farmer's daughter

Chapter 921 They Will Use Poison

Chapter 921 They Will Use Poison

Chapter 920 Three They Will Use Poison
Old man Qin also nodded and said:

"Xue'er's theory is also acceptable. It's just that this Lu family is already outside the city. We will try two worms here first, and then we will move to the city to try two."

Everyone agreed on what to do, and we waited until night to start the action.

Things went very smoothly, so smoothly that they were unexpected.It is better to stand behind the walls of each side in a few minutes.Old man Qin stabbed one of the Gu worms taken from the child to death with a needle. Unexpectedly, the screams came from an inn not far from the Lu family's gate.

Then a woman stumbled out of the inn, and this woman threw herself directly in front of the Lu family's door and shouted:


It was Fu Jinghao who was in charge of this piece.Seeing that Zhuang Xiuwen was going to help the woman, Fu Jinghao hurriedly shouted:

"Stay away, Uncle Zhuang, this woman is poisonous!"

At the same time, a whistle was sent to remind people from all sides.After a while, everyone gathered in front of the door.Old man Qin put the Xue Jian he brought a little further away before coming over.

Then he tapped the woman's acupoints and brought her into the courtyard. The owner of the Lu family and the second young master Lu who were still waiting for the results were surprised when they saw the person brought in and shouted:
"Fourth aunt!"

It turned out that the woman who was brought in was Lu Lin'er's biological mother, the fourth aunt of the Lu family.

Seeing Patriarch Lu and Second Young Master Lu, Fourth Aunt just smiled desolately and called out:
"Patriarch, Second Young Master!"

Patriarch Lu was furious, thinking about what the father and son had suffered these past few days, he rushed over to beat this woman.Second Young Master Lu still has a semblance of reason. He still remembers what Old Master Qin said, not to get close to this person.So I reached out and grabbed my father.

The head of the Lu family shouted:

"How can my Lu family feel sorry for you? Your mother was dying of illness, and my Lu family rescued you. What's wrong with your life in the Lu family? You betrayed my Lu family. You even took me away That's all, but why are you so vicious, it's the flesh that fell from your body, you actually poisoned him! And let him infect us? You vicious woman is not worthy of being a mother!"

Following Xue Jian and the others who came in, they also stood on the other side, watching Mr. Qin unceremoniously throwing the woman into a tank on the side. Pass it on to others.

But the poisonous Gu that can't be transmitted will eat back at the host.This backlash caused Si Yiniang a lot of trouble.In front of her delicate face, she was bitten in several places in a short while, and those Gu worms seemed to be unable to find their way out.It bit the fourth aunt's face and hands exposed on the water.

The Second Young Master Lu couldn't bear to look directly at him anymore, so he turned his face away, even the angry Patriarch Lu turned his face away, and couldn't stand it any longer.

But Mr. Qin was in a hurry, picking out the prepared silver needles one by one, and putting them into the jade bottle prepared on the side.

After the fourth aunt yelled for a while, she passed out.It's not easy for Mr. Qin to take off the fourth aunt's clothes to check, so he can only force those Gu insects to the exposed places on his face and hands, and then clean them up.

After cleaning up those that pop up.Mr. Qin took a pulse and felt that it was still there.So I added something to the water in the tank, and sure enough, after a while, the miserable screams of the fourth aunt began again.Those lurking insects were also forced out.

Even Xue Jian, who was watching from a distance, was hugged and turned away by Fu Jinghao, preventing her from seeing it.Because that fourth aunt is completely a ghost now, even bugs are crawling out of her nostrils.

Finally, the bugs on Fourth Aunt's body were cleaned up.Both old master Qin and old man Mo took their pulses and confirmed that it was gone.Only then did she be lifted out of the water and thrown aside.

And fourth aunt was tossed until her face was covered with holes, and she was dripping with blood.After Mr. Qin looked at it, he called Shi Chun, took him down, changed his clothes, put on some medicine, and brought him back again.

Shi Chun took the man down and casually changed into the servant's clothes.Put some medicine on the face that can no longer see its original appearance.Then bring the person out again.

When Fourth Yiniang was brought out, she still had no strength at all, and was thrown in the middle of the hall by Shi Chun.Xue Jian and the others were waiting to interrogate her in this hall.To see what she has to say.

However, Fourth Aunt raised her head to look at Patriarch Lu, took two steps towards Patriarch Lu, and yelled hoarsely:
"Master, master!"

Patriarch Lu snorted heavily.My face is only a little better than the fourth aunt, and now there are several festered places.

Fourth Aunt mourned:

"Master! I didn't feel sorry for the Lu family, I was forced too!"

"People say that the poison of a tiger does not eat its children, but look at what you have done? What have you done to a good child?"

Patriarch Lu asked sadly.

Fourth Aunt cried:
"On that day, my mother took Lin'er and me away and returned to the island. Unexpectedly, something happened to my father and he was controlled. Lin'er and I were poisoned, and they wanted to use us to control the Lu family. .Then let us come here, but we came, but you moved away. They thought we were useless. They abandoned us for a while. I even brought my children to beg for food, but three months ago, Suddenly someone found us, arranged us to live in this inn, and told us to wait for the notification. At that time, we will be able to eat and live.”

"Later, I was notified that I should bring the child to the gate of Lu's house, but I didn't know if you had come back. I also put the child in front of the Lu's house according to the intention of the visitor. , there is no news about the child anymore. Until just now, the poisonous hair on my body, I knew something happened to the child. So, so I came over to have a look."

"I really can't help it. My father is still locked in the cave on the island, and my mother has been controlled by them. They will use poison."

Xue Jian interjected:

"Who is it?"

Fourth Yiniang turned her head to look at Xue Jian, a little girl, but she was sitting in the right seat, her status was not low.The fourth aunt kowtowed and said:
"I only know that they are my father's friends. But in order to win the power on the island, our family has been controlled. And I don't know when my father met them. It should be me in the Lu family. when."

"Then how many people are there and what kind of people are they?"

"It's a man, with his wife and children, old and young. However, all of them know how to use martial arts. Even his little child is capable of using poison. My mother was controlled by them with poison. She was irrational. Even I I don’t admit it, I only help them with things. The people on the island are more or less poisoned to control them, and each of them wants to earn a monthly antidote, so they are all helping with things.”

(End of this chapter)

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