farmer's daughter

Chapter 691 The Lu family belongs to Prince Rui

Chapter 691 The Lu family belongs to Prince Rui
Chapter 690 The Lu family belongs to Prince Rui

Therefore, the Xu family is very confused. What is the court going to do?If we offend the court, our two families offended it together, why only deal with the Lu family?

Is it because you have to come one by one?But it's wrong to say that, because the court did not cover up such a big move, isn't it afraid that I will run away?

Patriarch Xu thought about it, and finally one of his sons said:

"I'm afraid it's not true. It's impossible for the court to be without salt for a day. If we are taken away together. What about the source of the salt? I believe that the head of the Lu family will not be so stupid as to hand over all the tokens. If they are all handed over, then Is it possible for the Lu family to still be alive?"

The butler on one side said:
"That's right, master. From this point of view, the Lu family did something to offend the people in the court. Didn't you say that the second son of the Lu family didn't even come back for the New Year? So he wanted to send the second son When I went to the capital to get married, didn't the news spread that the Second Young Master had gone to that strange Prince Rui in Qingyang? The whole world knew how much the Emperor and the others doted on Prince Rui. Maybe the Second Young Master went because of Prince Rui, right? "

Master Xu thought about it:

"Well, what you said is reasonable, and it was Prince Rui's elder brother Lianhou who came to raid the house. It seems that there is something behind this. Immediately send a message to the people in Beijing, let them pass the news back, and see what the second son has done What made Prince Rui angry. So the emperor wants to get rid of the Lu family!"

A dog leg on one side immediately catered:

"Patriarch, this is great. From now on, the world of Yandao will belong to the Patriarch. What else can others say?"

Patriarch Xu is not such a simple person.After thinking about it, he got up and went back to the backyard, and found his wife. After whispering for a while, an hour later, a small green cloth sedan chair was carried out from the back door of the Xu family. In the sedan chair was Xu Liyang, the third son of the Xu family, with There is also a child in her arms, who is Xu Rongchuan, the third generation of the Xu family.He is the son of Mr. Xu.

It seems that the head of the Xu family also made some plans, intending to leave some roots for the Xu family, so he sent away the third son and grandson.

It's just that he didn't know that shortly after the sender left, there was no news.Instead, he was taken away by the people assigned by the court.

And here at the Lu family, they didn't know how to copy the house.Anyway, others saw dozens of carriages coming out of Lu's house, and every carriage was moving very slowly, and the axles were all pressed down very low. It seemed that they were filled with heavy things.

While everyone else was wondering if the things inside were the Lu family's gold, silver and jewelry, the Lu family was busy.What are you busy with?Busy with the moving work in the tunnel.

It turned out that there were three complete basements under the mistress's house in the old Lu family's house.Now, the gold contained in two rooms has been shipped out of the basement.There is another one.Standing at the door of the basement was Lian Quchen and the Patriarch of the Lu family, after counting enough gold.Lian Quchen said:
"The [-] taels, I will hand it over to the emperor on your behalf, and I promise that there will be no less than one tael. But what is left here, I have an idea in my heart. When you arrive in Qingyang, at least half of it must be handed over to Prince Rui I know this matter very well. There are also things found in your shop and those things belonging to your wives. I won’t touch yours, you can take care of yourself.”

Although Patriarch Lu was heartbroken seeing his family break up like this, he had already made a decision on this matter. If he didn't make peace, he would not please either side, and he might end up with a dead end.Therefore, Patriarch Lu still nodded and said:
"Lord Lian, don't worry, from now on, the Lu family will belong to Prince Rui. Generations of generations are willing to serve the prince as their master!"

The last few carriages were loaded with the last gold, and in the carriages behind were people from the Lu family.This time, except for a few slaves that the Lu family was willing to take away, none of the others were taken away.All were handed over to Lord Lian.Lian Quchen was going to hand over all these people to Changsun Minxing, because Changsun planned to build a navy recently, and wanted to learn the training of Fu Jinghao, so that a secret base would be built, and in this base, there would be more Servant.That's it for these people.I am afraid that I will spend my whole life in that kind of deep mountains and old forests.

It took a whole day to evacuate the Lu family, and it was only after dark that the officers and soldiers from the area surrounded by the Lu family withdrew.It's just that after leaving, there is really only an empty shell left in the Lu family.There is not even a single bird.

This way of ransacking the Lu family's house is also rare. Who has ever seen the owner of the ransacked house go away in a horse-drawn carriage?Ok.Lian Hou said what he said, it was the emperor's Hong En who took the Lu family to Beijing first.

In fact, not long after the Lu family left Haikun County, they were escorted by Duan Fei's people on the way to Qingyang.Did not go to Beijing at all.

The credit has to be built by one person, and even Quchen's credit is to transport the gold back.And the merit of the eldest Sun Minxing is to be optimistic about the Xu family.To control the Xu family.

Therefore, the Xu family is the second home in Haikun County where the house was ransacked.It's just that this time the house was stolen a bit miserably, because Patriarch Xu made a plan behind his back, so the nursing home and servants were already prepared, and there were some martial arts people bought with a lot of money.This caused serious casualties to Changsun Minxing, so Changsun Minxing was a little unhappy.

If the main general is unhappy, the people below will definitely not be happy either, so they will try their best to hit the target.So, even though blood flowed like a river in the end, the Xu family was still taken down.At the same time, General Fu, who had been guarding Haikun County, was taken down at the same time.Because it is because of his long-term collusion with the Lu and Xu family that Haikun County has become a tyrant that cannot be messed with.

The people of the two big families who had bullied the court for hundreds of years were uprooted.The offshoots of their two families were also invited to another place, that is, to drink tea in the county jail in Linhai County.This place will slowly settle with them, what they committed.Those who are okay will be let go.

Now, there is another imperial decree to combine Linhai County and Haikun County into one prefecture, called Haikun Mansion, the magistrate is Song Changsheng, and Changsun Minxing, the garrison, has also been promoted, and now he is the Grand General in Haikun up.

Many people don't understand, he is obviously a scholar, why must he be given a seat as a general, just because the eldest grandson's family is a family of generals?
In fact, only the emperor knows that Changsun Minxing was originally a man who learned how to use soldiers since childhood.This person guards the customs for him, the emperor can rest assured.

As for the gold brought back by Lian Quchen, when it was put into the basement of the household department, the emperor personally went to see it.He was also dumbfounded when he saw it. He had never seen so much gold before, so half of such a large basement was filled.And when the Xu family came back later, wouldn't they have to fill up the basement?And with this gold, the emperor can do anything easily. If he has money, what can't he do?
(End of this chapter)

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