Chapter 867
Chapter 860 The Eighth Prince's Son

Only then did Qiu Yuan understand what Fu Jinghao meant, and next, Fu Jinghao said:
"After we come back, there are still people following us. I don't know if they are from the Prince's Mansion. Anyway, be careful."

Qiu Yuan nodded and went back to his room to sleep.Fu Jinghao, on the other hand, really sighed.That son was really born into the wrong family.What a pity for such a talented person!

Fu Jinghao was a bit pity for his talents.

The next day, Shizi didn't send anyone to look for them, so they were just like students on a study tour, looking around, asking the shopkeeper where there are any good calligraphy and paintings, or some inscriptions, etc. Anyway, someone followed , Just go and play with peace of mind.

Fu Jinghao really played for two days. Secretly, shopkeeper Li asked someone to go to that inn to ask for a room, and then contacted Fu Jinghao and the others.

Only then did Fu Jinghao get the news that the person shopkeeper Li had arranged to enter the county palace earlier was now the one sweeping the floor in the study.And this person recently got news that the emperor went to the county king's study in person the day before yesterday, instead of coming in from the outside, as if there was a tunnel inside.

The emperor entered the county palace?This is not an ordinary signal, so it means that the county king is doing the work of collecting information for the emperor?Or the emperor came to beg him too!

In the evening, Fu Jinghao sneaked back to the small courtyard and asked shopkeeper Li to buy everything and put it away last time.It's all set now.These materials are also used to make Feilei. Among the people who followed Fu Jinghao, one or two participated in the last border battle.They know the power of this thing.

Fu Jinghao just wanted to make a few first.In case of a rainy day, because what he does are small and easy to carry around.Although it is less powerful, it is not comparable to ordinary weapons.

The next day, Fu Jinghao and Qiu Yuan went to see the place recommended by the innkeeper. They thought about going to the academy to see if they would let them in. Unexpectedly, once they went, they really wouldn't let them in.When Fu Jinghao turned around, he met Nanling, the prince's son, who was coming to Shuyuan.Nanling heard that the academy would not let Fu Jinghao in, so he laughed and said:
"It doesn't matter if you don't go, I won't go either. Let's go, brother Ning, let's go for a walk outside the city together?"

Fu Jinghao didn't want to show off on the street with this prince, it would be another danger of exposure for himself, he said with a smile:
"That's not necessary. I think I saw it the other day. I don't want too many people to watch me when the prince travels."

Prince Nanling smiled helplessly and said:

"It's all about power that blinds the eyes of the world."

"No, son, don't slander yourself. You are a very outstanding person. Compared with your background and family background, I would rather know a Nanling who is studying abroad!"

Fu Jinghao's words are sincere, and he really thinks that the prince is a talented person.After hearing this, the son's eyes lit up, and he bowed deeply and said:

"With Brother Ning's words, Nanling is complete!"

In the end, the two still moved to a quieter courtyard, and the two chatted again, discussing the past and the present, and had a great time talking!
At the time of parting, we cherish each other again, after thinking about it, and finally at the time of parting, Fu Jinghao asked:
"My son, although I have only just come to your Ula country, I know some of the current situation in Ula country. I just want to ask you what you think about succession?"

Shizi smiled lightly and said:

"You have only been here for a few days, and you can already see it. It seems that everyone in the capital is watching this matter now."

The prince took a step lightly and said:

"I don't want to be in power, but there are some things that I don't want or don't want. If I am in power, brother Ning is willing to help me?"

Fu Jinghao was taken aback for a moment, did he see the wrong thing?This son obviously has that kind of temperament, why is he really in the top position?
The prince was taken aback when he saw Fu Jinghao, and then he smiled and said:
"I also know it's impossible, at least, you are not from our Wula country. But, I admire Brother Yu Ning! Whether you are superior or not, it is just a kind of cannibalism in the royal family. If I do, then you must be in this capital city." There will be some bloody storms. I have persuaded my father, but my father is a little stubborn and thinks it is for my own good!"

Shizi smiled wryly and said:

"What he saw was power, but what I saw was the suffering of the common people in the world! So, brother Ning, can you help me think about how to make my father and king let go of this obsession. Because, for him This obsession may cause more than a hundred members of my family and my uncle's family to lose their lives!"

Fu Jinghao looked at Shi Zi seriously and said:
"You are different. When others ask for help, they always ask for help. How can anyone ask for help to think about how to give up?"

The prince looked at the mountain road in the distance:
"Father was almost in the top position back then, so I never let go of this thought."

Fu Jinghao nodded and said:
"Yes, as a royal, there are generally two ways to live. One is to give up the desire for that high position, and the other is to fight for the top position. And the prince can live and have a family all these years and you can grow up to be so outstanding. I think he also has a A certain power makes a certain person a little jealous."

The prince smiled softly and said:
"Back then, when Grandpa Huang was in power, he designated the tiger talisman to be handed over to the king. So, what they were afraid of was not my father, but the tiger talisman!"

Hearing this, Fu Jinghao was stunned, then smiled and said:

"That's it. With this, what do you need to be afraid of?"

The prince said with a sad face:
"That's not a good thing, brother Ning, father has lost some military power for us these years. If there is any matter in our house, if we want to go to the emperor, we have to exchange some troops."

Fu Jinghao was taken aback again, and smiled wryly. This is also true. If this is the case, then it is more understandable why the prince is eager to take over the position. It is probably because the military strength in his hands may have reached a balance compared with that of the court.

It's no wonder that Prince Ula was so eager to make a contribution last time.It seems that in this dynasty, only those who can lead troops and make great achievements in battle can build up a secret force, and only in this way can the emperor look up to him.To have the possibility to stand shoulder to shoulder with this prince!

After Fu Jinghao returned to the inn, he thought carefully and said:

"Senior Brother Qiu, think about it, what if we put this son on the throne? A dynasty with a wise ruler is better than a fool! The main thing is to be good to the people of the world!"

Qiu Yuan chuckled and said:

"I don't think about it being so complicated. However, I also think that this prince can still make friends. Whether you want to help him or not is up to you. You can do it if you think you can. Anyway, I will follow your command when I come out, but the king of the county, I'm afraid it won't take too long."

(End of this chapter)

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