farmer's daughter

Chapter 852 Without You, Someone Else Is the Emperor

Chapter 852 Without You, Someone Else Is the Emperor

Chapter 850 Three Without You, Someone Else Is the Emperor
"No! Your Majesty, that's not the case! There are no concubines!"

The imperial concubine was a little panicked. She had seen some fights among her father's women when she was a child, so she naturally knew what the consequences would be for her if the words she saw just now fell into the emperor's ears!
Every emperor has the same precautions, and Xue Jian's words make him somewhat preconceived.Because no matter what, every word Xue Jian said was thinking about the emperor.No matter how the concubine defended herself, she was thinking of herself.This is different.

The emperor's face was dark and he didn't speak.Eunuch Shang knelt down on the ground and shouted:

"Your Majesty, Prince Rui's words are wrong! Your Majesty is really just punishing these ignorant slaves. There is nothing to kill or anything. It has nothing to do with the difference between people from the Eastern Dynasty and people from the Ula Kingdom! Please, Your Majesty. Mingcha!"

"Yes, yes, yes, your majesty, they are all these slaves. They were rude to Prince Rui this morning, so the concubine is disciplining them."

The emperor's eyes turned to the eunuchs of the court ladies.Eunuch Yang originally knelt down, but now he couldn't take it any longer, so he just knelt down.

As soon as he got down on the ground, the emperor saw that there was still blood on his buttocks. The emperor took two steps forward, looked down, and said in a dark voice:
"Tell me, what's going on?"


Eunuch Yang is an old man in the palace, what should he say in such an occasion, why doesn't he understand?Call the emperor and feel wronged to cry.Then he said:
"Your Majesty, it's all the servants' fault. In the morning, when I went out for a walk with the imperial concubine, the empress met Prince Rui. It may be because the prince is not wearing the prince's clothes today. The empress thought it was a maid of some palace. She thought the prince didn't salute. .At once"

"Speak, tell the truth!"

"Yes, the empress did it first. She was going to slap the prince, but was stopped by the prince's girl. Then the empress wanted to kick the prince, but was kicked into the lake by the prince's girl. It was the servant who jumped down with another father-in-law I saved the empress. But...but now the empress says that we are not good at protecting the lord, that we did not remind her that it is Prince Rui. At that time we all knelt down and saluted, so we knew it was Prince Rui. Minions, you are wronged! emperor!"

"I beg your Majesty to spare your life!"

The maids and eunuchs behind also cried and begged.

The emperor had heard Xuejian say this before, but now he heard the eunuch say that, so he naturally knew which things were true and which things were exaggerated.Look at the imperial concubine said:

"It's not a day or two since you came to this palace. I also told you about Prince Rui in private, but why did you beat someone? Look up, the room is full of people except me, only Prince Rui Standing, why, because Prince Rui got the special order of the Supreme Emperor, and only kneels to the parents and teachers of heaven and earth, what are you? Do you want Prince Rui to salute you?"

Only then did the noble concubine notice that among the people in the courtyard, only the emperor and Prince Rui were standing, and even the prime minister was kneeling.

The imperial concubine said with an aggrieved look:
"Your Majesty, I have never seen Prince Rui before. Who knew that such a delicate little girl is the legendary smart and capable Prince Rui?"

Do you want to escape with him because you don't recognize Prince Derui?Xuejian is not happy.

"Your Majesty, I'm not that small-minded person. But I'm not magnanimous enough to accept a slap in the face when someone I don't know comes across. Besides, tomorrow will be my little brother and sister-in-law's happy birthday." Days, how can I watch other people beating and killing people now! You have also seen the situation of Eunuch Yang. If I hadn’t come in time, I’m afraid that Eunuch Yang’s soul will fly to the west? Presumably, some people in the palace will go there during this time Is it the west sky?"

Eunuch Yang immediately cried bitterly:
"The prince is wise! Thank you, the prince, for saving your life. Two maids died in our palace this month. One said it was because the tea was spilled, and the other said it was the wrong color of the imperial concubine's clothes. The rod is dead."

These words made the emperor frown, have you never heard of this matter?No, it seems that someone mentioned it to him, saying that the two little girls were beaten to death in the palace during the Chinese New Year, so he didn't care at that time?

The emperor thought for a while, the queen was reminding himself, but he didn't care.

Now listen to Eunuch Yang mention it again.A little unhappy.Everyone in the countryside knows that the tail of the twelfth lunar month is forbidden, and the head of the first month is forbidden.How did this happen in the palace?Do you really care too much about this imperial concubine?
This imperial concubine won the emperor's favor, not because the imperial concubine's natal family had a secret recipe handed down from her ancestors, saying that it was dedicated to serving men, and the imperial concubine only spent two days, and the emperor felt the joy of it, and he couldn't do without her , and doted on her in every possible way.

But after Xue Jian's scolding, and the bloody scene now, the emperor suddenly felt a chill in his back.What's wrong with me?If Xue'er hadn't come out like this, I'm afraid I would still be addicted to it!Looking at the imperial concubine's begging for mercy now, she is not so heartbroken and confused anymore!
I didn't know what to say about Xue Jian for a while.Is this the right thing to do?But it does seem that Xue Jian's control is too wide.They all reached out to the harem.Isn't it?But if it wasn't for Xue Jian's scolding, I'm afraid I would really be addicted to women!

It was cold for a while.Xue Jian stepped forward and said:

"Your Majesty, it's winter. My elder brother Jing Hao's injured body can't catch the cold. You have to wake them up."

The emperor has been here for so long, and everyone is still kneeling.

Then the emperor turned his head and said to the people behind him:

"Fu Houye, Liang Xiangye, get up."

The people who followed got up, and the emperor looked at some people in front of him and said:
"Come here, help Eunuch Yang down to heal his wounds. The people in this palace, first count the names of the people, and I will look back. There must be no one left. Close the gate of this palace for the time being. I will find out some things before I leave." open!

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I can't, Your Majesty! The concubine is wrong, the concubine is wrong, Your Majesty! Cough."

The imperial concubine shouted repeatedly, then coughed heavily twice, and the nurse beside her hurriedly supported her and shouted:
"Your Majesty, Your Majesty! You're not in good health either, you just got cold!"

The emperor looked back, snorted, and took the lead out of the courtyard.Prime Minister Liang and Fu Jinghao naturally followed.

Back in the imperial study room, the emperor still sat down with a dark face, looked at Xue Jian who was following behind and pulled Fu Jinghao with a sweet smile, and said angrily:
"Prince Rui, tell me about you. Look at what you look like! You actually managed the affairs of the harem."

Xuejian rolled her eyes and said:

"Do you think I care about your harem? If she didn't want to beat me first, I wouldn't even want to know that such a person exists. Whether you are obsessed with it or pampered by you, it has nothing to do with me. Anyway, if you kill this dynasty, you will be fine." There will be other emperors. The only ones who are sorry are the Bai surnames in the world."

(End of this chapter)

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