farmer's daughter

Chapter 780 Troubleshooting

Chapter 780 Troubleshooting
Chapter 780 Solving Trouble

No matter what, the general is furious!Punish all those in charge of duty!Heavy punishment!How do you deal with this account now?The prince is in the hands of others.Unless the emperor ignores this prince and appoints another prince, this is something the general cannot allow.Because no matter what, the prince is the nephew of the great general.He is my sister's only son!What can the Nangong family do if they don't help?
General Nangong is now one of the top two generals, what should we do?This matter must be suppressed, so that more people cannot know about it.After discussing with General Nangong and the leader of the prince's guards, they decided that they could only search secretly. First, the border was sealed.Can't let people pass by.It is not yet possible to let this news reach the capital.This is not good for the prince, nor for the Nangong family and these guards.

Thinking about it, I have to go to that uncle.General Nangong re-arranged the affairs in the barracks, and then said that he wanted to check a place in person, took a few soldiers and left the barracks. Those guards did not dare to leave, because if they left, they would It will attract the attention of others. After all, there are always other princes in a military camp.

When General Nangong came to the town, he also found old man Mo who had just settled down.Old man Mo is no longer that jovial face.Now he is a tender man.For him, being able to meet Nangong Lizhu again is the greatest joy in his life.

When General Nangong came again, Old Man Mo and Nangong Lizhu felt that something must be wrong.Sure enough, when General Nangong talked about the matter, the two had different feelings. No matter what, the prince was finally the son of his niece.Nangong Lizhu looked at old man Mo.

Old man Mo had heard that Fu Jinghao had really taken the prince away.Also secretly happy.But looking at the two people looking at him, he said:
"Okay, okay, I know who took it away, but I wasn't there at the time. If I was, I would definitely persuade it. But I really need to go back to solve this matter."

Old man Mo said again:
"Actually, there is really no need to fight this battle. I'll bring the prince back to you, and you just take him back. Find a reason to tell your emperor?"

Both Nangong Lizhu and General Nangong were in a dilemma.What kind of reason is there to say such a thing?My own people are too embarrassing, they are defeated without a fight!The prince was kidnapped and wanted to come back.It's embarrassing to talk about such a thing anywhere.

General Nangong sighed and said:

"Uncle, this matter is really difficult to say, one is not good. The reputation of our Nangong family is not guaranteed, the main reason is that my sister has always walked on thin ice in the palace. If this is the case, it will be even more difficult for my sister."

Old Man Mo snorted and said:

"You can't blame me. After I send your aunt to my place, I will go directly to your emperor to talk about it."

General Nangong fell silent, isn't that too much?If this is the case, then the emperor will have to exile the Nangong family in the end.

After much deliberation, everyone can't think of a good way.Old man Mo muttered:

"Talking with you is tiring, and I can't even come up with an idea. If I, Xueer, were here, I would think of an idea!"

Along the way, old man Mo was talking to Nangong Lizhu about Xue'er Xue'er. Hearing this, Nangong Lizhu really wanted to see what kind of person this elf-like little girl was.Especially Nangong Ling, who heard something about Xue'er, was very interested.He said he was going to meet this Aunt Xue.

Dislike is dislike, but business still needs to be done. Old man Mo looked at General Nangong and said:

"How is it safe here? Is it okay for your aunt to be here? I'll go and get the prince back for you first. Otherwise, I'm afraid they will make a big deal of it and they won't be able to cover it up."

Look at the sky is getting brighter.Old man Mo explained a few words briefly, and then flew away.Now old man Mo's skill has also reached the point where it is astonishing.Old man Mo quickly returned to the military camp in the border town. As expected, he was planning to use the crown prince to call for battle.

Regardless of whether it was out of selfishness or whatever, old man Mo blocked this matter.Because he knew that if he told about the prince's arrest, the prince would definitely be finished.If the prince is gone, someone can re-establish a prince.But the Nangong family is over.I feel sorry for Nangong Lizhu.

so.This time, old man Mo took advantage of himself and firmly suppressed the matter.Then he said that he would take this responsibility, and took the prince away by himself.Leaving even Quchen and the Great General was a little puzzled.

Old man Mo brought the prince to the junction, and said to the prince with a cold face:

"I rescued you not because you are the prince, but because of the Nangong family. If the Nangong family collapses, you will not be able to please! Think about it, you have to be a little bit more measured. Now I give you a chance, you go back and find someone else." The reason is to bring the soldiers back. If you want to fight this battle, then we will take your time. I promise to take your capital. Because you will never have Nangong Lizhu to fight with me! If you don’t believe that I can I beat you. Show you something!"

Then old man Mo took out a black thing from his body, lit it with flint, and threw it into the valley, only to hear a bang.Then thick smoke billowed up from below.After the smoke.The prince saw that a big pit had appeared at the foot of the mountain.
Seeing such a powerful thing, the prince's face turned pale.Old Man Mo said lightly:

"Do you think your palace is hard or this thing is hard. Can I throw a few into your palace?"

The prince was speechless with trembling lips.I don't know what to say.This, what is this?
Old Man Mo said lightly:

"Don't be surprised, this thing, if it doesn't offend our people, we won't use it to hurt others. So, you better use your claws and take good care of your own people."

The prince was not just surprised by this, he looked at old man Mo and said:

"You, you are the God of War? Didn't you say that you are dead?"

Old man Mo rolled his eyes at him and said:

"Even if you died, I didn't die!"

In fact, needless to say there is this fried black thing, it means that the God of War is coming.Wu Liguo will stop.

Old man Mo said again:
"Now I will send you back to your barracks. After you go back, you can do your own thing and let go of the Xilin Kingdom. From now on, Xilin Kingdom will belong to us. Don't even think about it, the Nangong family will help you. Emperor, but you have to treat the Nangong family well, if it wasn't for them, you would have died long ago!"

"I saved you because I owed a favor to Nangong Lizhu back then. It is said that she is no longer alive. She is your aunt. After that, I will never have any kindness with you. If you don't know yourself well, I will still It's up to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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