farmer's daughter

Chapter 933 Conquering the Pirates

Chapter 933 Conquering the Pirates
Chapter 930 Five Conquering Pirates

Some pirates want to dive into the water to escape, but there is a long way to go, can they escape?But when he caught the last person, Qiu Yuan was also injured.

Because this person's martial arts is not weak.And he is good at playing on the boat, the boat is rocking.Although Qiu Yuan's martial arts were higher than his, he also suffered a disadvantage.This made Qiu Yuan very angry!With a ruthless hand, he finally took him down.

After returning to the mansion, seeing Qiu Yuan injured, Murong Shan was so distressed that she cried.The injury was not minor, it could pierce Qiu Yuan's thigh!He also made a long cut.Even old man Qin came out after giving the medicine and said:
"This injury is really a blessing. It didn't break the blood vessel. Otherwise, he might not be able to come back alive!"

Murong Shan, who was already worried, cried even more when she heard old man Qin's words.Here, old man Mo rolled his eyes at old man Qin and said:

"Look at you, you scared the little girl. Don't worry, I won't die! This kid is dying, he didn't die when he was surrounded by wolves!"

This time, it's Xue's turn to see Master Bai. Is there such a thing as comforting?
Qiu Yuan was transferred back to recuperate from his injuries, and Murong Xing was allowed to go on a sea tour.Now that the princess is taking care of the child every day, Murong Xing feels more at ease.Anyway, there are mothers and younger sisters who are here to help take care of the children.Besides, Qiu Yuan is a cousin, senior brother, and future sister-in-law, so this matter has to be taken care of anyway.

Murong Shan no longer takes care of the children.Accompany Qiu Yuan every day.Change Qiu Yuan's medicine personally.Qiu Yuan was a little embarrassed, because the injury was on his thigh.And he and Murong Shan are not married yet.

On the other hand, Murong Shan didn't think in the wrong direction at all, she only thought about taking good care of Qiu Yuan.Give him a timely change of medicine.

Xue Jian personally went to see the person who hurt Qiu Yuan.I heard that the man's martial arts is high, and Qiu Yuan said that the man looks very similar to the traitor from the Mu family.

Therefore, Xuejian asked Fu Jinghao to go to the interrogation in person sometime.I don't know if I don't have a trial, but the first trial is sure, that person is Mu Junliang's son!That is, the son of that concubine back then!
It turned out that back then, that concubine wanted a son wholeheartedly. After drugging the people in the village, it was Mu Junliang who hooked up with her, promised to give her a son, and even drew a blueprint for her, saying that if there was a son After giving birth to their son, they took this Mujiazhuang in their hands.after.Whoever has the final say here is what they mean.

That concubine knew the reputation of Mujiazhuang in Jianghu.If his son can become the head of the Mu family in the future, then he will also be in the spotlight.So a transaction was made.But just because the head of the Mu family has never told them where the Mu family's secret room is, they still dare not touch the members of the Mu family.

And after those Jianghu people were attracted by the news of Mu Junliang's release.Mu Junliang took the little concubine out of Zhuangzi first.That's why old man Mo and old man Qin didn't see these two people in those years.So the two old men always thought that it was people in the Jianghu who hurt Mujiazhuang, but they didn't know that there were two traitors.

Now everything is clear, and this person is the current pirate leader, and because of him, the original pirate leader was locked up.

This time, he also wanted to gain more trust from everyone. In addition, he hadn't heard from his father for a long time.So I went ashore to see for myself.Relying on the fact that he is also the best in martial arts in the pirate's den, he has been ashore before and knows the situation of the people here, but he doesn't know that Prince Rui and others are here now.

So, he didn't know what was coming, so he came to check it himself, but unexpectedly, it still fell into Qiu Yuan's hands.

Afterwards, Xue saw Zeng Dao, if Qiu Yuan went away that day, or General Changsun was replaced, I am afraid that even a whole ship of the navy would not be a match for this person.There may be a big loss.

Take this guy down.I think they will automatically rebel soon after coming to their den.If someone rebels, someone will want to go ashore secretly.Therefore, Xue Jian repeatedly told them to make their patrolmen be more careful, and even more so that the fishermen could only fish in the offshore areas, and that the fishing boats going out to sea must carry a sign of the government.

I have to say that Xuejian's request really worked.Sure enough, after five days, some pirates who sneaked back to land were caught one after another, some came in the middle of the night, and some wanted to sneak in among the fishermen.There was also a bold one who used a piece of wood from a distance and wanted to paddle over by himself. When he saw a boat coming, he dived by himself, but later found that his physical strength was not good enough.He also took the initiative to come out of the water to ask for help.

Even Song Changshu, who has been here for two or three years, had to say:

"Prince Rui's solution is better. It seems that cutting off the supplies over there is very important!"

In fact, there is one thing that Xue Jian did not say.Xue Jian guessed that if these pirates could survive forever, there must be support on the shore.And the best way to be a pirate is to be a fisherman.

Therefore, on the grounds of protecting the safety of the fishermen, she first merged the scattered fishing villages into one large fishing village, which is easier to manage.The second is to let the army protect the fishermen to fish, which is also a way to cut off some fishermen from giving to the pirates.In this way, the pirates had to come ashore.

I'm not afraid they won't go ashore, I'm afraid they won't come.There is always a way to clean them up.

According to the current situation, the pirate island is basically full of old and young women.Of course, some pirates did not come out.For example, the original head of the pirates.

Originally, General Changsun was eager to capture them and took the pirates' nest.But Xuejian didn't want to make more sacrifices, in a word, I'd better wait!

Sure enough, in less than a month, a boat hung a white cloth and sailed towards the shore. General Changsun and the newly injured Qiu Yuan led the army to escort the boat to the newly repaired pier.Those who got off the boat were all invited to a yard and locked up.Then they were interrogated one by one.All these handling matters were handed over to Song Changshu.

But, there are a few of them.He was taken away by Xue Jian.The first one is an old woman.That little concubine back then.The sinner of Mu Qingyang's family!The second is the pirate leader of the year.This person was also taken away by Xue Jian.It means that this man has the ability to sail!
Winter goes to spring.Another year has passed.The big boat under the auspices of Master Chengmu is ready to be put into the water.The only difference is that some in the middle are not done well.Shen Chengwen's engine was also built smoothly.It has great skill, and once tried to install it on one boat, and then pulled three boats on it.The speed is also faster than manual.

This made Xue Jian extremely happy.It seems.This thing is considered a success.It's all good to have that box of information!

On the day when all the big ships were ready for trial launch, the entire dock was crowded with people.Come see this behemoth everyone!
Xue Jian and his party were all on board the ship, and they sailed the ship to the pirate's island without any difficulty at all. They followed the original salt road and finished the journey in less than an hour. Back then, the Lu family's salt boat had to travel for a day. way.

When Patriarch Lu went to the salt field over there again, he saw a salt field with few people. After asking, because there was no more salt here, they couldn't get through.So they all went ashore.

But Xuejian is planning to use it again.Come on.This island is still an unowned island!But now, Xue Jian let it have an owner, that is the salt field of the Eastern Dynasty, and the officials are in charge of this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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