farmer's daughter

Chapter 747 There is a story in between

Chapter 747 There is a story in between
Chapter 740 There is a story in the middle

Lian Quchen took it over and took a look.It turned out to be the battle report from the northwest.The General News in the northwest said that recently, a small country in the northwest had repeatedly invaded. At first, they thought they were just a small matter.But I didn't expect that later, the people sent to check came back and reported that there was an army of 10 people and surrounded the fortresses in the northwest of the dynasty.

10 people.There are not 10 soldiers in that small country.That's what it says!It shows that the people here are not from this small country at all, but those who can cross this small country are the soldiers of Wuli country.

The prince Qiu Nanxing who came to Wuli country last time was framed by the prince, but after returning to China for some reason, Qiu Nanxing did not turn around and restrain the prince.Instead, he was sent by his father to work in their Hanlin Academy.That is a pension arrangement.

Wuli's emperor is old and entangled in the harem every day, and the government is slowly being ruled by the prince.The prince's position is secure, but the prince's ambitions are also growing.

There was originally a small country between Wuli Kingdom and the Eastern Dynasty.This small country has been paying tribute to Wuli Country all these years.It is a small dependent country.Everyone is safe and sound.

But now the prince wants to take the Eastern Dynasty directly, so he sneaked into the secret work of the Eastern Dynasty and reported back that salt was found in the Eastern Dynasty.Although Wuli Country is very big, it doesn't have a seafront, and all its salt is bought from other countries. Even Lu and Xu's family had lines to sell salt to Wuli back then.But now that there is no supply from Lu and Xu's family, the salt in Wuli country has skyrocketed.

Some people in the country can't afford salt.Violence occurs frequently.Some people can't eat salt.Gray hair or weakness starting at a young age can also contribute to violence.

So the prince planned to open a channel to get the salt by himself. After weighing it up and down, it was better for the Eastern Dynasty to take it!So, with half coercion and half lure, the small country agreed to send troops.In silence, the soldiers of the Wuli Dynasty arrived at the city in the northwest of the Dongfang Dynasty.

And the letter in his hand was sent by the general of the border town five days ago, that is to say, the war may have started now.What should be discussed now?
But what the Eastern Dynasty is now facing is no longer the problem of food and grass, but the problem of people.The leading person has appeared!Old people like Mr. Fu Laohou are too old, and various injuries are now appearing.Small ones like Fu Jinghao have never really led a big battle or participated in such a big struggle.Most of the characters in the middle generation almost died because of the First World War more than ten years ago.A few people were left to guard in the border town.

There are really not many people available to the emperor, only Fu Jinghao, Lian Quchen and Dongfang Minxing.Now Dongfang Minxing is still at the seaside.Then there are two more that can be used here.Lian Quchen was the only one who decided to let Fu Jinghao accompany Xuejian to Hu country.

Xue Jian thought about it and said:

"Brother Jing Hao, you don't need to go with me. There will be no risk on my way. People from the Hu country will pick me up at the border."

Fu Jinghao frowned slightly, but he also thought of it. Anyway, with two old men around, Xueer's safety is still fine, and Xueer's martial arts has also improved a lot this year.

The emperor looked at Lian Quchen and said:

"Lian Hou, and you. Jing Hao is going to the border town. He is still young, and it is better to have someone to discuss some places. What I mean is that the main city of the border town should be handed over to the general, and you will just leave it to the general. They are responsible for the defense line entering the border, and there is no place for them to tear a hole!"

Now it seems that the situation is imminent, and the two masters have to go to the border town.Xue Jian also looked at the elder brother with some worry, but Fu Jinghao didn't have to worry too much.Because now his martial arts are also very good.There are still a group of people around.And Eldest Brother has been operating in the capital, and some people around him are counselors or meticulous workers, and there are not many people who can protect him.

The most important thing is that the county chief has given birth to a child, and there are two younger ones at home.Xue Jian felt a little like crying when she thought about it.

But for a man, being able to do something for the dynasty in his whole life is what they want to do most.The two agreed immediately.Go home right away and get ready.Then go to the school grounds and set off.Urgently!
Come out from the palace.The few people did not go to Lianhou's Mansion, but returned to the Prince's Mansion.In the prince's mansion, two old men are playing chess.Playing chess with old man Mo is something that old man Qin only does when he has nothing else to do.Because old man Mo would start to regret the chess after he made a few moves, often the two of them ended up with force in a game of chess.One has to regret, the other is not allowed to regret, that one has too much skill, anyway Xue Jian knows that they will destroy a set of chess pieces in the next round!
But the two of them still have a hobby, not Yuzi!Anyway, Xue Jian didn't know where they got so many jade stones. Fortunately, the chess pieces they played with were not jade pieces, but ordinary chess pieces.I saw three people returning home.Old Mo immediately called out:
"Xue'er, Xue'er, I don't have any chess pieces left, so I can't play this easily!"

Xue Jian took a look and said:
"Next time, ask Grandpa Niu to make a pair of iron for you."

Old man Mo slapped his legs and said:
"That's right, why didn't I think at the time that those undamaged jade stones would be wrapped in iron by him. I'll look for him next time I go back."

It's settled.Turning his head to look at Fu Jinghao and Lian Quchen with gloomy faces, old man Mo said with a twitch:
"What's the matter with you? Dad died again?"

Xue Jian stared and shouted:
"Master! There is a war in the northwest!"

Old man Mo also got serious, sat down seriously and said:

"tell me the story."

Xuejian told what he just learned.The two old men looked at each other.Old man Qin suddenly raised his head and said to old man Mo:

"You can fulfill your wish this time. I will follow Xueer to Hu Country, and you will follow Haoer there."

Xue Jian looked back and forth at the two old men.It seems that there is a story in between.Let the master go to fulfill the vow?
Old Mo thought for a while and said:

"it is good!"

Old man Mo sat up straight suddenly, and Xue Jian couldn't help but feel a pressure rushing towards his face.Look at old man Mo, sitting there without anger and prestige, the sharp look in his eyes is completely different from the previous smile.

Xue Jian also sat up straight and said:

"Master, you."

Before Xue Jian could finish speaking, old man Mo interrupted her:
"Xue'er, don't worry, I will pay attention to safety. But the road to the north may not be too safe, you have to pay attention. If they want to move my dynasty, according to Wuli country's practice, they will find a way separately Move some useful people in our dynasty. Maybe, you are the key point. Haoer leave it to me. But you can’t be too far away from your Grandpa Qin. From now on, don’t be careless.”

(End of this chapter)

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