Chapter 916
Chapter 910 Receiving Gu

With treatment, it would be much easier.

The old man Qin asked the ancient father-in-law to help out these two days, first guide all the bugs that came out of the second son, and the old man Qin also specially prepared some jade bottles, put the guided bugs in and prepare Grow it yourself and see how it turns out.

It's just that it took three days to clean up the bugs on Second Young Master's body.When the last worm was removed from the Second Young Master's body, old man Qin felt the second young master's pulse again, and those things really disappeared.

But the female worm has not yet discovered that her worms have been cleaned up.It has not yet reacted to Patriarch Lu.

And the bugs that got off Patriarch Lu's body first looked a bit bad, probably because the blood that had been left for a few days was not very fresh.If the worm is a little irritable, the mother worm will feel it.Therefore, the child cried a few times from time to time in the past two days.

Look at the situation.Old man Qin knew that he should act quickly and wipe out everything from Patriarch Lu.Then go to clean up the children.However, the head of the Lu family disagreed. He saw the worms removed from his son, and he thought, can we remove the worms from the younger son first, because the younger son is also starting to rot, and the child can't help but want to scratch it. After catching it, it looked like yellow water and bloody water, it looked very pitiful!
Old man Qin thought about it and said:
"It's okay to think about it. However, we are all trying to do it. If you touch the female insect, will it hurt you?"

The head of the Lu family said decisively:

"It's okay, I can bear the pain, but he can't bear it!"

Old man Qin looked at Patriarch Lu, nodded and said:
"You are a good father!"

Then the old man Qin let some blood out of the young master of the Lu family that day, and then lured some worms out of him, but obviously it was much more difficult to lure out from the young master, because the old man Qin found out that in the small The worms on the son's body have grown a lot, and many of them can be seen on the body, and they are no longer a black dot.

It seems that this thing is still evolving very quickly!Old man Qin was also in a hurry.I don't want to finish the introduction quickly, I'm afraid something will happen. If this kind of bug grows out, I can control one or two of them by myself. If there are too many, I can't do anything about it.

That night, old man Qin was busy all night, and in the middle of the night, even old man Mo came to help.

The two finally got rid of the worms on the child after dawn, but the mother worm has been lingering in the blood vessel. If it is not removed, it may lay eggs by itself .

It obeyed the drainage again, and finally drove it to the child's elbow.Old man Qin could only use a needle to stop the blood in that section, and the blood didn't move, which made the mother Gu feel a little scared, and then became manic in that blood vessel.A big lump swelled up on the elbow of the child.

When the swelling is so big, the child must be uncomfortable, so he cried and cried, and his hands were still shaking, and the other hand always wanted to grab the other hand!Eunuch Gu had no choice but to tie up his body and hands with a belt.

This will keep him still, but it will make him cry even more sadly.Patriarch Lu could only stand outside the door and watch his son cry, and he could only cry and tell his son to bear it up a little bit.

But the mother Gu that was exploding in the child's body was getting more and more violent, and it seemed that it was about to bite the flesh on the child's hand, trying to break through the skin.But Patriarch Lu, who was guarding the door, fell to the ground with a scream.

It seems that the mother Gu stimulated those child Gu to move, and they also scurry around Patriarch Lu's body.Old man Mo saw that the situation was not good, so he told old man Qin to look at Patriarch Lu. He just wanted to put away the mother gu, and he could do it.

Mr. Qin gave Patriarch Lu a few injections, which was regarded as an acupuncture point for Patriarch Lu. Patriarch Lu was the same as his son, unable to move and could only scream!

Mr. Qin had already removed an arm from Patriarch Lu, so it is very simple to do now.Here, Mr. Qin slowly activated those little Gus on Patriarch Lu's body, but found that because of the sudden rush just now, those little Gus had grown a lot, and Patriarch Lu's blood became weaker and weaker. It seems that these things Now he is eating the blood of Patriarch Lu fiercely.

I saw old master Qin flying with both hands, and after a while, he drove all the pain on Patriarch Lu's other arm to the back of his hand.

Second Young Master Lu didn't dare to approach, he could only look at the two old men surrounding his father and younger brother from a distance, he could only see that they were busy busy, and he could only see Old Master Qin turning Patriarch Lu over and over from time to time.

The mother Gu on Old Man Mo's side can't come out quickly, so he can only control it first. If it comes out first, I'm afraid it will make it more difficult to deal with the child Gu, so, according to Old Man Qin's words, Old Man Mo uses silver to treat it from time to time. The needle was pricked into the swollen place, and some medicine to anesthetize the mother Gu was inserted, and after a few pricks, the mother Gu finally calmed down a little.

The mother Gu has calmed down, so it will be easier for old man Qin.The old man Qin's technique did not slow down, because he had to rush to deal with this side before dealing with the mother Gu, so as to save the child's arm!

It wasn't until it was getting dark that the child Gu was dealt with, but Patriarch Lu still had a mother Gu on his body, but it kept lurking and didn't move.

Old man Qin raised his head, stretched his neck and said:

"Zicheng, come and take a look here, I'll clean up that thing."

Old man Mo didn't say anything, but Eunuch Gu took out another handkerchief from his arms, and lightly wiped old man Qin's sweat away.

Then I went to light some candles.Only then did old man Qin come to clean up the much quieter mother Gu.

Finally cut through the lump, and then quickly picked up the mother Gu with a silver needle into a jade bottle filled with the child's blood.It also quieted down a bit.Then old man Qin started to deal with the injury on the child's arm.Bandage him again, hoping to keep the child's arm!

The child's voice was hoarse from crying.After bandaging.Old man Qin asked Eunuch Gu to hand over the child to Second Young Master to take care of him.

Then I went to deal with the mother Gu on Lu Patriarch's body. This time I still used some methods. Mr. Qin directly stabbed to death a child Gu that was removed from the Second Young Master's body. The originally quiet Patriarch Lu suddenly screamed. One sound,
They searched and finally found this mother Gu!It's just that the place where his mother Gu stayed was a little strange, the soles of Patriarch Lu's feet!

Once you find it, there's no way it can get away.

(End of this chapter)

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