farmer's daughter

Chapter 824 That's Your Future General

Chapter 824 That's Your Future General
Chapter 820 Five That Is Your Future General

The He family mentioned it when He Zijie came back from his study tour in the first half of the year, saying that they would get married within this year.He Zijie also belonged to the kind Jiang Youpeng used to be, who just stayed at Shen's house if he had nothing to do, just to see Xiaocao nearby from time to time.

Because Xiaocao is mainly in charge of the affairs in the manor here.The family's money is in Xiaocao's hands.Liang Chengfang didn't even reach out, but she felt very comfortable living like this.

After hearing that Xiaocao is not Shen Sanzhu and Liang Chengfang's biological daughter, Aunt Mei of Master Fu was very surprised, because this child's relationship with this family, and this family's relationship with this child, can't tell that it's not the same family.It was the old Wang who chatted back and said that he slipped up.Otherwise, Aunt Mei would not know.

At the beginning, Aunt Mei felt that it was strange and wrong for Xuejian to hand over such a big Zhuangzi to her sister instead of her mother, but after getting along for a long time, she got along.She also knew the reason.Liang Chengfang's temperament is too weak.Maybe if she were to be in charge of the house, she might be the mistress who would be bullied.

The He family is interested, and the Shen family is also interested. Everything is ready, and the only thing left is Xuejian's return.Because Xiaocao said that if Xue'er didn't come back, she would never get married.

Now Xuejian is back.The Shen family is going to hold weddings one after another.One is Moongrass getting married, the other is Yueyin getting married!
After dinner, Xue Jian came to the study again, met with the old Hou Ye and the others, and talked about some things on the grassland.Old Hou Ye sighed:

"You girl, you are so courageous that you dare to face the sand demon directly. That is a real devil! The old man has seen it before, and sent two teams of soldiers, but none of them came out. They all stayed there. inside."

Old Man Mo and Old Man Qin didn't like to go to that kind of cold place before, but they had never been there before, but they also went to experience it this time, so they nodded solemnly.

But I heard Xue Jian said that if it is not cured, if it is not cured from the source, the Eastern Dynasty will suffer in the future, and everyone is a little terrified when they think about it.

But when it comes to Xue Jian's injury.Xue Jian was very appreciative, and said with a smile:
"It's nothing. It's just that I'm a little more afraid of the cold than when I have internal strength, and it's just a little more effort. Anyway, I'm safe with all of you protecting me, so I'm not very worried."

Seeing that Xue Jian didn't care.Old man Mo and old man Qin glanced at each other, feeling a little pain in their hearts!
Old Hou Ye also smiled and said:

"Okay! Xue'er, it's good that you can take it easy, you can mention it, put it well, she is a good woman! Protecting you is what Jing Hao should do, and I will leave it to him in the future!"

Old Mo didn't want to continue this topic, and said:

"Okay, okay, Jing Hao, talk to your grandpa first, I'm going to take Xiao Xueer to see my little grandson."

"Hmph, just tell me when you go to see your woman, what to say to see your little grandson!"

Old man Qin said with a snort.Old man Mo jumped up with staring eyes and said:

"That's right, what's wrong with my woman? Hmph!"

Old man Mo was so angry that he pulled Xuejian away, and he didn't even have a chance to say goodbye to Old Master Fu and Old Qin when Xuejian wanted to say goodbye.

Xuejian and old man Mo went directly to the yard next to Xuejian's yard.That was what Fu Jinghao had specified in his letter when he sent Nangong Lizhu here.The yard was originally empty.Lian Quchen and his wife once stayed here when they came here.

Nangong Lizhu may be used to confinement, and it is the same here, every day in that courtyard, the girl comes out to get food and use.Life is extremely simple, people who can not cause trouble to others.

When old man Mo and Xue saw the courtyard, the gate was still closed.Gently opened the door, there were only two rooms with lights on, one was the main room, it seemed that Nangong Lizhu hadn't rested yet.The other is the room next to the main house.

When the two approached the room, they heard the sound of childish reading coming from inside, but when they heard the content of the reading, it turned out to be a book of war!

Xue Jian couldn't help but slander, is this going to bring out another legendary general?
Only one door was opened, and when the two walked to the door, an unhappy voice came from inside:
"Yue'er, didn't you say that you don't want to serve me at night?"

"I'm back!"

Old Man Mo said in a deep voice.Then go in and go in.

There was a sound of footsteps coming from the back room, Nangong Lizhu came out, and seeing that old man Mo was back, she said with a smile:
"I've been waiting for you for several months. I thought you forgot us here and went on a long trip."

"How can it be!"

Xue Jian stretched out her head from behind her master, and said with a naughty smile:

"And me."

Then he jumped out and saluted earnestly, knelt down and kowtowed:

"Shen Xue has met the teacher's wife!"

"Get up, get up, this is Xue'er?"

Nangong Lizhu reached out to help Xuejian up.Only then did Xue Jian take a closer look at the teacher's wife. Although she had gray hair like her teacher, even at her age, she still wore strong clothes at home, and she straightened her back when she stood up, giving her People have a heroic feeling!
As expected, she was an outstanding female general who loved armed forces and didn't like red clothes back then!According to this time, on the way home, old man Mo mentioned this teacher's wife's past to Xue Jian.

It is said that at that time, Nangong Lizhu was very favored because she was the only girl in the family for many generations, because the Nangong family was originally a family of military generals. .Nangong Lizhu started learning Chinese characters by looking at the Art of War.

It may also be that she has a particularly high talent in this area. She was very interested in the art of war when she was young, and her uncles at home did not avoid her when they talked about the formation of troops.At that time, everyone thought she was a little person, just sitting there listening to play, but unexpectedly, when Nangong Lizhu was ten years old, when everyone was talking about a new formation method, she proposed her own Views.

At first, she didn't attract anyone's attention, but her father, who spoiled her, found out that what she said was reasonable.According to what she said, the soldiers lined up can echo back and forth, and if they are dispersed, they can each fight for a small formation.

The uncles didn't believe her, so they disguised her as a boy and took her to the barracks for drills. As a result, she broke the uncles' method of arranging troops.

Everyone thinks their formation is unbreakable.But it was always destroyed by Nangong Lizhu with the least force!

And the competition that day was seen by the old emperor who had no intention of coming out to inspect, and said to his son behind him:
"That kid will be your general in the future!"

When Xuejian heard this, she joked with Master and said:
"Fortunately, it was men's clothing at the time. If it was women's clothing, maybe the old emperor would say: That child, I will be your queen in the future!"

Old man Mo stared, but he had to admit that what Xue Jian thought was possible!There was also a flash of light in his eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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