Chapter 899
Chapter [-]: Senior Brother’s Exhortation

All the people who are waiting for the election have arrived.A few people from the Ministry of Industry also arrived.Xue Jian asked Ban Xia to take out some things and said:

"Look, everyone, let me draw a picture for you, what kind of boat I want to make."

Xue Jian asked someone to lift a table and put it in the middle of the hall, with white paper spread on it. Xue Jian took out a charcoal pencil from her body, and then started to draw with her hands. After a while, a big picture appeared on the big paper. It is a big boat with a four-story building and several large round holes on the side of the boat.

After finishing the painting, Xuejian said:
"The boat I imagined is just this kind of boat. This boat must be able to hold thousands of people, and there is also water and food for thousands of people. Master Chengmu, and this master, you two, He is an expert in this field, please come and have a look."

Although other people also wanted to come to have a look, but the first thing the Prince invited was not Prime Minister Liang and the other adults, but the old man and the monk.

The old man was obviously taken aback.He didn't expect that the prince would show it to himself first. Among the people sitting, he was the only one in the lowest position.Some couldn't believe it, and he didn't dare to move.

Ban Xia, who was standing beside Xue Jian, gave him another signal.He just walked over with a bow.I didn't dare to get too close to Xue Jian, but when I looked at it from a distance, I was shocked by the picture.

That was not the appearance of the ship I knew, and I had never seen such a ship before!If this boat is made, then my life will not be in vain!

The old man originally planned to take a look at it from a distance.But the painting is so attractive, I still come closer to have a look.And Chengmu was even different. He walked over calmly at first, and walked a little slower while leaning on crutches, but when he raised his eyes and saw the painting, he stopped, with ecstasy in his eyes, Then he stepped forward and said:

"Prince, can this really be done?"

Everyone looked at him, they lost all the crutches in their hands, and then jumped over.

Xue Jian nodded and said:
"Whether it can be built or not, I still have to see you. I have this idea, and I will have some suggestions. At that time, let's go to Haikun County to have a look."

"Okay! Lao Na will go back to the temple and tell the abbot. Then follow the prince."

"Master, don't worry. If you don't have anything you want to take away, I can go to the temple and tell you."

He Qing stood up and said.

Sumiki thought about it, nodded and said:
"Lao Na doesn't have anything outside of his body, so he just wears clothes. If you think about it, you can get a gift from the prince for wearing clothes. Then you don't need to return it. I also ask He benefactor to report back on behalf of the host. Chengmu will finally be able to fulfill his wish in his lifetime." !"

He Qing sternly said:

Because every seventh day of every month, He Qing would go to the temple to talk about Zen with the abbot as long as there was no court event. He was already a good friend of Fang Chu in their temple.

So, I believe he can make this matter clear.

Xuejian then said:

"Master, don't worry, Master is with us, we will take care of our basic necessities!"

Chengmu also regained his composure, turned around and jumped to sit down again.And at this time, those senior ministers who couldn't bear it also stood up and walked over to have a look.

At a glance, everyone was attracted by the boat on the painting.Is that a boat?Can that ship be so atmospheric?What did the prince just say? 1000 people!Even if a thousand people stand together, it is a very wide space, and this is still a place for 1000 people to eat and live.

Everyone gathered around, but Xue Jian stepped back and let them have a look.He signaled Ban Xia to tell Shi Chun that he had to arrange the board and lodging of Master Chengmu and that old man surnamed Lu.

Pinellia went to arrange it.Liang Shengyue frowned, turned around and said to Xue Jian:

"Are you just going to collect pirates? This ship is so big and heavy, can it be as flexible as a pirate's ship?"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Uncle, you may have looked a little less. Did you see those round holes? The things that come out of those places will definitely scare the pirates. If this ship is built, it will not be cumbersome. It will be the fastest ship! "

"How many people are needed to row such a big boat?"

Wei Shangshu also raised this question.Xue Jian said:

"If it goes well, two people will do!"

Everyone else's eyes widened, two people?All fishing boats have to be rowed by one person, such a big boat?

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"This is just an idea of ​​mine. At that time, if it succeeds, please come aboard to experience it."

The wishes of these people have been fulfilled.They are finally gone.Originally, Liang Sheng wanted to stay and ask some more questions, but someone came from the palace and said that the emperor was looking for Prime Minister Liang to discuss this year's autumn exam.

Liang Shengyue only confessed:
"Be careful in everything, don't exaggerate too much."

Liang Shengyue was still worried that this niece was too flamboyant.So tell me.

Xuejian only had time to say:

"Don't worry, uncle, I didn't come up with these things, they are in a secret box at the emperor's place, and this is just for brother Jing Hao and me to complete. So, it's not my exaggeration. He knows it."

While talking about him, Xue Jian pointed to the sky.

Liang Sheng was startled for a moment, didn't say anything, just withdrew and went back into the palace.

The only ones left are the brothers and sisters.Lian Quchen was motionless just now, and he didn't even move when everyone went to look at the picture.Just now when all the adults came to him to say goodbye, he didn't even stand up, which made the adults turn around and leave with a grunt.

Everyone is gone now.Instead, he turned sideways and said:
"Now tell me, Xuejian, what were you busy with last night. I want to hear the truth, not lies!"

Xue Jian speechless, paused and said:

"How do you see that what I said is not true?"

Lian Quchen said lightly:


Fu Jinghao and Qiu Yuan had always believed in Xuejian, and when they saw what Lian Quchen said, they also looked at Xuejian.Xue Jian sighed slightly:

"You are a senior brother after all! But, I can't say anything about this, and none of you can know. This is just my personal matter!"

Turning to look at the third senior brother, he said:

"Senior brother, how are you now? Is your head still hurting?"

Qiu Yuan scratched his head and said:

"I'm fine. Just sleep and I'll be fine."

Fu Jinghao was a little anxious.He opened his mouth but didn't ask.Lian Quchen's face was a little gloomy and he said:

"You don't say it's okay, but you have to answer a few things!"

Xue Jian looked up at the elder brother.Lian Quchen slowly spit out a few words:

"First, no matter what happens, you have to think about us! Second, no matter what happens, you have to know that we are there! Third, no matter what happens, we will stand with you! Even my wife and children!"

(End of this chapter)

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