Chapter 874
Chapter 870 The fifth chapter, Mr. Jade of the capital, is known

Thinking about this, what else can't you let go of?Xue Jian smiled wryly and said:

"Master, don't worry, I'm not afraid of this."

I said I was not afraid, but where did those sad feelings in my heart come from?

Old man Mo looked at the gangster who was laughing forcefully, and said in a deep voice:
"Don't worry, we will make you recover."

Because the emperor's illness was not a sudden illness, Xue Jian stayed in Shenjia Village that night, and returned to Fucheng early the next morning.Naturally, old man Mo and Nangong Lizhu were both traveling together.

It was noon when we returned to Fucheng.After resting for another night, old man Mo left for the capital.Nangong Lizhu stayed.

Xuejian also set off on the second day.Because I can't ride a horse now, I took a carriage to various points in Li County to have a look.

What Xue Jian was going directly to was the land of the female village owner, because that was the first place to move, and when Xue saw it, she met another village where people gathered at the edge of the field.

Someone saw Xue Jian coming and shouted loudly:
"The Prince is here. Our Bodhisattva is here!"

All of a sudden, the people around that field became shorter, and they all knelt down on the spot.shouted:

"Prince thousand years old!"

Xue Jian got off the carriage, and then saw that the field they tried for the first time years ago was now covered with lush green grass, which looked like a green patch, and the lower field was also green, but it was obviously not as good as the upper one. The further you go down, the less green there is.

Xue Jian could see a ditch clearly by the side of the official road, so she could naturally feel the joy of these people, so she said loudly:

"Get up. Hahaha, you have also seen it. It seems that our method is feasible! Then, let's work again. By next year, we can convert all the fields here to be arable. field!"

"Thank you Prince!"

The head of the female village hurried forward to Xue Jian's side, and said with a hearty smile:
"Prince, it is indeed right to follow you. Now all the people in our village have no objections. Look, men, women and children have come out. Today we are divided into teams with several elders. One of us leads a team to dig ditches. The team, the plowing team, and the drainage team. They are all divided. We took a look. The three fields on this side can be planted directly this time. From the fourth, we will go down to wash the land .”

Xue Jian nodded and said:
"Okay, you go wash the ground below first. Leave these three fields for me. Tomorrow, I will let people from other places take a look. See the effect. After seeing the actual situation, they will Work hard!"

"it is good!"

Afterwards, Xuejian informed the people in the same company, immediately went to inform the people everywhere, and sent a representative or someone who didn't believe it to come and see the results here.

Xue Jian knew that the role of role models is very strong, not to mention that the land is actually lined up here, and the grass that grows is not planted.

In the next two days, these fields have been viewed countless times, and countless unbelievers went to the fields to dig and have a look, and found that the grass was alive and real.And also saw the difference from one piece of land to one piece of land.They really believed what Xue Jian said, that the ground can be washed!

Look at the people in the cottage here, they are full of energy.Those who have labor will go to the ground to dig ditches or help plow the land.Women, children and the elderly help cook and bring some boiled water to the hard-working people.The harrow head that plows the field has been raking the ground non-stop.When people are tired, change people, when cattle are tired, change cattle.

The child went to look for cow grass everywhere, and carried it to the ground when he found it.He fed the cow with all his heart, wishing that the cow would become a warrior again after eating the grass and start plowing the land again.

After looking at many places, I didn't need Xuejian to arrange them, and my own people organized them to wash the fields one by one.Not enough cattle, Xue Jian sent people to go to other places to buy them.It made people from other prefectures quietly come to inquire, to see if the people from Li County had done something under the leadership of Prince Rui.

After returning, he spread the story that Prince Rui led people to plow the land in Li County and wash the mud, and everyone treated it as a joke.Some people took this matter seriously and passed it to the court.It is said that the emperor gave all the money earned from the salt to Prince Rui to wash the mud.What a waste!

For a while, there were still some voices of crusade in the court hall.

Xue Jian is not in the upward direction, so she will not care so much.You say yours, I do mine.I don't care about your gossip.

The difference is that Fu Jinghao and Qiu Yuan came back victoriously with a few carriages of gold. Just as they were about to arrive in the capital, good news came. What's going on, everyone doesn't know.On the contrary, among the ministers, no one pushed the emperor's sons to come out to succeed him, but all of them called for Nanling, the son of Yugong from the capital, to succeed him.

Nanling has also officially taken over.

Fu Jinghao led the people into the capital, and directly brought the horse team to the gate of the palace.Laughing loudly, he said to the guard guarding the palace gate:

"But show me. This carriage is full of gold."

The leader of the guards smiled lightly, thinking that Master Fu was joking.But after a while, the emperor brought Liang Xiang and some courtiers in the court to welcome them to the door.

Fu Jinghao took Qiu Yuan all the way forward to greet the emperor, and said with a laugh:
"Your Majesty, the minister and Qiu Yuan did not disgrace their mission, and brought some things back by the way."

"Come on, open the door!"

Fu Jinghao gave the lead, and all the coachmen jumped out at once, and their movements were uniform.Then they all opened the doors of the carriages at the same time. When the seven carriages were opened, everyone squinted their eyes.

Lian Quchen took a step forward, reached out and took out a gold bar, saying:
"Okay! You boy! Are you going to move other people's treasury?"

Fu Jinghao laughed loudly and said:

"It was a complete accident! However, I transported these things away. The old emperor had a stroke with anger. Then there is a change of people over there now. Since the day before yesterday, the emperor over there has changed people. Now they are the original The son of the Prince of Nanling, the Prince of Nanling has become the Emperor!"

"Master Jade of the capital?"

"Master Jade of the capital?"

The emperor and Lian Quchen spoke out at the same time.Fu Jinghao was taken aback and said:

"What? You all know? It seems that even though the distance is so far, you all know the world's affairs!"

Lian Quchen smiled and said:
"You don't know the world's affairs. That Mr. Yu in the capital has a great reputation, okay? And he has traveled to our side, and he has given lectures at our Imperial College. I have known him for a hundred years. "

The emperor also said:

"I've seen him before. He's a good person. If he's in power, then the people of Wula will have a better life!"

(End of this chapter)

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