farmer's daughter

Chapter 775: Poisonous Scorpion

Chapter 775: Poisonous Scorpion

Chapter 770 Poisonous Scorpion
The coldness of the desert night exceeded Xue Jian's imagination, and Shi Chun held her tightly in his arms.Even Eunuch Gu deliberately sat in front of her to protect him from the wind, but Xue Jian was still so cold that his teeth were chattering.

The men on Muwang's side also formed a group and sat together, and they didn't care about anything, they got closer and closer, and the two guards that Xue Jian brought in also got closer.A guard saw that Xue Jian was still shaking, and also knew that Xue Jian was unable to exercise his body protection because of internal injuries.The guard took off his cloak, put it on for Xue Jian again and said:
"Master, don't think it's dirty!"

"No!. You'll freeze!"

The thing that had just been taken off his body naturally had a hint of heat, which Xue Jian could feel.But thinking that he and himself are here, he will also feel cold.

The guard said:

"Don't worry about me, master. I can walk around and do a set of punches, and I'll be warmed up."

As he spoke, he stood aside and really started punching.Huhu's punching style also looks very powerful.After the activity doubled, the guard said:

"I'm much better now. Don't worry, master."

Having said that, stand a little farther away.Looking around for a while, he said:

"Grandpa Gu, is there a sound over there?"

After hearing the words, Gu Gonggong stood up, listened carefully, and then flew towards the place where the sound came from.In the dark night, he couldn't see where he flew, and the guard hurried back to Xue Jian's side.

After a while, I heard Grandpa Gu shouting:

"Director Shi, take Master and run in the direction behind you. Hurry up!"

While shouting, Eunuch Gu also flew over and shouted:


The others were also awakened by Grandpa Gu's cry. No one had been in this sandy field before, so they didn't know any danger, so they had to hide when they encountered it.

Gu Gonggong's voice has changed a little, it seems that he doesn't know what terrible thing is coming.

Shi Chun didn't care too much, and stood up directly.He asked a guard to take the things with him, and then hurriedly jumped behind him with Xue Jian in his arms.

And the others followed suit.Eunuch Gu flew over.He grabbed King Mu with one hand and the person who attacked Xue Jian with the other.Followed by jumping up.

They flew for more than ten feet, and Gu Gonggong shouted:


Then everyone stopped.Waiting to see the person behind who is still moving step by step.Xue Jian stood leaning against Shi Chun and said:
"Gu Gonggong, what is it?"

Gu Gonggong said with a bad complexion:

"Poisonous scorpions. Overwhelming poisonous scorpions!"

Xue Jian said urgently:

"Then go and save those people. If you save one, it's one."


Eunuch Gu looked at Xue Jian, and thought that it was to save others first, but the master was also injured.Those of them who are servants can hardly shirk their guilt.

Xuejian called:

"Tap acupuncture points! Save one by one! Go!"

Shi Chun also said:

"Go quickly, the master is kind-hearted, I am here to watch the master!"

Eunuch Gu and the two guards put down their things.Then he really had acupuncture points for King Mu and the man who was tied up, and then he flew to rescue those people, one person with two hands, this time it was unreasonable.It's all about throwing away.

When he was about to throw it away, Eunuch Gu tapped everyone's acupoints and said:

"Just wait here for a while, you two look at the master. I'll go and look over there."

Needless to say, Eunuch Gu, now even King Mu and the others can see that the sand on the other side has suddenly turned darker, accompanied by a lot of rustling sounds.Relying on his lightness kung fu, Gu Gonggong flew over lightly.After a while, his face turned pale and he flew back and said:

"Master. They, they are coming for us! Those two dead people have become their prey."

Xue Jian was dumbfounded and said:

"Probably because they were bleeding. It smells like blood."

As soon as Xue Jian said, Eunuch Gu turned his head to look at the tied man.The man was also wounded and he had blood on his body.

The man also saw the gloomy look in Gu Gonggong's eyes, and he was busy yelling.People who have died once are more afraid of death!Seeing Eunuch Gu's expression, he knew that Eunuch Gu had made up his mind to kill him.The man was terrified.

Seeing Eunuch Gu's expression, Xue Jian thought about it and said:
"He has one life, everyone pay attention, if those things are still chasing him, just throw him over. Check first, if his clothes smell like blood, take them off and throw him over."

The other guard also hurriedly checked the clothes in his hands after hearing this. There was blood on the leather jackets that the two men had taken off.He just flew over and lost it far away.

Eunuch Gu stepped forward and tore open the clothes of the bound man with a few swords.Then tore it off and threw it out.The man was cold and afraid.But it's good to be alive!

The sky is slowly turning a little red, and it seems that it will be dawn.But everyone didn't feel sleepy, and they all stared ahead to see if those poisonous scorpions would come.After one o'clock in the morning.I don't think I heard the rustling sound.Eunuch Gu went to look again.He came back surprised and said:

"No, I didn't see a single one!"

Everyone was very surprised, but they all felt that this is not a place to stay for a long time, and they should leave at dawn.Let's find our way back.

But at this moment, Shi Chun found that Xue Jian was not good.I have a fever.Holding Xue Jian, she felt hot all over her body, and beads of sweat appeared on her head, but her lips were dry and cracked.

Shi Chun called out in a deep voice:

"Gu Gonggong, Master has a fever!"

Although Gu Gonggong is a master, the nature of his internal force is different from that of Xue Jian's internal force. If he were to treat Xue Jian's injuries, the more he healed, the more injured he would be.The best way now is to find the old master soon.

Xue Jian also brought some medicines with her, but it seemed that Xue Jian's internal injuries were a bit serious, and those medicines didn't work!Shi Chun was in a hurry.If something happened to the master in his own hands, how would he explain it when he went back!
And Xuejian was unconscious now, her brows were tightly frowned, Shi Chun hurriedly brought the water bag, drank some water for Xuejian, and washed Xuejian's face with the water in the water bag.Xuejian seemed to feel the coldness of the water, so she leaned towards the water.

Shi Chun turned his head and stared at the person who gave Xue Jian a slap, and said to a guard:

"You, keep an eye on him, after you get out. I'm going to tear him into pieces!"

Then Shi Chun picked up Xuejian again, but thinking that it would be inconvenient to walk in the sand, he took out the rope he had prepared and tied Xuejian to his body with the help of Eunuch Gu.Then he turned his head and said coldly to King Mu:
"Can you still find a way out now? If you can't find it, we will go our way. Then we won't take you with us anymore."

Everyone knows that the people Xuejian brings in can fly.I and my group were able to save their lives twice.King Mu hurriedly said:
'Yes, let's go out together.Look, that's the place from last night. Now that we pass through here, we can find where we came from yesterday. '

In any case, it's good to have more people walking together.Shi Chun and Eunuch Gu exchanged glances, nodded and agreed to follow.

But when he got to the position last night, King Mu let out a surprise and said:

"No. This is not where we rested last night."

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(End of this chapter)

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