Chapter 931
Chapter 930

Originally, when the court received reports from several people that Xuejian was accumulating money in Haikun County, the emperor and several important officials did not believe it.Why don't you believe it, because they know that if Xuejian really wants money, some things won't go into the treasury.

And the emperor has been to Haikun County, and he also heard some plans and some budgets from Xuejian, so after all, Xuejian doesn't have much money there.The emperor is still discussing with Lei Shangshu whether to give some money to Xuejian, but Xuejian has not yet applied for it.

So when he heard about this, the emperor turned his head and knew what was going on.It seems.Prince Rui is collecting money from the people to use it.Thinking about the money of those wealthy businessmen, we really should use some of it to do our best!

The emperor ignored those voices in court calling for punishment of Xue Jian.But those who heard them say are embellished.I've been there, but I don't know what Xuejian looks like?
Sure enough, within a few days, those grown-ups all shut up one by one, presumably because they had received Xue Jian to make those people famous!
With these things ahead.People in the court no longer speak ill of Xue Jian.And Xue Jian's affairs are progressing smoothly.

Mu Qingyang and old man Mo who went to Namu's house only came back in nearly two months.It's just that the first thing old man Mo did after he came back was to call Xuejian out of the room and ask Xuejian to prepare delicious food for her, saying that he was in a hurry to eat now!For two months, I and Mu Qingyang ate some dry food in there, and old man Mo couldn't even poop.As soon as he came out of the tunnel, the first thing he said was:

"I'm starving to death, I want to eat Xue'er's food when I go back."

Xuejian looked at the bearded master, and went to the kitchen helplessly.Prepare to cook him something delicious.And Mu Qingyang didn't go back to the mansion when he came back, he went directly to the beach to find Monk Chengmu.He told everything about his return to Mu's house this time.

Cheng Muheshi said:
"Amitabha! As long as you are well. From now on, you can take your children back to live in Mujiazhuang. Slowly, you will have a family. Just remember the Mu family's ancestral motto!"

"how about you?"

"Amitabha! I am no longer me. After finishing this place, I am ready to go back to the temple! Go to my Buddha!"


Mu Qingyang wanted to say something, but seeing that the master ignored him, he had no choice but to return to the mansion.

When Lu Qiuhui saw that Mu Qingyang was not in a good mood, she naturally stepped forward to ask, and Mu Qingyang said:
"Would you like to live with me in Mujiazhuang in the future? If you live there, you won't come out?"

Lu Qiuhui nodded and said:

"We will be where you are. There is no need to ask."

That's what Lu Qiuhui said, but Mu Qingyang still understands that Lu Qiuhui's temperament is not the kind of person who stays at home, and only wants to be a heroine.Therefore, these years, he often followed Mu Qingyang to walk in the rivers and lakes.

It is also because of this that the two temperaments are very compatible, even if they lock themselves up, they are not used to it.Therefore, after the master said that he came back, he could announce to the public that there are descendants in Mujiazhuang.But now Mu Qingyang still doesn't want to announce it.

Because he still wants to walk in the rivers and lakes for a few years.

At dinner in the evening, Xue Jian and the others first toasted the wine of the second senior brother, and now they went back to pay homage to their ancestors, which is considered to be a recognition of their ancestors, which is of course a great joy.

But I heard from the second senior brother that the reason for not announcing it is because I don't want to imprison the whole family in Mujiazhuang.

Xue Jian laughed out loud with a flutter.In the hearts of these ancient people, they took these ancestral precepts very seriously.So, if they live in.Then it won't come out.

Xue Jian laughed, and everyone looked at Xue Jian.Xue Jian said with a smile:
"I haven't been to Mujiazhuang yet, but I think the ancestors of the Mu family closed Mujiazhuang back then. It should be because of something that happened back then. It's not that one person thought of locking up people from his own family. It is estimated that your ancestors closed Mujiazhuang because of this matter, so they gradually refined your traditional surgery and organ techniques."

"But now so many years have passed, even if something happened, it is over. Do you still have to live with the rules? Now that you have opened the door of Mujiazhuang, you are the only ancestor of the Mu family. Think about it , if you shut it down, who will my nephew find as his wife in the future?"

Everyone nodded after listening.Xuejian is right.

Xueer said again:

"I see, your Mujiazhuang's defense ability is very good now. As long as you activate your mechanism, it doesn't matter if you don't want to live in it. Even if you live in it, you don't have to be afraid of anything. Don't you still have Fengying Tower now. Besides, the main point I want to say is: the rules of the ancestors are to be broken!"

The old man Mo who was sitting next to Xuejian stretched out his hand and gave Xuejian a pop of the head and said:
"Who said that the rules of the ancestors are to be broken? Don't teach the children badly!"

Xuejian rubbed her head and complained:

"Master! Try to be even more stupid!"

Old man Mo gave her a white look, and said to Mu Qingyang while eating:

"Everything she said is right, except for the last sentence. The rules of the ancestors are not meant to be broken, they can be changed! You will be the owner of Mujiazhuang from now on, you can make a new rule!"

Everyone at the table also said:
"That's right, Second Senior Brother, no matter when you close Zhuangzi, it's not easy for us to go in, and it's not convenient to meet again. Why don't you open Mujiazhuang, and we will help you guard it if something happens."

Both Murong Xing and Fu Jinghao had the same opinion.Even Qiu Yuan said:
"Not to mention anything else, second senior brother, you just leave us a yard in Mujiazhuang, and we can live in it too."

"That's natural. I never thought that only our family would live in it, and of course you!"

"We can't shut it down, you know, we are all people who like to go around and have a look. I plan to finish the business here and go to travel with brother Jing Hao to the whole world we know."

Even Nangong Yuzhu also said:

"Back then, even though I was far away, I had heard of the Mujiazhuang of the Eastern Dynasty. So, if you leave us a yard, Zicheng, we can come and live."

"Okay, okay, okay, it's fine if you say yes, but it's not very fun there, it's so quiet and unpopular!"

"Master, that is a place where no one has lived for more than [-] years. If there is any popularity, we will all go there."

Xue Jian also quickly caught the loophole in the master's words and robbed the master.

Old man Qin nodded and said:

"I want to see this too. I heard that some of the organs there are very clever. I have to see it."

Snow said:
"Second senior brother, why don't you just let Bai Haoming and the others use Mujiazhuang directly as the headquarters of your Fengyinglou. I don't think there will be peace in the Jianghu for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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