Chapter 788

Chapter 780 IX Injury Is Not the Point
When Xue Jian said this, he had to believe it.It seems that this matter is really true!Everyone came over to see what Xuejian said about their injuries.Even the emperor stepped down from the dragon chair to have a look.

Xuejian said again:

"My injury is not the point, the point is here, look, where my finger is, this is the place of our Eastern Dynasty. From this picture, it looks like it is only one finger's width away from the sand. The actual distance , is less than a hundred miles. Master Wei, look, at the speed we just mentioned, how long will it take to reach our Eastern Dynasty?"

Hearing this, all the ministers in the room also looked dignified.If this is according to what Xuejian said, then things like sand will do too much harm.

"Then you went to check this time, what did you find?"

Liang Shengyue also asked.

Xuejian replied:

"When we came back from Hu State, our convoy turned here. I took a look. We don't have to worry about it for the time being. Because the place where we are connected to them happens to have some mountains here, and the sand is mainly caused by wind. It was caused by the blown sand. There is a mountain block on our side, and if we plant some trees below, it will be safe."

"I went to see the deserted place this time. I didn't find any good things, but found that the sand can be cured. When I was recuperating here, I cooperated with the Rag Shepherd. I tried to plant some sand. Now plant The grass that went down has survived, and the trees have sprouted. We planted them in the sand, and now they are nearly ten feet wide and five miles long. If we continue to plant them, we can plant trees and trees in two ditches a month. Miao, one day the sandy land in Hu country will turn into a green grassland. Then our side will also be guaranteed."

"But you are not afraid of being blown back by wind and sand when you go down. Didn't they have no grass in the past?"

An adult said again.

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Yeah, that's why I told them to plant trees at intervals! Trees are the key to keeping out wind and sand! Think about it, grass is short and its roots are shallow. Trees are different. Trees are tall and their roots are deep. , just like a claw, it will hold a lot of soil. In this way, day by day, the sand and rain will be entangled by the roots of the grass, and finally it will become soil. That is the cure Sandy land. This has to be done by generations of people. You can’t cut down trees every three days, and you are making trouble for yourself. So, my lord, you are a person who has never planted crops.”

Everyone laughed.Mr. Wei was convinced and said:
"I am convinced. Although our Prince Rui is young, she sees the problem in a different direction from us. She has a long-term perspective. By helping Hu Guo to control the sand, it is actually helping us."

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Yes, helping them is helping ourselves. Think about it, everyone, if their sacred mountain is no longer useful. If the grassland has no territory, will they compete with us for this side of the land? It will also bring us disaster. Already!"'

"Hahahaha, good! Prince Rui is indeed our lucky star! This trip will solve a hidden worry that we will have decades later."

The emperor happily concluded Xuejian's trip.But also laughed:
"But you can't be careless. You should have a good look at your injuries. I'll ask the Tai Hospital to check it for you later."

The emperor's concern for Xue Jian is naturally appreciated.

Afterwards, Xuejian talked about some things brought back from this trip, and mentioned one thing in particular, which was the batch of horses. Xuejian said:
"If you want to come to these things, the Ministry of War is still very useful."

These words made the eyes of Shangshu of the Ministry of War brighten. He really wanted it, but he was afraid that Prince Rui would not give it to him.But after hearing this, is the prince going to give it to himself?

See you again:

"This batch of horses was all stamped when I brought them back. Because they are all good horses, they were given to the Ministry of War. Please cherish them and use them, especially to use snacks on the horses to see if they can be cultivated. A batch of horse cubs are coming."

Xue Jian's trip was very rewarding.Because the ambassador of Hu State who came later also brought news that Hu State wanted to buy salt from the Eastern Dynasty. From now on, the salt will be purchased from the Eastern Dynasty.This will not only bring great profits to the Eastern Dynasty, but also make the relationship between the two countries more friendly.

This day's dinner, Xuejian, was used in the palace, and at the same time, I met with various gods in the palace, and gave them some special things as gifts.Of course, in the queen mother's palace, the imperial hospital came to treat Xue Jian's injury.But when Yuan was entering the Queen Mother's palace, he was stopped by Eunuch Gu.After whispering.Yuan Zheng went in silently.

Exit after checking the pulse.The imperial doctor only said to the emperor and the emperor:

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Prince Rui's current body is no different from ordinary people. It seems that the injury this time is serious. Her dantian was ruined. I'm afraid she won't be able to practice martial arts in the future. But..."

"But what?"

The emperor fixed his eyes and asked:

"However, Prince Rui's palace seems to be injured. It will be very difficult to have an heir in the future! When I first came in, Prince Rui's old father-in-law once said that there are some illnesses that Prince Rui doesn't know about himself, so he can't let her know. Your servant Guess this is it."


The emperor raised his eyebrows, actually.Without saying anything, he asked the imperial physician to step down.In fact, he was secretly happy in his heart.If Xue'er can't give birth, there will be no descendants.With Xueer's ability, if there are descendants, I have to be careful.If there is no post, it will be much simpler.

After having this idea.The emperor is three points closer to Xue Jian.When Xuejian was leaving the palace, the emperor actually got up and sent her to the gate of the palace, saying that he came out by himself to take a walk to digest food.

Xue Jian couldn't understand the emperor's twisted thoughts, but went back to the princess mansion directly with Gu Gonggong.Because it was agreed to stay at the princess mansion tonight.Xuejian also misses her two little nephews and nieces.And the Princess is also just a month old, and gave Lian Quchen another son.Xue must go and have a look.

When Xuejian saw her little nephew, she was completely attracted by the fat and white boy.Reach out and hug her.Ah, it's fleshy, and it's very comfortable to hold.

The Princess smiled and said:

"Look at you, if you like it, I'll let you take care of it. You don't know, this guy is hard to take care of. He sleeps well during the day and is very energetic at night. The nanny can't stand it anymore. I I had to find two more people to take care of him."

Xuejian kissed her little face and said:
"I'm afraid you won't want to leave it to me. Where are Yang'er and Yan'er? I brought them something good!"

"You're the one who spoils them. I'm looking at the things you sent in the front hall. I heard that there are ponies. Yang'er wants to ride them right away. You always remember them!"

"That's right, this can be regarded as the child I watched grow up!"

(End of this chapter)

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