farmer's daughter

Chapter 854 The old man's request

Chapter 854 The old man's request
Chapter 850 The Fifth Lord's Request
Xuejian now understands the matter of the Chou family, isn't it because of that box?And the box that was also found in the salt merchant Xu's house is now in the emperor's warehouse.

Xue Jian didn't want to touch that matter, because the box was closed, and everyone didn't know what it would be if it was opened.Xue saw that box before, it was a combination box, but it was obviously a modern thing, if you open that box, what if there are some things in it that are hard to explain?
This time when she came to Beijing, Xuejian originally wanted to use other channels to see if she could solve the matter of the third senior brother's family, but she never expected to encounter such a bad thing when she came here.

But now facing the old master's request, Xue Jian could only sigh and reply:

"Old Hou, don't worry, I also take the matter of the third senior brother into my heart. As long as there is a chance, I will solve his problem. Now, with me here, the third senior brother will be fine."

Old Master Hou said with red eyes:
"Then thank you, Prince Rui, the old man can rest in peace even if he dies! Yuan'er came back to see the old man once, and the old man knew that he was still alive. I know he still has deep resentment towards us, but back then, the old man really I have no choice! It’s because the old man lacks a bit of backbone! I just survived!”

Xue Jian sighed, people will encounter many things in a lifetime, and often the decision made on one thing will affect the whole life.It may also affect a family!Seeing the current state of Old Hou Ye, maybe even the third senior brother is here, and he can't say anything to blame.

After meeting the old Hou Ye, Xue Jian's mood was somewhat affected.But it still can't be seen on the surface, and he is still actively talking to everyone about the little brother's marriage tomorrow.

Others couldn't see it, but the third senior brother, the first senior brother, and Fu Jinghao felt that Xue Jianxiao was a bit reluctant.So, on the way back to the Prince's Mansion at night, Fu Jinghao asked Xue Jian what happened?
Xue Jian sighed and said:

"Old Lord Hou is not in good health anymore. I want to see the third senior brother stand up again with my own eyes. The old man who has been guilty for decades, cried bitterly in front of me. I promised him that I will find a way to solve this matter, and I will Let the third senior brother stand up and live a bright and aboveboard life."

The princess who came with him said:

"This matter is for sure. Last time I heard from your elder brother that Murong Shan seems to be interested in Qiu Yuan. Mrs. Murong has been dating women for the past year, but Murong Shan has identified Qiu Yuan. So, This matter may be a bit urgent. If Qiu Yuan's identity is not upright, it will not be easy for Murong Shan to marry Qiu Yuan."

Regarding the matter of the third senior brother and Murong Shan, Xue Jian is contradictory, on the one hand, they are cousins, on the other hand, the two of them seem to really like each other.And now that the younger brothers are about to get married, Murong Shan has reached the age according to the people here.We have to settle this matter, right?
Xue Jian was looking for some excuse to bring this matter up to the emperor, the incident in the palace during the day must have offended the emperor.No matter what, I even have a hand in other people's family affairs.Although it made the emperor recognize the woman clearly, in general, it exposed the emperor's ugliness.

"You don't have to worry too much. There will be a way."

Eldest brother has a different idea. What happened in the past two years made elder brother think of retiring. In the last Chinese New Year letter, he also mentioned whether Xuejian’s talk about building a house in the mountains counts?

Xue Jian thinks about it, it's time to bring up that matter again, the master is getting older, and it is best to find his wife again, so that they can spend their old age peacefully.It would be great if the senior brother, the second senior brother and others could accompany the master.

The next morning, Xuejian got up early, because it was going to support the little brother, so today, Xuejian was a prince in formal attire!

The Murong family originally had a weak foundation and a bad reputation.All these years, he had only lived with the reputation of that Hou family behind his back. He was not at all inferior to other Hou families, not even ordinary official families!
And getting the princess to marry this time is a great favor from God, if it wasn't for the consent of the Supreme Emperor.This Murong family can't get this kind of wealth.And whose face is the Supreme Emperor looking at?Of course it wasn't Old Lord Murong, but Xue Jian and Old Man Mo!
Therefore, Xuejian must go to save face for the little brother today.Don't let others underestimate you.

Fu Jinghao no longer lived in the Prince's Mansion when he came back this time. Because of his great achievements in the border town last time, the emperor rewarded Fu Jinghao with a Marquis Mansion. Some old family members have been found and raised in this new Marquis's mansion.

Master Fu is very happy in Qingyang now, and he doesn't want to come back to this capital at all.Therefore, all the people living in this Hou's mansion are servants.Fu Jinghao seemed like a passerby.

But he doesn't care.He didn't intend to stay here anyway.What is the meaning of an empty home, a place without Xueer is not a home!

Fu Jinghao also wore formal clothes, and took some people on horseback to the Prince's Mansion. It was agreed yesterday.Today Fu Jinghao came to pick up Xue'er and escorted her to Muronghou's mansion.

Because Xuejian has grown a little taller, she looks even more slender and imposing in the prince's outfit.Fu Jinghao's eyes were full of admiration!
After receiving Xuejian, they went to Murong's house together. Today there are many carriages going to and from the capital, most of them are the carriages of various high-ranking officials going to Murong's house.

Because the time when the heavenly official was watching, the princess was going to leave the palace very early.Therefore, Murong Xing went to greet the princess very early.Then there is a circle around the capital city, the capital city is not small, and after this circle, it will be noon.

So, when Xue met Murong's family, the couple hadn't arrived yet.Fortunately, the princess and Lian Quchen also arrived.Liang Shengyue and Xiao Hu's family also arrived. When Xue Jian came, their ranks were lower, and they all had to go to welcome them.

Because Xue Jian was wearing formal clothes today, Xue Jian was not welcomed into the back hall, but led to the study.The study was quiet, only a few people were in the study.Unexpectedly, Wei Shangshu was also listed.

See Xuejian come in.Wei Shangshu was a little embarrassed, but he also stood up.He gave Xue Jian a serious salute and said:
"Prince, the Wei family will always remember your love!"

People who don't understand what happened yesterday are confused, but Fu Jinghao and Liang Shengyuegang who know what happened yesterday know what happened.

Xue Jian said with a slight smile:
"Master Shangshu, you don't need to be too polite."

Because among the people here, Xuejian has the highest rank, so I invited Xuejian to sit at the top.Xuejian didn't refuse, because if she didn't sit, none of these old men would be able to sit.

Recently, the most discussed issue among them is the issue that they are still discussing with Ula. Prince Ula lost in the battle, and Ula sent this noble concubine, but there are other things to be discussed.Lian Quchen is responsible for this matter, but now he doesn't want to talk about it.

(End of this chapter)

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