Chapter 929
Chapter 930

Even so, old man Mo walked forward in Mujiazhuang with Mu Qingyang in danger.After walking for a while, old man Mo sighed and said:
"You should bring your monk."

"Uncle said he didn't want to go back here, so he drew the map for us."

"Monks are hypocritical!"


"Why, just talking? Come, come, look at this, is this a secret door?"

Old man Mo said while responding.They were walking to the place where Master Chengmu drew said to be the owner's study.It is said that there should be a secret door here, but the two of them have been walking in this house for a long time, and they can't find the secret door after touching and moving.

But now, old man Mo stood in front of that screen, feeling that there was something wrong with the screen, but he didn't see it carefully.

Mu Qingyang was taking the books off the shelf one by one to have a look and put them back again, none of them touched the mechanism.

I was scolding my ancestors in my heart, why the family didn't tell me about the mechanism, if my uncle knew, it would be great to tell myself directly.

Hearing old man Mo's call, he also came over and saw that what old man Mo was pointing at was the screen. Mu Qingyang stood over to take a look, but he didn't see any difference. The only thing he could see was that this screen was different from other people's screens. Yes, this screen is fixed here and cannot be moved!
This is a bit strange.Mu Qingyang stretched out his hand and gently pushed the frame of the screen, feeling a chill in his hand.


Mu Qingyang touched it carefully again, and then said:
"Master, this one is not made of wood, but this one is made of jade! But how can jade be made like wood?"

Old Mo also reached out to touch it and said:

"Good stuff, Hanyu!"

Mu Qing Yang raised his eyebrows, Han Yu heard that it is good for practitioners.

Old man Mo paid more attention now, because the screen can be made of cold jade, it must be because the screen is very important.Most people will not touch the screen when they see it.

Old man Mo looked at the picture above again. The picture showed an eagle spreading its wings and swooping down from the sky. On the grass below, there was a rabbit grazing. He didn't feel that an eagle was coming at all.

Whether it is an eagle or a rabbit, they are all painted vividly.It all looks very real.

Old man Mo took a step back, and then took a step forward, looking around, but he didn't see any difference in this picture.What's wrong with this?
Mu Qingyang also took a step back following old man Mo, took a step forward to look, and then turned to look behind.As soon as I turned around to the back, I saw the problem.

Because what I saw in front of me was the eagle and the rabbit, all of which were vivid.But in hindsight.The rabbit seemed to be missing an eye.

Afraid that he saw it wrong, Mu Qingyang stretched out his hand to touch it, and sure enough, there was a small hole in the place of the other eye, and inside the hole, there was also a small protrusion.

"Master, come, I found it."

Old man Mo jumped over, saw Mu Qingyang, went to touch it and shouted:

"Back off a little, I'll come."

Mu Qingyang also backed away, but still urged:
"I don't know if it is, be careful, Master."

Old man Mo stretched out his hand to touch the protrusion, but it didn't move at all, there was no reaction, it seemed that it was wrong.

Old man Mo looked down in disbelief, and found that it was a red thing that couldn't be pushed, so he pulled it out to have a look.

I tried it, although it is not easy to pull, but unexpectedly, it really pulls after a pull!I couldn't move much, just moved a little bit, pulled it out, and completed the rabbit's eyes.

Seeing that the rabbit's eyes were installed.There was still no movement in the room, old man Mo scratched his head and said:
"You Mu family have so many minds! It seems that it's not just this one place, you have to find several places to do it."

Mu Qingyang was speechless, wanting to say that he didn't have so many thoughts.These are all things that were set up by those who came before.

But according to this, it is easy to find, it seems that it is enough to find some inappropriate places and put them back in place.

Mu Qingyang searched again, and finally found it. There was a dressing table in the corner of the room, and there was a candlestick on the dressing table. This candlestick was also born on this dressing table and could not be moved. A piece of the candlestick was broken in the center.

It may also look broken to others.But Mu Qingyang discovered that it wasn't broken.That's the sinking.Using the old man Mo's method just now, he stretched out his hand and pulled it out, and stuck it to the side of the candlestick in the same way.

Old man Mo saw his operation.It is also very speechless!
The main reason is that there is no response yet, it seems there are still!What else did this damn old wooden man design!Old man Mo felt that he was in no mood to search any further!
He stepped back and sat down, reaching out and patting the table.He was about to curse, but he heard Kakaka's voice.Standing up hurriedly, Mu Qingyang and Mu Qingyang stood over to have a look, there was a small bed in a compartment behind the study, and now, the small bed has grown taller.

The four legs of the cot grew taller and rose up.Old man Mo was a little depressed.When the small bed grows to the height of a person, it will stop rising.Then there was another sound from the study outside.The two went back to have a look, only to see that the door of the outer study room was automatically closed.And a big hole appeared in the ground behind the door.It can be seen from the cave that there are steps.

And the steps are very neat, the bottom is still bright, not dark.Old man Mo looked down, and took the lead in walking in.

Mu Qingyang also followed old man Mo down.Below is a channel.I don't know where it leads.But go ahead and have a look.

There are not many steps, only a dozen or so steps, and there is a passage after going down.On the wall of the passage, except for a section, there is a night pearl. Although the light is not very bright, you can still see the way forward.

The two master and apprentice walked forward less than ten feet away, and there was a turning, which was still a passage.Going forward again, this time at the end is a stone room with a width of one foot and a length of one foot.

In the middle of the stone room, there is a table with a memorial tablet, and incense is placed in front of the memorial tablet.There is a tuanpu in front of the table.

Take a closer look, there is some dust on the tablet.Mu Qingyuan raised his hand, brought some palm wind, and after blowing away the dust, he saw a few large characters written on the tablet:

"The Spirit of the Mu Clan's Ancestors"

This tablet is a bit strange, it is said to be an ancestor, but there is no clear title.I don't know which generation of ancestors it is.There is no sign stander!

But Mu Qingyang knelt down immediately after seeing the tablet name clearly, took three sticks of incense, lit them with a flint, and kowtowed respectfully.Then I saluted.Just after he stood up, the place where the incense ball was inserted exploded lightly. It turned out that after the incense burnt off a section, the flame went out.Drop a section of incense.

Mu Qingyang picked it up and saw that it was a small scroll.

(End of this chapter)

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