father's side.

The Xu family failed to find a good helper again.The fourth aunt has been married to the head of the Lu family until now, but she hasn't actually said her origin.The head of the Lu family only regarded her as a fisherman's daughter.And that pirate, of course, would not take the initiative to say that his daughter married to the Lu family.Isn't this giving people a handle?
But he didn't say anything, and it didn't mean he didn't care about his daughter. No matter what, Patriarch Lu still did him a favor by saving his wife and daughter.So, when Patriarch Xu's people approached him, he heard that the job he was going to take over was to take revenge on another group of people.And this group of people are people who I have never heard of.He's serving dessert!
He asked his subordinates to inquire about the current situation on land and at sea. It is impossible that there are still a group of people in this sea who do not know about it.

Of course, without knowing who it is, he will naturally not take this job.He has always been very safe in doing things.

The result is such a check.He could see something was wrong, it seemed.The court is going to take action against these two salt merchants.After thinking about it, he said to his wife:
"It's almost Chinese New Year. Do you want to visit your daughter? I'll find someone to take you ashore. You go. You can tell your daughter quietly that if she wants to live a good life, she should persuade the Lu family not to be too It's too late. If the Lu family doesn't listen, then tell your daughter to leave the Lu family early. I can still afford to support her when I return to our place."

This seemingly inconspicuous woman was able to gain a foothold among the pirates. She had some brains. Hearing what the man said, she understood.Nodded, no matter what, my daughter still has to take care of it.

So this one came ashore.She went directly to the Lu family to find her daughter. Although the fourth aunt was just an aunt, she was still the master's woman, and this person could be regarded as the master's Yue family.So the doormen didn't make things difficult for her, so she went into Lu's house.Only then did I realize that my daughter was about to give birth.

While Si Yiniang's mother felt sorry for her daughter, she also thought that it would be inconvenient for her daughter to be transferred now, and it would not be convenient to transfer her daughter after she was born.It is impossible to give up the child, it is a piece of meat of the daughter.

Within two days of staying here, I heard something about the Lu family and the Xu family.The fourth aunt's mother was a little fussy and thought about it.If the Lu family can take the leading role in this battle, then their daughter's prosperity and wealth will be secure in the future.But if the Lu family protects the Xu family for their common interests.Then maybe both sides will be finished.Because she alone could see it.If the court dared to make a move, it was sure.

While she was still debating whether to tell Master Lu about this, her daughter gave birth.

The fourth aunt gave birth.It's just adding a child to the Lu family.But when Fourth Yiniang's mother found out that her daughter might be too big to give birth, she asked someone to send a message to Mr. Lu, and asked him to invite a midwife and a doctor to save the lives of the adults and the children!

Master Lu loves children, but the Lu family has family rules that men are not allowed to enter the delivery room, not even the mother's yard.Because for those who trade in them, it is unclean and unlucky!Therefore, Master Lu did not receive any news from his servants, and the decision of Master Lu's mother, Mrs. Lao and Mrs. Lu, was to protect the child.Anyway, that's the Lu family's child!
(End of this chapter)

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