farmer's daughter

Chapter 743 Hu Guo's Invitation

Chapter 743 Hu Guo's Invitation

Chapter 740 Hu Guo's Invitation

The smell of the fish brought by old man Mo immediately attracted old man Qin's greediness, and the two of them were now being raised by Xue Jian.When gluttons come up from time to time, the two of them get entangled with Xuejian.This may be the reason why the old man Qin said that he would travel every year but still stayed in the leisurely villa.

One day old man Mo blocked him with these words.Old man Qin said leisurely:

"As Jing Hao's master. He can also be regarded as the master who teaches. How can I not watch him get married and have children?"

Well, that means going on with this life.

It doesn't matter to Xue Jian, if the two old people really go out to travel, she is not so relieved, besides the martial arts are high, people are old.What old people need most is family affection, and having relatives around them is the most important thing for them.

Usually, some of the dishes that Xue'er cooks are robbed by the two old men.Now that I have Master Fu, it is a little better, but I still eat from the bowl and look at the plate.

It was the days when Master Fu came here, after tasting Xuejian's craftsmanship, he sighed:

"Fortunately, it fell into our Fu's family. In the future, I will have a good fortune."

One sentence caused the two old men to stare at him.He hurriedly said:
"How could we miss the two of you?"

Only then did he round up the words.

As soon as the dishes were on the table, several old men picked up their chopsticks at the same time and stretched them out.Old Hou Ye, Old Shen Touer and Lao Niu Touer.This is rough people.He opened his mouth directly, but old man Qin looked at it first, then heard it and said:

"Sure enough, it tastes better than the old oil. The old oil made you feel greasy when you eat it. This is just right!"

Old Mo also nodded and said:

"So, the things that Xueer planted are still useful. They look like small black seeds. Old Niu, you can make a good one of those things later, and we will squeeze them again. I think the ones squeezed out today will almost be crushed by Xueer." It's all over."

Xuejian who happened to come in snorted and said:

"Master, you just want to eat it. I also want to promote this thing. There will be more varieties in the second half of this year. I have agreed. The princess sister's Zhuangzi will also be planted."

Old Hou Ye, who was eating with his head down, raised his head and said:

"I'll give you some land deed later, it's the dowry of Hao'er's mother and grandma. From now on, it's up to you."

Xue Jian blushed all of a sudden.I have managed the family business of the Fu family before I married him, what is this?Why not.

But the old Hou Ye seems to be nothing, anyway, it will be theirs sooner or later.

It's hard for Xuejian and old master Hou to talk about it, so she's going to talk to Fu Jinghao.

After harvesting the rice this time, Xue Jian planned to stop taking care of the field affairs.Just leave it to the eldest brother-in-law and Wu Qiming to take care of it, as long as the general direction is acceptable.After this season's autumn harvest, Xue Jian didn't care about distributing money to everyone.

They just summoned Pang Panghu and Song Genshi, as well as Lu Cheng, Wu Qiming, Xiaomu and other leaders to hold a meeting together.I am going to sort out the problems that still exist on Zhuangzi and some things that everyone wants to discuss.It is also determined that Lu Cheng will manage Zhuangzi in the future.

Xue Jian also handed over the Yantian side to Murong Xing and Jiang Youpeng.I don't want to worry about the little things anymore.Everyone met several times and made plans for the next few years.As long as there are no major incidents, you can follow the steps step by step.Xuejian straightened things up.I want to go out for a walk.

Mainly because Fu Jinghao came back and told about the box and the last secret of the Xu family.Xuejian wanted to find out.

But I don't want to, I just made some arrangements for these things.But came a decree.

The imperial decree this time is to invite Prince Rui to visit Hu State at the invitation of Emperor Hu!

By the way, he also brought a letter from Prince Batuo of Hu State to Xuejian, mainly saying that he wanted to invite Xuejian Hu State to have a look.Because his princess is pregnant with a child.So you can't come to the Eastern Dynasty.But there are many places where I want to ask Xuejian, especially I have discovered something recently, and I want to ask Xuejian to meet.None of them knew, but for some reason, the prince just believed that Xue Jian knew what it was.

Xue Jian is very interested in traveling to the Hu country.Immediately agreed to take over the imperial decree.Then it's time to start preparing things.Xuejian didn't plan to take the frame with her, but planned to go on a freelance tour by herself.But Fu Jinghao disagreed.Fu Jinghao said that you were invited by the emperor of Hu State to go out, so you can go in the name of Prince Rui.This is the face of the Eastern Dynasty.You can't just hit the horse and go alone.

Xue Jian sighed and said:

"Oh, this Batuo is real. Why do you make it so formal? Just write me a letter, and I will go by myself."

Fu Jinghao patted Xue Jian's head and said:

"Fool, it can't be like this. You are the prince now, and the prince can't leave the dynasty at will without the imperial order."


When Xue saw it, she stretched the corners of her mouth, and her face collapsed, saying:
"If I knew that being a prince is so unfree, I might as well not do it."

Old man Mo stared at the side again and said:

"What did you say?"

Xue Jian sighed and said:

"I didn't say anything, I'll pack up and salute. Eunuch Gu. Mother Tang, if I want to go out according to the etiquette, I have to take you with me. I leave these matters to you. Sigh, I'm still not free!"

Fu Jinghao also sighed:

"Look at the book. You and Prince Rong are the most free princes of all ages. According to the previous rules, people with the status of you princes cannot leave the capital at will. And you have not been in the capital for a long time now. free, okay?"

Xue Jian turned to look at Prince Rong.Prince Rong nodded.

Snow said:
"Master, Grandpa Qin, why don't you go out for a walk with me too. Don't you always say you're going to Yunyou?"

The two old men glanced at each other, if Xue Jian wanted to travel far away, they didn't say that both of them would go, at least one of them would go with him.

Neither of them spoke.Xue Jian took Mother Tang down to pack her things again.No matter what, we have to wait for the old bull to make something.Xuejian will go out.She wants to promote this thing.

In the same night, I sent another letter to the elder brother, the younger uncle, and the second elder brother.He also discussed with Fu Jinghao, and asked Fu Jinghao to go to Haikun County first, and bring back the things in the ancestral hall that Patriarch Xu said.

Fu Jinghao calculated the time and set off with his people overnight.Just right, walking at night is not easy to attract people's attention.

Xue Jian has to arrange everything at home.thought about it.If the two old ones followed him.After that, the affairs of the officials who came here had to be handed over to the old Hou Ye.As for the family affairs, I still have to leave it to my father to take care of it.

Thinking about it again, it may take several months to go out, and it may even be a year or a half.Because of the long distance, I also wanted to go out for a walk, so it is good to be prepared in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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