farmer's daughter

Chapter 704 Chapter 7 Entry 05 Poisoning

Chapter 704 Seventh Entry Chapter Five Poisoning
The seventh entry and five chapters poisoning
Hearing this, Fu Jinghao frowned and said:
"What about those who take care of you? Why didn't anyone say anything? How did you take care of them?"

Mr. Fu sighed and said:
"Oh, I don't blame them, they took good care of them. At the end of the year before last, your second uncle came to the border town, saying that he was excluded in the capital and couldn't survive. So he came to me, and I didn't want to talk to them , but we can’t just leave him in the barracks for half a year, but he can’t take it anymore and leave.”

Fu Jinghao's heart tightened, could it be him?If he did it, then he is courting death.

Fu Jinghao still didn't want to tell the truth about this matter for the time being, fearing that his grandfather would not be able to bear the blow, and his father's death would be a great pain to him.What if the second uncle treated him like this?That grandpa might not be able to bear it anymore, although he didn't have any thoughts about Na Lian, but this son was still his own.

Fu Jinghao used the excuse to go out and find the long follower beside his grandfather. This person followed his grandfather when he was a child, and he was a trustworthy person of his grandfather.

Fu Jinghao asked:
"Uncle Fu, have you been taking care of Grandpa since the year before last?"

Uncle Fu thought about it and said:
"It was me the year before last. Then the second young master came. The second young master wanted to please the master. He took care of the master every day, so I just helped to do something. Then he left, and I took care of the master again. What's the matter?" ?”

Fu Jinghao's face darkened, and he said again:
"Then when he was here, who cooked for grandpa? Usually, grandpa eats and drinks through his hands?"

Uncle Fu felt bad, something happened to the master.

After thinking about it, Fu Jinghao said:
"The imperial doctor said that grandpa's health is not because of the snake venom this time, but because the poison has been stored in his body for more than half a year. Someone poisoned grandpa!"

When Uncle Fu heard this, he immediately knelt down and swore to God that he had never done anything wrong to the master.Fu Jinghao took a deep look at Uncle Fu, then stretched out his hand to support Uncle Fu and said:
"Uncle, get up. I dare to tell you, of course I believe you. Think about it, if it were you, grandpa would not be here long ago, so would it be necessary to store the poison for half a year?"

Uncle Fu said indignantly:
"That was more than half a year, by the way, when the second young master came to the border town to look for the master, the second young master did not come alone, there was another person who came with the second young master. It was the second master of the Lian family, that is, the second young master of the Lian family. Uncle!"

Uncle Fu mentioned by Uncle Fu is the husband of Mrs. Lian's daughter, Fu Yuzhen, and Lian Quchen's cousin. If Lian Quchen hadn't been found out by the old man, this second master would have adopted him to be the eldest son of Lian's family. Therefore, Mrs. Lian, who was married into the Fu family, betrothed her eldest daughter to Lian Songqing.This is Erye Lian.

But later, Lian Quchen was found out from the servants in the backyard.For Master Lian, it is his own blood after all, so he naturally wants to keep this, and he will not adopt him again.This made Mrs. Lian very angry, thinking that the eldest brother and sister-in-law deliberately bypassed her daughter. In this way, her daughter did not marry into the Hou family, but married a partial house.

Therefore, there is something that the Lian family has always tolerated with Mrs. Lian.So he left the second master of the Lian family in the Lian mansion as the son of the mansion.

According to the later princess, if Lian Quchen hadn't been taken away by his master back then, he might still have died at the hands of this second master.In that case, the position of the son of the world would still be in the hands of Second Master Lian.It's just that he was really one step short.

Therefore, after the Fu family had an accident, his position in the Lian family was also affected, but some things were foregone.He can't help it either.So, when Fu Erye said he was going to the border town to find his father, he also decided to follow him to see if he could gain some respect from his father-in-law in the border town.

However, the first time he saw his father-in-law when he arrived in the border town, it was he who robbed a civilian girl and was brought to the barracks.Old Master Fu felt so humiliated that he didn't even show up, so he could do whatever he wanted.So, he was beaten up, but because he had no place to stay, in the end, Second Master Fu took him into a small courtyard assigned to Old Master Fu in the army to recuperate.

Hear what Uncle Fu said.Fu Jinghao frowned and said:
"Then did he go to see my grandpa when he was recuperating?"

Uncle Fu said:

"He wants to see him, but the master doesn't want to see him. You know the master's temper. You call him not a man and don't live up to it. He dares to come here to ask for flowers. So until he left, the master didn't see him."

Fu Jinghao nodded and said:

"Well, Uncle Fu, when you're in this mansion, take care of my grandfather's food, I'm afraid someone will hurt him and we don't know yet."

"I'm going to buy a house in the past two days. After buying it, we will move there so that grandpa can recuperate from his injuries."

Uncle Fu nodded, it's better to listen to Young Master Sun on this matter.

Fu Jinghao turned around and went back to his room, pretending to be okay and saying:

"Third Uncle, I will live with you tonight."

Uncle Fu looked at Fu Jinghao happily, but turned to look at the people standing outside the house and said:
"But I'm not big there, your brothers."

Fu Jinghao smiled and said:

"They'll have a place to go."

In fact, Fu Jinghao arranged for them to stay in this mansion to protect the old Hou Ye.I only took Ren Fei to the third uncle's residence.

Fu Jinghao would never want to live under the same roof as those people!Then he left with Uncle Fu.

Arriving at Uncle Fu's house, Uncle Fu exclaimed excitedly as soon as he entered the door:
"San Niang, San Niang, look, who is here!"

Murong Sanniang came out from the back hall and blamed:

"See if you look a little better. What's your name so loud? Let me see."

"This is Jing Hao."

"Meet the third aunt!"

Fu Jinghao also quickly saluted.Murong Sanniang excitedly stepped forward and said:
"Okay, it seems that it is really good. It has also grown taller and stronger. Now your mother can rest in peace."


Uncle Fu coughed lightly, which meant to remind Aunt Fu not to mention those things again.I'm afraid it brought up Fu Jinghao's sad incident.

Murong Sanniang also noticed it, and hurriedly shouted:
"Come in and sit down, come in quickly. Xiaoyu, help the old lady out quickly. Tell the old lady that Master Jing Hao is back."

Murong Sanniang thought that she didn't know her mother's appearance, so she had to help her mother out to have a look. Today, she got the news that her father was seriously ill, and her mother had been reciting scriptures inside.Now if I hear that Jing Hao is back.You will be happy.

As soon as everyone sat down to drink tea, Uncle Fu's mother was helped out by the girl. Seeing Fu Jinghao, she hurriedly stepped forward to salute and shouted:

"Master Sun, it really is Young Master Sun! Heaven has eyes, the young master and the young mistress can rest assured, now Young Master Sun looks so good. Amitabha!"

(End of this chapter)

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