Chapter 726

Chapter 720
Lian Shi can't even die, no one will collect the body after death!Throw it to a mass grave!She believes that Fu Xiangcheng can do what he can say.And if he was divorced and went back to his mother's house, he would end up miserable!
Lian's face was ashen, and he stared at Mr. Fu until his eyes were red and bloodshot.Still staring at Mr. Fu.

The housekeeper and Uncle Fu began to get busy arranging Lian's things.Because Fu Xiangcheng has always been a person who executes what he says, and he also has the temper of the army at home!
Seeing that she was powerless to recover, Lian became soft all of a sudden, only her former dowry girl and now an old woman stepped forward to support her and shouted:
"Miss, miss, you can't just leave it like this! You still have a young master and a young lady!"

Fu Xiangcheng said in a deep voice:

"Let's go, Jing Hao, this family has nothing to do with us."

Fu Jinghao nodded. In fact, seeing the family like this, Fu Jinghao didn't feel relieved, even though he gave his mother an explanation.

Fu Jinghao followed his grandfather back to the small yard that his grandfather rented temporarily.Following behind grandpa, it seems that grandpa's legs are a little shorter, and his back is not so straight.His face was always sullen. Thinking about it, he felt uncomfortable for making such a decision.

When Mr. Fu came back, he locked himself in his room, saying that he was going to rest.Fu Jinghao knew that he was feeling bad, so he nodded and went out first.

Going back outside again, Fu Jinghao recruited Wu Lin who had brought him to Beijing this time.Wu Lin was a man with ideas. Fu Jinghao told him that he wanted to secretly bring out the little grandson of the Xu family.And the youngest son of the Xu family.these two people.Wu Lin frowned and said:

"This family is all criminals!"

Fu Jinghao nodded and said:
"I know he's a murderer. I made a deal with Patriarch Xu for that little grandson, and I agreed to save the kid. The kid doesn't understand anything. I like that kid. He's not bad, although A scholar. But that guts are okay. I want to stay."

"In this way, I will try my best to settle this matter. We use medicines, but the medicines given to these two people are different. When collecting the corpses, you arrange personnel to move these two people away."

"Yes, boss!"

Wu Lin thought about it, so he went down to make arrangements.That night, Fu Jinghao quietly went to see senior brother Lian Quchen, and told Lian Quchen some things.Lian Quchen nodded and said:
"Okay, you can arrange it. I'll talk to the emperor. Isn't the queen about to give birth recently? I suggest that the emperor should not be popular. Handle these matters and leave them to your people."

Fu Jinghao nodded.Turn around and go back to the small yard.Seeing that his grandfather was still asleep, Fu Jinghao said:

"Grandpa, are you still awake?"

"Jing Hao, come here. I think I'll move to live with your third uncle tomorrow. When you leave, I'll go to Qingyang with you to see."

Fu Jinghao nodded and said:
"Grandpa, you're right to think so. Don't worry. You won't regret going to Qingyang."

After thinking about it, he said:
"Grandpa. I think so. When we go to Qingyang in the future, we can't have a mistress at home. Otherwise, you can take Grandma Mei away."

Grandma Mei is Uncle Fu's biological mother.Fu Jinghao thought that when he arrived in Qingyang, he would be a person running around, and it would not be good for his grandfather to be alone at home. It would be better to let Grandma Mei go with him, firstly, grandpa would have a companion, and secondly, he would also take care of grandpa.

Mr. Fu nodded.He was silent again.This time Lian's actions made him feel cold.In addition, knowing that his son and son-in-law joined forces to drug him.Mr. Fu's ambition was completely extinguished in one fell swoop!

Now, just be an old man and look after this grandson.For the rest of your life, just follow your grandson.

Fu Jinghao looked at his grandfather's appearance, and knew that if he wanted to cheer up his grandfather, he might only be able to do it in Qingyang.When the time comes, let him see all the things going on with Qingyang Xueer, maybe he will have the ambition to cheer up again.

The next day, when going to court.In front of everyone, the emperor told some things about the Xu family.For nothing else but for the collected gold and the resistance of the Xu family, the Xu family was sentenced to death.The emperor wanted to punish the nine clans, but even Quchen, Liang Shengyue and Wei Shangshu stopped them.

Even Quchen and Wei Shangshu had the same reason, they were all for the good fortune of the child in the empress' womb!This reason left the emperor speechless.

Take this opportunity.Lian Quchen said again:
"Even the execution of the Xu family is not suitable for seeing blood. I suggest that the special team handle this matter. I heard that they have a new drug in their hands recently. It can be used to test the drug."

For the sake of my daughter, besides, everyone was somewhat taboo about such things.Therefore, Wei Shangshu seconded the proposal immediately.

In the end, it was decided that the execution will be supervised by Master Hu Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, and the execution will be carried out by members of the special team!Because I was worried that the Xu family might have contacts with pirates in the past, and I was afraid that if I stayed for a long time, I would have long nights and dreams, so I decided to solve this matter as soon as possible.

When Fu Jinghao received the order, he was talking with Uncle Fu about taking Aunt Mei away.Murong can go to the ground now, but Uncle Fu won't let her out, let her take good care of her body.I heard what the old father did, and later I also heard that after the Nalian family expressed their disapproval of the divorced Lao Lian, the daughter of the Lao Lian cried so hard that she asked her nanny to give her some money. go.

And Fu Erlang was even more depressed.In the end, I had to find another small yard for my mother, and let my mother and two maids live first.You have to do your own thing well.Because after Mrs. Li returned to her mother's house, the next day.Li's father, a servant of the Ministry of Rites, came to the door.After scolding Fu Erlang, he didn't say anything, and asked him to sign the reconciliation letter. After the reconciliation, it has nothing to do with him if Mrs. Li remarries.The child is small.Li took it away.Fu Erlang can hardly take care of himself, let alone his children.

This family is completely broken up!
After hearing about them.Uncle Fu didn't say anything more.Just sighed:
"The poor are all children."

Fu Jinghao knew that the third uncle was a good old man, and everyone's children were pitiful. He didn't think about it, if they didn't make trouble, the child in the third aunt's stomach would not be lost.

On the third day, it was the day when Xu's family was to be executed.Yesterday night.Fu Jinghao led people into the cell.To verify the number of people.Checked it out.The number of people is correct. When he saw Patriarch Xu, Patriarch Xu looked straight at Fu Jinghao, and Fu Jinghao nodded.Patriarch Xu felt relieved.He believed that General Fu would save his little grandson.It's fine if you die.

(End of this chapter)

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