Chapter 914

Chapter 910 Zhuang Xiuwen Watches the Door
After confirming these people, old man Mo yelled:
"What are these people, what are these people going to do? This is not just a matter of pirates going ashore."

Old man Mo grabbed Xueer and Chengwen one by one, and flew away from the yard.Put them in the yard next door Xuejian.Then he took out a jade bottle from his body, gave each of them a pill, and solemnly said to Xue Jian:

"Be careful. Go and change all your clothes. It's best to take a bath. I've seen that Gu before. It's more useful for people with blood. If people without blood get infected, it's just a kind of poison that will make people feel sick. The skin festered."

Xue Jian nodded, and asked Ban Xia to prepare a change of clothes for the young master first, and let the young master take a bath and change clothes. Fortunately, Cheng Wen is also a very independent boy, and he can take care of himself since he was a child.But Xuejian still told him to take off his coat, wrap it upside down, and hand it over to Old Man Mo and the others.

Change into clean clothes, inside and out.Then don't go there for the time being, if you want something, just let it be brought out.

I just saw the face and hands of Patriarch Lu.Chengwen was also a little scared, and obeyed her sister's arrangements for everything.Ban Xia, who also took old man Mo's medicine, took care of the two siblings, who washed and changed their clothes.Shi Chun also came over.Of course, they all went to rewash and change.

Cleaned up the people in the house.The princess also said that it was fine for the time being.Old man Mo also went to check on the few people on the princess's side first, and found out in time. Now it seems that there is no problem.

This afternoon, someone came to the house, and Xue Jian smiled happily when she saw him:

"Uncle Zhuang, I'm looking forward to you."

The person who came was Zhuang Xiuwen who came from the capital, that is, Shi Chun's man.Originally, Zhuang Xiuwen was Lian Quchen's person.Lian Quchen gave their family to Xuejian, and Liang Shengyue had to rush for the exam to become an official, and he needed a long-term follower who could take care of things.Xue Jian asked Zhuang Xiuwen to help.

Even Liang Shengyue said that his official career is thanks to Zhuang Xiuwen, and he has benefited a lot from Zhuang Xiuwen.She has always been reluctant to return Zhuang Xiuwen to Xue Jian.Now even if the official worships a first-rank prime minister, Zhuang Xiuwen is still his aide.This time, she was finally willing to return Zhuang Xiuwen because Xue Jian said that she would stay here for a few years, and Shi Chun couldn't keep her husband and wife separated.

In this way, Liang Shengyue let Zhuang Xiuwen come back.Zhuang Xiuwen came here directly.

"Master, you should call me Lao Zhuang."

Xue Jian laughed and said:

"I'm in short supply right now. You're here just in time."

"Oh? What are you doing short of manpower?"

"Lack of concierge."

Shi Chun, who was standing aside with a smile on his face, said.

Xue Jian and Zhuang Xiuwen were stunned, Shi Chun said:
"Master, I really think that it is most suitable for him to be the concierge now. Lao Zhuang doesn't say anything else, but his knowledge of people and things is really convincing. Therefore, it is right for us to entrust him as the concierge now." The best."

Turning to Zhuang Xiuwen, he said:
"Don't think I'm joking. It's true. We just cleaned it up today. Our concierge was poisoned. Not only the concierge, but the things they brought in poisoned everyone in the house. , is still a kind of contagious poison, so now the master needs a shrewd gatekeeper here. In my opinion, you are the most suitable."

Hearing what Shi Chun said, Zhuang Xiuwen said anxiously:

"Are you all right?"

Shi Chunbai glanced at him and said:

"If we have something to do, can we still be here?"

Xue Jian thought about it and said:

"Don't say it, Uncle Zhuang, after hearing what Aunt Shi said, I also feel that the position of concierge is still very important."

Then, Xuejian told Zhuang Xiuwen all the recent things in detail, and then said:
"In this county now, we don't know who are pirates and who are ordinary people. We are in the open, and others are in the dark, so we have to guard against it! The first wave of today is just a mess. We are defenseless!"

"Fortunately, Prince Rong and Senior Qin are here, otherwise, we would have nothing to do with these people!"

Zhuang Xiuwen listened to everything, nodded and said:
"Then master, I also think Shi Chun is right. This position is really suitable for me. Then I will be the porter first. I will definitely show master the gate!"

Xuejian thought about it and said:

"Wait a minute, I'll ask Master for some medicine. You have to protect yourself first. It's true to protect you well. Also, you don't have to worry about force. There are now two hidden guards at the gatehouse. They have been guarding in turns. There are also people outside."

Zhuang Xiuwen smiled and said:
"Then thank you, master!"

Xue Jian also let out a heavy breath and said:
"With Uncle Zhuang here, I feel much more at ease!"

Anyway, when Zhuang Xiuwen came, Xuejian was relieved a lot. This person is a capable person, who can help Liang Shengyue move freely in the officialdom, and can also help Lian Quchen take care of the family business.It is said that he has no martial arts, but he is also famous in the world.

Although it is a bit overkill for such a person to guard the door for himself.But now is a special period, if all those pirates are found, then Xue Jian has other arrangements for this Uncle Zhuang.

Therefore, Zhuang Xiuwen immediately took office as soon as he arrived.And Shi Chun also told him carefully about the people and relationships who live here now, and what the master is going to do now.

Zhuang Xiuwen said excitedly:

"I knew that great things could be achieved by following this master. You can't go wrong! Take a look. This master has a brain in doing things. We are really right to follow her!"

Shi Chun smiled and said:

"Look how beautiful you are! I know you have always wanted to do something big, and now you have the opportunity. Following this master, we have found the right person."

The couple sighed here that they found the right master, but on the other side, the two old men really had no way to prevent it, because the child would be in pain if they wanted to be cured, and they didn't know who gave it to the child. Where is the child's mother Gu?If the child is cured.Don't let the mother's insanity break out when the cure is less than half, it will kill the child directly.

This made the two old men a little troubled.

Just after lunch, Second Young Master Lu also started to have a bubble.Even though he was very young, old man Qin took some medicine for him in time, and asked him not to scratch no matter how itchy he was, because if he scratched, it might hurt the child gu, which would cause the mother gu to erupt. People are in trouble.

Because it is still uncertain whether the bewitchment on the second young master came from the head of the Lu family or from this child.Mr. Qin wants to try it.

Therefore, Mr. Qin chose a bigger bubble on the second son's left hand, and a black dot could be seen inside.That is Zi Gu.The old man solved it with a silver needle.It caused Patriarch Lu to scream.Now he also understands how painful the youngest son was just now.

(End of this chapter)

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