farmer's daughter

Chapter 719 Why Are There Two

Chapter 719 Why Are There Two

Chapter 720 Why Are There Two

It was almost another month before Xuejian received another letter from Fu Jinghao.The letter was sent when they left for the capital, saying that they had found the property of the Xu family, and also said in the letter that they had found something different.

Xuejian was very shocked after seeing it, because from the news sent by Fu Jinghao.This is not an ordinary box, but a modern aluminum alloy box.And the letters above it seem.That's a lockbox.Did this person come from modern times?What does this man do?These are also things that make Xuejian a little scared.If something was exposed, wouldn't he become the monster they said?
When Xue Jian was worried about this problem, Fu Jinghao and his party had all arrived in the capital.Because the things I brought were precious, even though I hurried along the way, it took more than half a month to reach the capital.

Fu Jinghao and his entourage also caused a small commotion when they arrived in the capital.Because what Changsun Minxing didn't find this time, Fu Jinghao found it.This incident greatly improved Fu Jinghao's reputation!The last time he came into everyone's eyes, it was because he was engaged to Prince Rui.

Now he has made such a big contribution again.The emperor sent Lian Hou to welcome them into the capital.I pulled several carriages, and I heard that those carriages were found from the Xu family, and there were several prison carts.The people in the prison van were the members of the Xu family, all of them looked dull-eyed.It was as if he was resigned to his fate and waiting for his trial.

After entering the capital, all the things were directly pulled into the palace.The emperor also came to see the things in the carriage in person after the morning court.It looks like stone, but it is real gold.

Liang Shengyue followed behind, took a look and said:
"It's easier to put these in the warehouse than the gold ingots before. They are one piece, but they don't need to be used. I'm afraid they have to be melted into gold ingots."

The emperor nodded and said:

"Give me the weight of these and count them first. Then take them and dissolve them. Leave a message for the Department of Banking. I can't waste these at all. Otherwise, I have to ask them for an explanation."

Eunuch Song immediately went to deliver the decree.Fu Jinghao ordered Ren Fei to follow him all the way, weighed the gold and handed it over to the Siyin Bureau and it was over.

Then Fu Jinghao brought Liang Shengyue to the coffin, explained everything in detail, and showed everyone the box he had been carrying with him all the time, because he heard that the place where he found it was poisonous, but it was not. People dare to touch it.Eunuch Song also took a step forward to prevent the poison from hurting the emperor.

Naturally, Liang Sheng also saw the letters written by Xue Er on the box.A little shocked, his shock did not escape the eyes of the emperor, the emperor asked sharply:
"Does Liang Aiqing know this word?"

The more busy Liang Sheng straightened his face, he turned around a few times and said:

"I don't know, I'm just a little surprised by this thing. It looks like people have become bones, which means that it has been buried there for some years. This box looks bright and shiny. It seems that this kind of thing does not belong to our dynasty. ?”

The emperor also nodded and said:
"It really doesn't look like iron, but what is this and where did it come from?"

Fu Jinghao said:
"I don't know. In order to find out, we even talked to Master Xu, but he didn't talk to us."

The emperor frowned and said:
"Then Liang Aiqing will go back and interrogate this person to see what this is."

In fact, what the emperor didn't say is that this is not the first time he has seen this thing.This is the second he has seen.

The first one is the box that is still in the warehouse of the deep palace, and it is also the box that was obtained from the enemy's family back then.For that box, Qiu's family was exiled.Unexpectedly, there is an identical box in the world!

The emperor looked at the box in Fu Jinghao's hand and said:
"I'll take it and follow me."

Liang Sheng looked at Fu Jinghao more and more hesitantly, he was afraid that Fu Jinghao would say that Xue Jian could write such characters.Because when he was in the Liang family, Fu Jinghao also saw it.

In fact, the more Liang Sheng didn't know, Fu Jinghao had not only seen it, Xuejian had also taught him to spell it, and he had done it through the intermediary.This is not pinyin, read it according to pinyin, you can't read it.It's just written in the same pinyin.

Fu Jinghao followed the emperor into the warehouse of the palace.The emperor asked people to open the door of the warehouse, and some doors could only be opened with the keys of two people.The last one.But it was opened by the emperor himself.

After opening it, I thought that the storeroom in the palace must be glittering with gold, but it was not. Everything was packed in different wooden boxes.From the outside, I really can't see what it is.

The emperor didn't say anything, just nodded to Fu Jinghao and said:
"You come with me."

Fu Jinghao followed with his head down the whole time.Once inside, the shelves are full of things.Inside is a smell of dust for a long time, but it is also very dry.

When he came to the corner, the emperor pointed to a box and said:

"You open this."

Fu Jinghao really opened the wooden box, but inside was a box that was exactly the same as his own.Fu Jinghao was shocked.

The emperor said softly:
"Take this out, too. Can you see if the two are the same?"

Fu Jinghao raised his hand and took a closer look, but they were all the same!

Fu Jinghao turned to look at the emperor and said:

"This is the reason why the enemy family was exiled back then."

As soon as the emperor said it, Fu Jinghao understood immediately.This is the bane box of Qiu Yuan's family, Xue'er's third senior brother.But why is it the same as the one in hand?Xue Er said last time, or she would go to the emperor to show that she can open it, it seems that this is it.

The emperor thought for a while and said:

"Take it all out. Take it out and have a look."

Fu Jinghao carried two boxes and followed the emperor out of the warehouse.Came to the royal study.Then someone called Liang Shengyue and Lian Quchen.And asked someone to send a message to the Supreme Emperor.

As soon as the Supreme Emperor came, he saw two boxes on the table in the imperial study, and his face changed:

"Your Majesty, why are there two?"

The emperor told the other story, the emperor wiped his cold sweat and said:

"Fortunately, people were taken down and brought back. But how did they get this, they must ask. This thing is incredible. Back then, it was said that this thing contained something that could open up the world. Open it to see in the next year. But the damned enemy knows the way to open it, but he doesn't open it. I'm afraid of smashing something in the middle, so I haven't dared to smash it. But I tried it, and it's easy to use a normal knife. It’s hard to open this one, look here, it’s just some marks I made to open it back then. It seems to have faded a lot!”

(End of this chapter)

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