farmer's daughter

Chapter 841 Understanding

Chapter 841 Understanding
Chapter 840 Understanding

When it comes to doing business, Xiaocao has a different temperament, and her eyes seem to be shining.

Xiaocao sat up straight and said:

"Yes, my sister gave me another box of drawings. My sister stayed up all night to prepare them for me. After Zijie told me about it, I thought, if my parents don't object, I'm going to sell this Qingyang shop. The veterans in the village will take two of them to the capital. Then we will lead the novice in the capital. That way we can get started."

Master He thought for a moment and replied:

"We don't have a shop in the capital. At first, we didn't want to trouble your uncle, but now you want to do it, that's okay, but you listen to what I have to say, and if you don't agree, just pretend I didn't say it."

Xiaocao stood up and listened carefully to Master He.

He Yuan said:
"People of our previous generation, your uncle went to school, and I became a businessman. We two brothers thought of supporting me. He protected me from the wind and rain, and I gave him funding. But your uncle has Uncle's weakness is that his family is all stupid people who have studied and studied. They don't know how to run a business. Sometimes they rely on your grandmother to deal with them in Beijing."

Having said that, He Yuan paused and said:

"Xiaocao, we have seen your ability. You are a capable girl just like your sister Xueer. As long as you start a tailor shop, I believe you will gain a firm foothold in Beijing soon. I Just think, your shop asked your aunt to get a name, let them buy a dry stock, and let them have some sources every month. If you think this is not good, then you will give them the bonus, and dad will replenish it here you."

Xiaocao blushed, waved her hands again and again and said:
"Father! If you say this, it means that one family is talking about two families. The relationship between you and uncle, I heard Xueer say it before I got married, and it is rare in the world to have such a brotherhood that you take care of each other. Elders We are doing it, we juniors should learn! Besides, in my capital city, I have to rely on my uncle's family, and I have to take care of many things with my uncle."

He Yuan was very satisfied with Xiaocao's words, and Xiaocao continued:

"Xue'er once said that scholars are sometimes stubborn for the sake of face, but they don't have any bad intentions. So, what Dad said just now, let me share my attitude. You see, I am in Beijing, if I send money to my uncle’s family every month, they will definitely not be able to earn money. Firstly, I belong to the younger generation, and secondly, they think that I am a niece and daughter-in-law who married into the He family. They will not accept this money .Instead of buying shares, whether it is more or less, I said it is a dividend, and they have a reason to accept it. Therefore, I think that agreeing to their shareholding is helping them, what do you think!"

He Yuan laughed loudly and said:
"Cao'er is really smart! Yes, your uncle and aunt are a bit arrogant and don't care about their face inside and out. I'm afraid he won't be happy if you help him. Okay! You know what I mean Just do it!"

He Yuan was obviously very happy with Xiaocao's understanding.Mrs. He also nodded and said;

"Xiaocao is reasonable. It's just that master, we only have a house in the capital, so we have to find a store. Later, we will give Cao'er a sum of money and let them go to Beijing to start their lives after the new year."

"Father, mother, no need!"

Xiaocao said a little bit awkwardly.Then he smiled and said:

"You don't have to worry about this store. Xue'er has sent a letter to Jingzhong, and the store will find it for me. You don't need to give me the money. I have money. My mother has the money to deposit the box for me. , it is enough to open one or two shops.”

Hearing what Xiaocao said, Mrs. He and Mr. He looked at each other again, thinking about Xiaocao's dowry, the things are so good and expensive, and Mrs. He herself wouldn't believe it if she said that there was no money for the box.But Xiaocao said that if it is enough to open one or two stores in Beijing, then it may be more than just one or two stores.

And this is the new daughter-in-law.It is not good for people to make a living by themselves, and to interfere too much.Consider yourself having a young son.It has to be fair in the future.So he nodded and said:
"That's good. Then we don't care? Don't blame your parents for being cruel."

Madam He smiled.Xiaocao nodded transparently and said:

"What did mother say! It's just dad, I'm afraid we'll just go, and it's impossible for us to ask my aunt to buy shares. Although I don't know if I can do well in the capital and let them enjoy the dividends, But for this matter of buying shares, I am afraid that you should write a letter, tell grandma, and ask grandma and aunt to mention it, so that I won't appear to be showing off."

Xiaocao was also not polite, anyway, she said that she was letting her uncle's family take advantage, and she had to save face for them.How to do it?It's not like they have to deal with it themselves.

He Yuan nodded repeatedly and said:
"Yes, yes, yes, Xiaocao is right. This matter really made my mother come forward. This time when you are married, grandma can't come back because of illness. When you go to the capital, you have to go and salute! "

He Zijie who had been left alone stood up quickly and said:
"Of course we will. We have to go and salute grandma and uncle!"

"Well, I'll tell your grandmother about the shareholding. Then you can just bring it up again. Xiaocao, you said that Xue'er asked someone to help you prepare the store, so I don't care about it. , I believe that the store that Xueer's people found is even better."

Xiaocao saluted, nodded and said:

"Yes. My sister said she had written."

He Zichen, who had been listening to them all the time, now understood why his sister-in-law cried so sadly in the morning. With such a biological mother, I was afraid that I would be very sad too, but thinking that they went to the capital, the family was alone. No way.

"Father, mother, I'm going to the capital too. I'll go with my brother and sister-in-law. I'll go to study with my brother too!"

He Zichen shouted hurriedly, afraid that his plan would be lost.

Master He glared at him and said:

"The school accepts people who have passed the examination as a scholar or above. What are you? Even if you go, they don't want you!"

"No, don't all the children of the uncle's family study in Beijing. I will go with my brother and sister-in-law!"

He Zichen's temper has been relatively stubborn since he was a child, the kind that will never change what has been decided.Turning her head, she stepped forward and pulled Xiaocao's clothes and said coquettishly:

"Sister-in-law, sister Cao'er, sister, you will be my sister from now on, can you take me with you? I promise, whoever refuses to listen to you will listen to you when you arrive in the capital. If you say you can't go east, I will only go west. Never go east!"


Xiaocao was amused by Zichen's coquettish appearance.This Zichen is quite familiar with the Shen family because she and Yuewei have played together since they were young.Naturally, Xiaocao knew that Xiaocao couldn't bear the coquettish trick of his younger brother and sister.

Xiaocao looked at her parents, turned her head and said softly:

"Okay, as long as parents have no objections, I will take you. Anyway, you are not young, and you can handle many things by yourself. It's just that we will find a husband to study for you. But if you want to make a deal, you have to listen to me! Otherwise, I will send you back to Qingyang."

(End of this chapter)

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