farmer's daughter

Chapter 865 Entering the Prince's Mansion

Chapter 865 Entering the Prince's Mansion
Chapter 860 Entering the Prince's Mansion

But no matter what, with what Fu Jinghao eavesdropped on, everyone knew how to take precautions.On the other hand, shopkeeper Li was a little surprised when he saw the three portraits that Fu Jinghao took out:
"Master, how do you know these people? This is the boss of the most popular building here, but he is a 800 person, and he has three friendships with many nobles in Beijing. Everyone gives two face. But he is still a good person Yes, at least, she never robs in her building, and she doesn’t look down on the poor, and even gives porridge to the poor every year.”

"This one, this is a pretty good waiter. She works as a waiter at the Yingbafang Tea House in the capital. Usually, many people go there for tea, and they like to ask this waiter to wait on him. Because the waiter will Said, it is able to make the dead live, and often makes people laugh. I heard that the county king likes this person. I also want to dig him out of my shop, but he refuses. I still don’t want to part with my old employer.”

"This beggar can be regarded as a beggar with some background. Because he is a homeless person. It is said that it is because the youngest son of the eldest son of the family was overwhelmed by the concubine. The elder brother died, and the mother committed suicide if she couldn't win. He was the only one. He became a beggar in order to survive. He survived because he brought some money into the beggar's gang, so all the beggars regarded him as their master."

Hearing what shopkeeper Li said, Fu Jinghao's eyes really lit up. With these three people, it means that all the news of the three schools and nine schools in the capital has not been missed.This county king is no ordinary person!

It's just, what is he using this information for?It is not a matter of a day or two for someone to arrange these people, how many years?And that authenticity?How could the emperor tolerate him doing this?No, there should be something behind this!

Fu Jinghao felt that there was something wrong.Therefore, I decided to visit the county prince's mansion again at night, only this time.He wanted to visit the study in the outer courtyard of the county prince's mansion.

Before reaching the study room in the outer courtyard, Fu Jinghao felt that there were quite a few people on guard here.It seems.This is the focus of the county palace.Therefore, Fu Jinghao felt that it was right to come again.But now that there are so many people here, how can they get inside?
After thinking about it, Fu Jinghao retreated and decided to think of other ways.Because, it seems that this county king is not as simple as he thought when he first came here.

On the third day, Fu Jinghao received a message saying that the prince's eldest son had returned from his study tour and was going to Beijing today. All the beauties in Beijing had booked places like restaurants facing the street, planning to see his handsome face. It made Fu Jinghao a little curious.Could this man really be so attractive?So, he and Qiu Yuan also went to a tea house to drink tea.

Just right.This side is also facing the window.The two were drinking leisure tea when they heard someone calling outside:

"Get out of the way, the prince has returned home."

For a while, the people on the street were quiet, but their heads were sticking out. After a while, a convoy of people and horses came from the other side of the street. The guards in the front were on horses, and there was a carriage in the middle. What these people wanted to see The man was sitting in the carriage, not even a strand of hair was exposed.What are you looking at?

But behind the veils covering some windows, it is obvious that there are several women who are very excited to see them.

Fu Jinghao was a little speechless, and he had a plan. He took out a flute from behind, put his hand on it, and started blowing, which was exactly what Xuejian sang about Canghai laughs.After the sound of this music sounded in this quiet street with only the sound of horseshoes, it immediately attracted attention!
Who is following?Except for those girls, it was the prince and son sitting in the carriage.Now in the entire royal family, it depends on whether this son wants to look like a human being, to be knowledgeable and knowledgeable, or to be an adult.And the emperor's other princes are all the same, they are all young children.

Therefore, many people did not say anything explicitly, but secretly bet whether this son would have a chance to win the emperor's favor?

Sure enough, when Shizi heard the music, he knocked lightly on the door of the carriage, whispered a few words to the people outside the door, looked up at the window sill where the flute sound was coming out, and then entered the teahouse.Came to Fu Jinghao's room.Arched:

"I've met the two young masters. The servant belongs to the prince's son. I just heard the sound of this young master's flute, which is very pleasant. Our son wants to invite the young master to come to the house to talk about it."

"Senior? Which prince? We are people who came to study abroad from other places, not from the capital, so we are not very familiar with the people and things here."

When the man heard this, he focused on Fu Jinghao and Qiu Yuan. Qiu Yuan was heroic, but Fu Jinghao looked like an elegant person.So the man immediately said:

"That's fate. Our son is the son of the prince's mansion. Even if the two of you rarely come to the capital, you may have heard of Mr. Yu in the capital. It refers to our son. Our son has just returned from a study tour. We also happened to be with the two sons." There is something to talk about!"

"Hahaha, that's just right! It's not that he's the eldest son, I have some friends, but he happens to be a studious person, and everyone likes to study, so we can really chat. Brother Yuan, why don't we go?"

Qiu Yuan replied vaguely:
"Young master, you can go as long as you want. Anyway, before going out, the master told me, I just follow the young master."

Fu Jinghao looked at Qiu Yuan helplessly and said:
"Okay, okay, I said that we are brothers, don't make it like this, since the prince is so kind, how about we go and see? But where is the prince's mansion? We just entered the city yesterday, and we haven't walked through the capital for a while. back."

The attendant said:

"Don't dare to bother the two young masters to move. The younger one will arrange a carriage immediately, and the younger one will come to lead the two young masters downstairs later. Please wait a moment!"

The attendant turned and went downstairs, and then reported to the carriage, then ordered the others to find a carriage, and followed Shizi's motorcade.However, when Fu Jinghao and Qiu Yuan came downstairs and got into the carriage, the girls who were hiding were all surprised. It turns out that these two young masters are not bad. Let someone ask, who is that young master? He also got the eyes of the world.

Fu Jinghao and Qiu Yuan were not afraid of being recognized.The only person who recognized Fu Jinghao was the Prince Wula who had seen Fu Jinghao when he brought people to Beijing, but Fu Jinghao didn't meet them many times. Besides, the prince was circled.It is said that most of his men were killed.

No matter what, Fu Jinghao entered the prince's mansion in a serious manner. As the son of the prince, he wanted to make friends, although he was not led to the prince.He was led to a study room to wait, because the son had just come back, and he was going to meet the prince and his mother before coming back to see them.

(End of this chapter)

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