farmer's daughter

Chapter 71 You Burned My House!

Chapter 71 You Burned My House!
Chapter 71 You Burned My House!

After chatting for a while, Yueyun also came to sit for a while.Look at the time is too late.Everyone went to sleep in their respective houses.Originally, Yuelian wanted to sleep with Xue and see them, but Lan saw that the bamboo fence house was also small, and the kang was not big, and besides, there was nothing on the kang, it was just a pit.Or took Yue Lian to the house to sleep.

After Xiaocao and Xuejian returned to the house, they whispered a few words and fell asleep.Because I was excited and tired from walking today, I slept very soundly as soon as I fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, the door of the East Wing opened quietly.A small figure came out.He walked lightly into the kitchen.After a while, he came out with a handful of firewood in his hand.Then he walked softly to the bamboo fence house.After a pause, he turned around and circled the bamboo fence house, and turned to the back of the bamboo fence house.Stretched out his hand on his feet.Found out of reach.Turned back again.Stand on the stone under that roof.Then he squatted down and lit the firewood with a flint and steel.Then throw the firewood on the roof of the bamboo fence.

The weather is dry and dry, and that is the thatch that has been exposed to the sun for several days.When encountering this burning firewood, it is really dry firewood meeting a raging fire, and the fire spreads with a bang.The thatch burned very fast, and it rushed to the roof of the third room in an instant.That's also thatch!With the wind at night, the roof instantly burst into flames!
Under the thatch, the roof is only supported by harder bamboo.After a while it started to crackle.The person who lit the fire standing in the yard originally smiled when he saw the fire blazing up.Before he could finish laughing, he saw that the fire had rushed to the second room, and he was also frightened.I don't know what to do for a while!
And Xiaocao and Xuejian were sound asleep, they didn't feel the burning at all.It's hot, how can there be anything not hot in this summer?In the dimness, I feel that this is normal.Shen Sanzhu, who was sleeping in the other room, was awakened by the crackling of bamboo.As soon as I woke up, I felt this different heat wave.He rushed out of the house and shouted:
"It's in the water. Second brother, second sister-in-law, it's in the water. See you, Xiaocao!"

But Xiaocao and Xuejian did not respond.Shen Sanzhu looked at the fire, rushed into the bamboo fence house, and hugged them out one by one.Just out of the house.The bamboo fence house fell down.And Sanzhu's cry woke everyone up.Shen Erzhu also had a child in each hand, and carried Yue Lian and Cheng Qiang out.Lan's cried and pulled Yueyin out.

Several children were frightened and froze.Shen Sanzhu and Shen Erzhu hurriedly picked up the bucket by the well and poured water on the house.Shen Dazhu's family also came out.Old Mr. Shen and Mrs. Wang came out too.Old Mr. Shen roared:
"Get some water!"

The frightened children wanted to help fetch water one by one.You bump me, I bump you.Water is also wasted a lot.Watching Xiaocao fetching water to splash the three-bedroom house.

Xue Jian shouted:
"Don't worry about our family, save the second uncle's family! Brother Chengqiang, come and splash the water, we will deliver the water one by one faster, the second sister is fetching water by the well, and sister Xiaocao, I, and sister Yueyin pass on the water. Water, this is faster. Yue Lian, you are responsible for bringing the empty basin your brother used to the second sister."

No matter what the adults did, the children listened to Xuejian's words, and it turned out that the water spread faster, and the part of the fire that Cheng Qiang was responsible for splashing was suppressed.Then pour it up one by one.But Chengqiang's strength is weak, and he can't splash it for a while.Shen Sanzhu stood up and asked Cheng Qiang to pass the water too.Shen Erzhu took the bamboo pole and pulled out the burning and dry ones as much as possible, and shouted:

"Old and young men in the village, the water is gone!"

After a while, people from the nearby houses all came, and with everyone's concerted efforts, one of the second-bedroom houses was kept.The three-bedroom house and its contents are gone, only a pile of ashes, four walls, and an earth kang are left!
Looking at the burned house, Wang and Lan sat down on the ground and cried loudly!This is ruined, and there is nothing left!Can someone who doesn’t even have a place to live call home?

The girls also sat around together, tired and scared.Especially Xiaocao and Xue were afraid after seeing each other for a while. If their father hadn't been there, they would have been burned to death in that house. Looking at the bamboo fence house where they slept since childhood, now there is only a pitch-black mass.

Shen Erzhu and Shen Sanzhu are still searching in Erzhu's room.Hoping to find something that didn't burn out.If you have more of the same, you can set less of the same in the future.

The old Shentou didn't burn the cigarette anymore, Goulou turned his body and looked at the burned place, his deep voice sounded like a ghost from the underworld in this dark night.

"Who started the fire?"

In the corner under the eaves of the East Wing, curled up a small figure, after hearing what old Shentou said, he screamed with trembling voice:
"No, it's not me. I just want to burn those two dead girls to death, I don't want to burn the house of my second uncle and third uncle!"

For a while, the courtyard fell silent.Then Lan jumped up and rushed over, shouting:

"You burned my house! You burned my house!"

He threw himself in front of that little figure, and was beaten down straight away.This is Hong's old son!Hong Shi didn't hold his chest at the door to watch the joke anymore.He also rushed over to stop Lan's hand, and shouted:
"You dare to beat my son! My mother is not dead yet! So what if you burn your house? Who told you to be together. Didn't you hear him say that he wanted to burn you?"

I've never seen such a child-protecting person!What Hong said made everyone dumbfounded!Shen Dazhu's youngest son, Shen Chengjia!This year is only six years old!He was usually just a bastard, bullying other people's children in the village.Didn't expect to do such a bad thing.Those who had not yet left to help shook their heads when they heard the sermon.It seems that this Mr. Shen can come out to everyone!A child who is only six years old dares to burn people to death!It's all because of such a mother!How can such a person teach a good son?
Seeing that there was nothing that could be done to help, all the helpers left.The remaining Shen family members only looked in one direction.That was Shen Cheng's family. Although Shen Cheng's family had done evil things, he was still young.I also regretted it after seeing the fire spread, but can this kind of thing be justified by saying that I regret it?The destruction destroyed the houses of the two families.

The dizzy Lan Shi was no match for a fat man like Hong Shi.After a few strokes, he was blocked by the Hong family.He was still slapped while pulling.Lan's didn't agree now.While crying, he rushed towards Hong Shi, put his head on Hong Shi's stomach, pushed Hong Shi back several steps and leaned against the wall.With the wall blocking Hong, Hong grabbed Lan's hair and pulled it violently. Lan couldn't bear the pain, so he stretched out his hand and pulled it down.He pulled Hong Shi's pants off at once.For a moment, those white thighs were dazzling under the little light.Hong shi was still beating Lan shi vigorously, but when he saw Lan shi fell down, he jumped on him!
(End of this chapter)

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