farmer's daughter

Chapter 709 Restarting the Salt Road

Chapter 709 Restarting the Salt Road
Chapter 710 Restarting the Salt Road
"Salt production?!"

The emperor said lightly, but he cast a big stone in the hearts of everyone.This is salt?There is also salt in the interior?Aren't they all from overseas?What does Prince Rui do to produce salt?

Everyone has doubts. Looking at the emperor, even Wei Shangshu wanted to ask, how did you produce the salt?
"Ha ha ha ha."

The emperor saw that everyone was hesitant to speak, and laughed loudly:
"Lianhou, tell everyone."


Lian Quchen raised the corner of his mouth, turned around with a smile and said to the ministers:
'Everyone, everyone remember Li County, Li County is the poorest and worst county that we all know in our hearts.Last year, when Prince Rui was promoting corn planting, the magistrate of Li County begged to come to his door.He said that Li County couldn't grow corn, and nothing he grew in Li County was confiscated, so he asked Prince Rui to check it out. '

"As a result, Prince Rui personally visited all the places in Li County, and found that the reason why Li County can't grow anything is because there is brine underground in Li County, and this brine can produce salt!"

"Prince Rui was overjoyed. It happened that the Supreme Emperor was also in Qingyang, so the prince reported to the Supreme Emperor, and the Supreme Emperor immediately sent a letter to the emperor. Then the emperor rewarded Li County to the prince as a food town, so that the prince could build a salt factory to produce salt. .From last year to the present, the salt workshop has produced nearly ten thousand catties of salt. But now only two or three salt wells have been opened. The prince is now opening the fourth salt well. Therefore, after our dynasty, the salt no longer has to worry about overseas. The salt is gone."

Lian Quchen explained the ins and outs, and everyone understood.Everyone said why the emperor gave Li County to the popular prince, thinking it was to shock the prince, but he didn't expect that there would be such a big event in the middle!

In this way, everyone secretly guessed who they would give the sea salt road to, but now it seems that there is no such thing.All the benefits are given to Prince Rui!

The emperor laughed and said:

"You don't have to think about it secretly, just say what you think."

Congchen became quiet all of a sudden, he had an idea, but what should I say?Now the new prime minister is Prince Rui's uncle, and the favored Lianhou is Prince Rui's elder brother. If you offend one, you will offend the whole family, and you can't afford to offend any one you bring out.

So everyone shut up.Some people think:

"It's only starting now, let's talk about it later when something goes wrong."

But there is also someone who is not afraid of things.It was Wang Zicheng, the last champion. Wang Zicheng is now working in the Imperial Academy. In fact, his family can be regarded as a scholarly family, but he was born in a fertile south of the Yangtze River, and his family also has a thousand acres of fertile land. Exams are only his pleasure. I didn't want to be an official at first, but I met one or two good friends and wanted to stay in the capital for a few more years, so I accepted the Hanlin position offered by the court.

Usually he is not qualified to go to court, but today is a great court, so he is qualified to come and hear about the important affairs of the court.Hearing this, he stood up and said:

"Your Majesty, my lords, I have something to say to the students. I just made a move in the court and took down the Lu and Xu two salt tyrants. These two families have dominated the salt road for hundreds of years. The result for the common people is that they can't afford salt or eat it. Salt. Now that the salt is under Prince Rui’s control again, the students want to ask, will they follow the original way? Will the salt be affordable in the future?”

Both the emperor and the ministers understood what Wang Zicheng meant. Not only did he want to ask whether the salt was still affordable, but he also wanted to ask if there would be another salt tyrant!
"Hahahaha, Wang Aiqing's words are reasonable. However, Prince Rui has also made arrangements for this. Here, the memorial is here, Liang Aiqing, come and tell everyone how this salt road will be managed in the future."


Liang Sheng looked calmer and more mature. Compared with Wang Zicheng in the same period just now, he did have more official images.

Liang Sheng said in a deeper voice:

"About the salt road. Prince Rui wrote a letter to the emperor. From now on, all the salt roads in the entire dynasty will be owned by the court. The price of salt cannot be adjusted at will. If anyone sells high-priced salt, he will be punished with death. Salt will not be a commodity for profit in the future. , can only be sold as ordinary goods for the common people. The original salt merchants will continue to sell salt if they sell at the current unified price for the whole dynasty. "

Lei Shangshu stood up and said:
"That won't work, Your Majesty, the transportation and mining of this salt will cost a lot of labor. Who will post this part?"

Liang Shengyue replied:

"Master Lei's words have been discussed between the emperor and Prince Rui. Salt mining and transportation require money. This part, one is from the salt, and it is not at all profitable if it is not used for profit. The other is the treasury subsidy. This Lei Shangshu will be in charge of monitoring in the future, and see how much money will be paid to make up for the management of Yandao? According to Prince Rui's calculation, it should be self-sufficient."

"The calculated price of the salt reported by Prince Rui is three renminbi for half a catty of salt. The three renminbi includes the money for the salt miners and the transportation of the salt. My lords, who knows how much salt is currently on the market?" How much do you sell for a catty?"

Everyone is silent, because they all think they are officials, and they don't care about the housework, it's all women's business.For a long time no one came out to respond.Uncle Fu in the back row stood at the farthest corner and replied:
"Back to Mr. Liang, I just bought salt yesterday. I bought it at a shop on Luxi Street. Now coarse salt costs eight yuan a catty, and coarse salt is basically inedible, but it can be used for pickling vegetables. Fine salt costs 25 yuan A catty."

Liang Sheng smiled and said:
"Okay, have you heard it? In this way, the common people can still afford salt, right? Last year on the salt road, it was said that some salt encountered pirates, and there was less salt, and the price would increase. Salt delivery requires Money, everything needs money, but the money according to the salt tax should be 40 taels of silver, and only 13 three taels of silver arrived in the warehouse last year! Sir Lei, am I right?"

"Now I want to ask my lords. Where did the salt tax go? Those who send salt are still complaining, and they are still asking the court to issue a replacement vehicle to deliver salt. Therefore, the current new salt policy, even if the salt is not profitable, At least, the court will not be able to pay the money."

The shout made Liang Shengyue explain that this salt field does not belong to Prince Rui, but Prince Rui is there, so she manages it.The salt was not sold by Prince Rui, but by the court.First of all, we have to give discounts to the people.

Not only that, in the future, how many people are there in each place, and how much salt will be provided to this place, so that there will be excess salt.The court can also be sold to other dynasties.It can also bring benefits to the dynasty.

Moreover, apart from Li County, the Emperor and Prince Rui's people have begun to investigate several other similar places in the dynasty, if they find any salt.That also belongs to the court, and no one can mine it.

Because Prince Rui has repeatedly emphasized that mining salt is dangerous!

(End of this chapter)

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