Chapter 882

Chapter 880 Three Big Brother Arrives
Fu Jinghao was overjoyed when he heard the words:

"What kind of big ship is it? Is it bigger than our current sea ship?"

Xue Jian looked around and said with a smile:
"The boat he can build is bigger than this villa."

Fu Jinghao was taken aback for a moment, and said in disbelief:

"Is what you said true?"


"Then how can it move? How many people will it take to paddle?"

Xue Jian smiled lightly and said:

"That's not a boat rowed by people, it's a power boat."

"What is motivation?"

Xue Jian thought about it:
"I can't tell you clearly for a while, Ban Xia, go and call the young master."

Ban Xia immediately went to call Cheng Wen.Xue Jian asked him to prepare paper and pen, and said:
"From today, I won't go out for the time being. I'll tell you something. You should study hard and see if you can make something."

Chengwen nodded seriously.

Fu Jinghao also took the pen and paper himself, then Xue Jian took a sip of water, asked Ban Xia to guard the door, and then said lightly:
"What I'm going to say next, you just listen to it as a new thing. Don't ask me where I know it. I don't understand how to do some things. I just tell you what I understand. If you What you can do in the future is your ability!"

Xuejian thinks about it, first of all, let's start with wind, water, electricity, and the energy conversion between these things. Chengwen and Fu Jinghao are dumbfounded. They don't know what electricity is, and what is it? It is said to be very useful, but it is also said to be able to kill people.

Xue Jian talked for a long time, seeing that the two of them didn't write down a single word, and they were still staring at her blankly, looking stupid.

"I'm really stupid. I only tell you this kind of moral stuff, and you don't even understand it."

Chengwen said:
"Sister, it's not that we don't understand, I just want to know, is there really such a thing as you said?"

Xue Jian nodded and said:
"Yes! It's just that we still have to work hard to get it out now. For example, did oil have this before? We squeezed it out, and the biogas, did we have it before? We can use it for burning now. These are all We didn’t have it before, but now we can.”

See you again:

"Maybe, when I say this to people who don't understand and don't believe it, others will think I'm talking crazy, but I want to believe that if anyone in this world will believe what I say, it's you two. So let me tell you, so that in the future, you can do it according to the artistic level I mentioned."

Or maybe, when the time comes, we'll make these things real.

Fu Jinghao and Shen Chengwen glanced at each other and nodded. They were the two who had bottomless trust in Xuejian.

Because of their trust in Xue Jian, they all thought they would do what Xue Jian said.But what Xuejian meant was to let Chengwen start working hard on this aspect.She still wanted to take out the emperor's box.Open it to see the shipbuilding drawings inside.

In the past few days, whenever Xuejian was free, she would tell the two of them about some motivation and energy issues. Now Chengwen listened more and more energetically, and was messing around in his yard every day.

And because in most parts of Li County, according to Xue Jian's requirements, the roads were re-planned and repaired. If possible, they were paved with stone roads, and a few of them were rough cement roads.In some places, the original dirt road was just leveled out.

The road is good, Xuejian wants to tinker with one thing when she is free, that is a bicycle, but there is no such thing as rubber now, Xuejian wants to find this kind of thing, but after asking, no one knows what she is talking about.

Xue Jiankong also discussed with Fu Jinghao how to get out the box from the emperor.Fu Jinghao also suggested that it was stolen.Go and steal it, but the only one who can steal it is old man Mo.

On this day, when we were talking about how to use water power to drive some power conversions, for example, the possibility of driving an oil press, Cheng Wen also discussed with his sister.When he was talking vigorously, Ban Xia came in and interrupted:
"Miss, Lord Lian and the princess are here, and there are two young masters."

"Big Brother?"

"Big Brother?"

Fu Jinghao and Xuejian said in surprise at the same time.Looking at each other, it seems that they are here for Xiao Ziyan.But Ziyan only stayed here for two days before being taken away by old man Mo.Now go to the hot spring valley.

Xue Jian sighed, but rushed out to greet him, just in time, the carriage of the eldest brother also arrived, and the first one to walk out of the door was the eldest son Lian.When Lian Yuyang saw Xuejian who came to welcome him, he looked up to the sky and began to cry.Xuejian, who was smiling Mimi, was dumbfounded from crying, and Lian Quchen, who followed him, was also dumbfounded from crying. He picked up his son and floated off the carriage. .

Xuejian and the others came forward and saluted, then Xueer reached out to hug Yuyang and said:

"What's the matter, Yuyang? Come, Aunt Xue'er hugs you."

"do not want!"

"Then Uncle Fu?"

"You are a family, don't!"

Still crying on Lian Quchen's body.Xuejian teased and said:
"Come on, let me hug you, or I'll hug my brother."


The crying is louder!
Xuejian had no choice but to go forward and coax again:

"Come on, come on, you're like this, why are you crying? Tell aunt first, she has many ways to solve the problem."

"You don't love me anymore, you only want Ziyan, you only took Ziyan away, and you still want to hug my younger brother, but you don't want me."

Yu Yang has always had a strong ability to speak, as Xue Jian once said.This guy has grown up and can speak better than his senior brother.

"Who said I don't want you anymore? Look, isn't aunt here to hug you? You didn't want me to hug you?"

Xuejian also pretended to be wronged and teased him.Yu Yang really stopped crying, thought for a while and said:
"But you only asked them to bring Ziyan, not me."

Xue Jian understands, this is jealousy!
Xue Jian hurriedly said:

"You have wronged me. Look, look, there is no Ziyan here. Ziyan was taken away by the master. I didn't even hug her."


"Really, really, look at you, are you ashamed or not, you are a boy, you cry at every turn, you are not as good as a girl like me."

"You are an aunt."

Yu Yang didn't want to be hugged by his father when he stopped crying, so he slid down to hold his aunt's hand.Everyone also laughed helplessly.After entering the room and sitting down, Xue Jian said with a smile:
"You are reluctant to part with Ziyan. It's a pity that she is not with me, and was taken to the hot spring valley by the master."

Wenquan Valley even went to Chen and took the princess to see it, but I heard that the child was taken there.Lian Quchen said with a helpless smile:
"Do you know, the master stole the child. I just wrote it on the bronze mirror, and we left."

(End of this chapter)

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