farmer's daughter

Chapter 706 Goodbye Hong

Chapter 706 Goodbye Hong
Chapter [-] Goodbye Hong
Fu Jinghao accepted the holy metaphor.He took his own people to Haikun County.

As for Xuejian, within a month, the Lu family's house has also been built in a rough shape.Mr. Lu stayed there all the time and watched the construction of the house. The person in charge of building the house for them was brought by Shen Erzhu. They can be regarded as the latest builders, and they used the ones from Xuejian. Mr. Lu was very interested in the materials and expressed his desire to do this business.But Xuejian refused, because the business now belongs to the He family.

For He Yuan, the main income in the past few years has been on this.Therefore, He Yuan and even the entire He family are very grateful for Xue Jian.But Xuejian wanted to use this to confirm her sister's status in the He family.

The He family dare not underestimate Xiaocao.Not to mention that Xiaocao is Prince Rui's older sister, and now Xiaocao is no ordinary person.She and Liang Shuang's clothing store opened in the capital.However, the capital is just a branch, and the real main store is still in Qingyang City.

It's because both Liang Shuang and Xiaocao regard Qingyang as their home, and they don't want to leave here.Therefore, if those noble ladies in Beijing want to buy the specially made clothes of this store, they have to order in advance or send someone to the main store in Qingyang to wait for each new style to come out.

Xue Jian did not expect that the profit of the store opened for the two sisters is so good now, and it has completely dug out the potential of Xiaocao. A discarded girl at the beginning is now a real fashion master of this era. up.

Especially the noble ladies in Beijing are proud of getting Xiaocao's specially made clothes.

A house is being built here, but Xuejian took her family members and a few young ladies from the Lu family to her hometown, Shenjia Village, this time mainly to marry sister Yueya.

Compared to the last time she married Yueyun, Yueya's marriage is even more grand.Of course, except that the dowry is from Xue Jian's side.Xuejian didn't care about other things this time, she really was a guest once, just like a relative when she came back and left.Shen Erzhu and Lan Shi are the hosts of this event.

Now Shen Erzhu and Lan's are people who can talk in this Shenjia Village.The family also used two girls.Lan's taking over Liang Chengfang's embroidery workshop has been very successful. Although everyone knows that she has borrowed Xue Jian's tricks, but because of this, everyone still wants to sell her account.Because she is serious and responsible in doing things, and others like what she makes.

The main reason is that there are two new designs on her hand from time to time, which are said to have been designed by Prince Rui.

When the three Misses of the Lu family were in the Lu family, they were really raised as ladies of the family, but they didn't expect that this disaster would make them experience a different life.For them, this kind of life is called a real life. They never thought that Prince Rui was just a little girl.

I didn't expect Xiaocao to support such a big family and manage a store so well.Looking back, what can I do?The three girls decided to have a good talk with their father after returning to Qingyang, whether they should also learn something.

The rest of the wedding went smoothly, except that when the bride was about to leave the village, she was stopped by a man.This person is the retired Hong family.The Hong family stops the wedding sedan chair and says goodbye.It was just to ask for some money, and now she couldn't live in her natal family.It's also because the Shen family is getting more and more prosperous. If he hadn't been divorced in the Shen family, maybe her natal family would also get a little bit of money, but now, it's getting a lot of money.When people talk about their family, they will say,

"Oh, the Hong family, that is, the family of the woman who was divorced by the Shen family!"

Since then, it has been difficult to find marriages for the girls of the Hong family.This made the Hong family very angry.Just kicked her out.

Normally, she would not dare to go back to Shenjia Village just to beg for food, because she knew that she could not offend people from Xuejian's side, so she took advantage of this matter today to ask for some money.

She stopped the groom who was riding a horse and said:
"I'm your mother-in-law, come down quickly! If you want to marry my daughter, you have to make it clear."

I have never seen such a thick-skinned person.Dare to come back and pretend to be an old man after being dismissed?

This time it was Shen Chengzu who stepped forward to answer her.

Shen Chengzu looked at his mother's tattered body, but she was not as fat as before, presumably because her life is much worse now.There is no one to feed her anymore.

Shen Chengzu's eyes were a bit complicated, but he also understood that what can't be missed now is his sister's marriage.Shen Chengzu and a few cousins ​​were all married off together this time, but it gave his younger sister a face, and a few talented brothers from her natal family were married off.This is probably the only one in a radius of ten miles.

But the Hong family stopped him.Everyone brought up some old jokes from the Shen family to discuss.This made Yue Ya who was sitting in the sedan chair very angry.I really want to rush out and ask this mother, what are you trying to do?
Shen Chengzu turned his head and nodded to Shen Chengye, then dismounted himself and pulled his mother aside, letting the wedding procession go first.

The groom officer looked at this uncle, Shen Chengzu nodded and let them go first.The matchmakers were also sensible and took the people away first.

Shen Chengzu pulled Hong Shi who was still struggling and said:

"You'd better not stop it. If you do, Xue'er will embarrass you even more!"

Hong paused for a moment and stopped struggling.Instead, he sat down all at once, regardless of the dirt on the floor.She started her snarky routine again, crying and scolding.Said Yueya has no conscience.Said that the Shen family was sorry for her,

Shen Chengzu waited for the crowd to disperse before going up to persuade her:

"Go find a place to live in. I will give you some money every month. I will pay you until you are old, but if you want to spend a lot, then I can't help it. I will give you five hundred dollars a month." The money is enough for you to eat and drink."

"Where can I find a place to live? Your uncle thinks I'm dragging them down, so they kicked me out a long time ago. If I hadn't secretly taken some money back then, I would have starved to death these days. Look, My mother has lost weight now. Because my mother hasn’t eaten all day, I only ate one steamed bun yesterday.”

As she said that, she burst into tears, and the children in the village who hadn't gone far laughed when they saw her in the distance.

In the end, Shen Chengzu took out a tael of silver from his body and gave it to her, saying:
"Look for a place to live first. Remember, if you come to trouble anyone in the Shen family again, especially the married sisters and sisters of our family. If you trouble them, I won't bother is you."

Holding the silver in hand, Hong got up slowly and said:
"Where can I find you after that?"

Shen Chengzu frowned and said:
"I'll say hello to Fu Wangshan, you just leave a letter with him, just tell him where you live, and in the future, I will ask someone to send you money."

"Chengzu, can mother just follow you?"

The Hong family really suffered this time.Seeing that his son was still a little filial, he wanted to follow him.

Shen Chengzu twitched the corner of his mouth and said:

"What are you doing with me? I'm always asking for something in Xue'er's village now. You go with her? Besides, look, my younger sisters are all married, but what about me? Mother! Those Years, you missed me! If you really taught me with your heart back then, I wouldn't have done it. Otherwise, I... Alas, it's useless to say these things now. Mom, you should know yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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