Chapter 902

Chapter [-]: The Past

Cheng Mu was a little stunned, looked at Qiu Yuan, and said in disbelief:

"So, back then, the person who saved me was also Prince Rong?"

Qiu Yuan nodded and said:
"It should be, it's not Prince Rong, it's also Mr. Qin, but Prince Rong knows about it, so he is clear about this matter."

Cheng Mu's eyes glowed with gold, and he said:

"Is there a descendant in my Mu family? Is there a descendant in the Mu family?"

Xuejian and Fu Jinghao didn't know about these things either.But after hearing Qiu Yuan's talk, they all looked at Qiu Yuan.Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Master, don't worry. I'll write a letter to Master tonight to help you clarify this matter. I think he didn't tell you about this all the time, maybe he just wants you to live in peace."

Chengmu let out a long sigh of relief, he has been in that temple for more than 40 years, and his brother's child should be in his 40s now.If it is healthy, then I am afraid that there will be descendants now.

The excitement after hearing the happy event for the first time made Master Chengmu unable to control his imagination.But then, he calmed down, and after hearing Xue Jian's words, he replied calmly:

"Yes, Prince Rong put me in the temple, probably to let me wash away some hostility and reduce hatred! I was seriously injured back then, and I lay in bed for two years after waking up in the temple. In [-], Brother Abbot sat next to me every day and recited scriptures for me. I didn’t want to listen to it, then I got used to it, and later, if I didn’t listen, I lost something. In the end, I sat and recited it myself. stay with me."

Master Chengmu smiled wryly and said:

"Those scriptures really wiped out some of my grievances. Later, in the construction of temples several times, I also contributed a little bit and got everyone's approval. In this way, I thought about putting what I knew So, I will spend the rest of the time doing these things. However, some mechanism techniques have the intention of hurting people and defending others. Therefore, after the abbot brother talked to me once, Feeling that my mind was unstable, he gave me the job of ringing the bell. Through this, I also got to know He Benefactor. Only then did I have a trip today!"

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"I don't know much about Buddhism, but I personally think that it doesn't mean that you can get rid of some grievances by studying Buddhism. It's just a helpless choice. If you want some grievances, it depends on your choice. If you If you have to pay for your life to get revenge. Then, when is the time to repay the wrong, it will make people lose their nature. If, like the master, they put their important thoughts on revitalizing the ancestral skills at home, then let I have a place of peace in my heart.”

Master Chengmu paused and said:
"Amitabha Buddha! I have been in Buddhism for decades, but no prince can understand it. The prince's words really opened up Lao Na's heart knot! Thank you, prince!"

Xue Jian said with a smile:

"Master, you don't need to thank me, but I have something to show you."

Said, let Ban Xia bring a bag, which is a few drawings wrapped in a piece of brocade cloth.Xuejian handed it to Master Chengmu.road:

"In this regard, you are an expert. Let's see if you can use this thing, and what else I didn't do carefully. I think you understand better than me."

Xue Jian painted a manual wheelchair, hoping to provide convenience for the master.Master Chengmu opened it to take a look, and said in surprise:
"The prince is bothering you! Of course it's good! If I have this, I'll let it go, but it's not good for me."

Xue Jian nodded and said:

"Yes, it is feasible on flat ground. Because the place to do things in the future must be on flat ground. And in many places, the master needs to give pointers. In that case, the master is a little inconvenient. Sitting like this, you can do things with your hands, and you don't need to use your hands to lean on it." Abducted. I did this to make Master do more, hahahaha"

Cheng Muheshi nodded with a smile and said:
"Prince's heart, Chengmu really got it! I haven't thought about this thing, but it is very delicate. It seems that the prince is also an expert."

Xue Jian laughed and said:

"I'm not an expert. I don't know those mechanisms, but I've heard of some mechanisms' ingenuity. I admire them very much!"

The next day, old man Lu came to find Chengmu when he woke up, and then he squatted in front of Master Chengmu and cried:
"Long Er, do you know how long I have been looking for you? In the past few decades, I have gone through the entire Eastern Dynasty, and I have also gone to Ula Uli, but, but I have no news of you! I never thought You have entered Buddhism!"

"Amitabha! Brother Junliang, I didn't know you were still there, and I didn't know you were looking for me. Back then, I was rescued from a coma, and I was put in the temple. I lay down for more than two years to recuperate. I never left the gate of the temple again. I don’t know anything about what happened after that day.”

Lu Junliang, originally not surnamed Lu, was also surnamed Mu himself. He was originally a child of a branch of the Mu family, but because his parents died early, he was adopted by the mistress of the Mu family, so he was called Master Chengmu. His mother is called Ganniang.

"That day, we were all unable to use martial arts because of poisoning, but people from the martial arts outside came, and they asked the owner to come up with clever tactics. The owner said that clever tactics have always been passed on by word of mouth, and no records were left. They just Ask the owner to speak out. The owner asked them to evacuate from the villa. So, in front of the owner, they killed the godmother and that stinky woman, because they thought it was the owner's child."

"In order to protect you, elder brother was killed by them with knives. My sister-in-law didn't come out that day. My elder brother said that my sister-in-law was uncomfortable. I didn't know where my sister-in-law was. I was protected by the third elder, but I also Wounded, the sword pierced the elder. It pierced mine."

As he spoke, he opened his clothes and saw a long scratch on his stomach.

"Then two people came and fought with those people in the martial arts for a while, and said something, those people left. Those two people took you away. I thought they were bad people, because the owner of the village was also killed by those people , the only one in the Mu family is you. But I dare not make a sound. I can’t move. I didn’t come out from under the third elder until they were all gone. The injury was when I was crawling, and the sword cut open of."

"I went to see everyone. The eldest brother died, and the owner died. The godmother still has a sigh of relief. The godmother told me to find you. I have been looking for you. I have been looking for you!"

Cheng Mu nodded and said:

"So, the villa is destroyed?"

Junliang shook his head and said:
"No, they didn't burn down the villa. Over the years, I heard that many people have entered the villa. I'm afraid they were looking for something. Later, someone encountered the mechanism of the villa, and no one went in after that."

"Then what about my parents?"

"I was buried in the villa. At that time, the villa was full of dead people, the owner and the godmother. I buried them in the yard where they lived. Brother, I buried them next to my parents. Several elders, I buried them In the outer courtyard. There are too many other people, so I can only put the family together and cover them with quilts. I don’t know how many days I used them. I buried them all and covered them. I walked out of the villa I'm coming. I'm going to find you."

Having said this, Mu Junliang cried again.

"Amitabha! Don't cry, it's all over. As long as the villa is still there, as long as it is still there. Let's go back and have a look after this matter is over."

Mu Junliang nodded.Shi Chun came to urge them, and then everyone set off again.

(End of this chapter)

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