farmer's daughter

Chapter 739 Artificial oil extraction 1

Chapter 739 Artificial oil extraction 1
Chapter 740 Artificial oil extraction

Xuejian also went forward to salute Grandpa Niu, and said hello:
"Grandpa Niu. Come and have a look at this thing. I want it to keep swinging. The wood on both sides of the shelf is used as a support."

Lao Niu glanced at it and stopped, because it didn't have much to do with him. He is a blacksmith, and the carpenter's things are mostly checked to see if there are any requirements for the joints.

Then he looked at the last picture that Xue Jian showed him, to tell the truth.He didn't understand what it was for many years, but Xuejian said while pointing:
"Look at this, it's a bit like the barrel on the threshing machine we made, but I'm going to use iron to make it. It needs to be a little thicker. On this side, I want to open a door for the Put the ingredients in. Here, you make a small one first. Let’s try it first.”

After thinking about it, Xue Jian said again:

"In this case, I'll make a clay one for you to see first. Let's think about where it is more convenient to do it."

Butler Huang on the side didn't understand, he didn't know what they were talking about.Hearing what Xuejian said, and knowing that Xuejian had made clay models before, he immediately asked his servants to prepare the clay.Let Xuejian be a model.

He stepped forward and asked:

"Prince, what are you using this for?"

Xue Jian smiled and said:
"Press the oil! I want to squeeze out the oil, and everyone will have oil to eat in the future."

Well, the prince said that he didn't know what he was doing, how to extract oil?
The mud was brought, and Xue Jian didn't care about anything, tied up her sleeves, and started to knead the mud.Speaking of tying sleeves, it was Grandma Mei who came and felt that it was not good for Xue Jian to roll up her sleeves and do something.So I made a few ribbons for Xuejian, and Xuejian took it with me, and tied up her sleeves when she was going to do something.

While pinching, Xuejian told Lao Niu how to use it.When talking about burning it with fire below, the old cow said:

"Understood, this is to make a pot, and the two ends can swing gently."

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Yes, Grandpa Niu. That's what it means. If we fry something in it, we don't need people to turn it over. If the thing swings from side to side, it will turn over naturally. Because in the end we may fry a large amount, dozens of catties, or It can be hundreds of catties or two hundred catties."

The old Niutou looked at the mud, then at the picture drawn by Xuejian, nodded and said:

"Okay, I see. I'll make you a small one first, and you can try it at home. If it doesn't work, you can change it when you make it bigger."

Xue Jian nodded.The old bull turned around and went to his disciples for help.The blacksmithing business here is doing well now.Because those kinds of farm tools are famous, the common people are attracted to bring all kinds of farm tools here to fight.

Xuejian turned around and found Guanjia Huang, saying:

"Housekeeper Huang, at the end of this year, rapeseed will be planted on the Zhuangzi of the princess's sister. I will provide the seeds. You have seen the one I planted on the Zhuangzi, the small black one. Then it will be It can be used to extract oil."

Butler Huang nodded and said:
"You just have to say it, anyway, it's the operation of Zhuangzi now. The princess said it, and I will do it according to what you said. You said, I will arrange it. However, this thing is really delicious. ?”

Xue Jian smiled and said:
"You'll know in a few days."

Three days later, Steward Huang came with a carriage, and the old Niutouer and a worker also came, and brought the small oil press thing that had been made.

Once at Zhuangzi.The old cow head shouted:
"Xue'er, this thing of yours is a bit too difficult to make. First, it is round. Second, it is this part. You said that you want to pour the grain out from here. I thought about it, and I can't make this all upside down. .In that case, the food will be poured down to the fire place below."

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"I forgot to make it clear. Master, this one is not poured like this. This one should stand on a higher floor, so that the round one can be poured out as long as it is swung like this. There is another set of things under this. Look, here, I Let’s try to make one with wood first, I asked my father and them, they said that the wood is relatively hard, but it is still not as good as iron. We will have to use iron in the future.”

Butler Huang stepped forward to look at the thing that Xuejian was pointing at, and it was obvious that it was made of a large piece of wood.But make this big piece of wood into a weird spinning thing.

Snow said:
"This, I call it a screw column. The material coming from the top will fall here, so that the screw column keeps turning, and the grain will be squeezed out of the oil in the middle. In this way, it becomes oil. What comes out here is oil, and what comes out here is slag.”

Xue Jian gestured to explain to everyone, Xue Jian looked at the things made by the old bull head and said:

"We can try it."

Having said that, people began to choose a place with one height and one short according to her request, set up a floor stove on the high place, and then installed the one that the old bull's head had just brought.In the lower place, a wooden barrel-style oil press made by Xuejian was also installed.The helix post was also installed.Operation can only be manual now.Move something like the rudder of a ship behind it, and keep turning it, which can drive the screw column to turn.

Everything is installed.Xuejian asked someone to take some rapeseed out of the warehouse.Weighed first.Xue Jian calculated.It took ten catties to try.Get someone to light the fire first, Xue Jian wants to go forward to get it.Shen Sanzhu came over and said:
"You said on the side, I'll come."

Xuejian didn't argue anymore.Shen Sanzhu stepped forward and poured the rapeseed into the round pot first.Then just shake gently on both sides.The iron round pot swayed by itself, and everyone could hear the rustling sound of the rapeseed inside.

Because Xue has seen it before.Probably just stir-fry the rapeseed, it is better to remove a little skin.

Therefore, Shen Sanzhu took some out of it from time to time to have a look, and finally pinched Xue Jian and said:

"Father, feel it, pinch it, that's it, it should be all right."

Shen Sanzhu tried it seriously, and the rapeseed became soft when he held it, and the skin fell off when he squeezed it back.According to what Xue Jian said, Shen Sanzhu poured out those rapeseeds and poured them into the ditch below, where Lu Cheng was.According to what Xue Jian said, once the top falls down, the bottom has to turn.

Originally, I wanted to make a funnel to complete this step, but I haven't had time to make it yet.But Xue Jian asked Ban Xia behind him to write it down.This must be done.Because this is the first time to try it.Xuejian realized that it should not be poured too fast, otherwise the wooden spiral would not be able to turn.The smoothness of this thing is not as good as that of iron.It was the first time to use it again, so Xuejian thought that it would still have to be made of iron, but thinking about it, if it were made into such a large pillar of iron, it would be too heavy.I still have to think of a way.

(End of this chapter)

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