farmer's daughter

Chapter 935 Prince Rui is Getting Married

Chapter 935 Prince Rui is Getting Married

Chapter 930 Seventh Prince Rui Is Getting Married
Prince Rui is getting married.

The news spread throughout the world in less than a few days.It doesn't matter whether it is a person from Wuli country or a person from Wula country.We all got the news.

People from several dynasties were all overwhelmed by this news.Now the reputation of the Prince Rui can be said to be great in all countries. The corn planted by the Prince Rui has now been cultivated in several dynasties.The lime mine opened by Prince Rui also taught everyone how to beautify their residences.

The oil extraction of Prince Rui Church has benefited the poor a lot.Because they don't have more money to buy, but some of them have the strength to grow. As long as they can grow it themselves, the oil squeezed out is enough for the family.

Prince Rui's discovery of the salt field has benefited several countries. They no longer worry that the sea salt will be controlled and the price will be raised if the sea salt is not brought back.

Because no matter what time it is, the salt merchant will never raise the price again. If anyone raises the price of salt, Prince Rui will never sell salt to him again, and this salt merchant will never be able to sell salt again.The main reason is that even if Prince Rui sells salt to other countries, he still asks for it.Therefore, her decision also benefited the common people!

All the things made by Prince Rui, as long as they can be spread, have been taught to people all over the world. Except for some utensils that need money to buy from the Eastern Dynasty, other experience things are from Prince Rui’s side. Taught by hand.

Not only the people of the Eastern Dynasty have benefited, but the people all over the world have benefited!Therefore, Prince Rui is now a god in the hearts of the common people all over the world!In many families, Prince Rui was given a birth card, offering incense and blessings every day!
So, now I heard that Prince Rui is getting married.In the capitals of the Eastern dynasties, many people came one after another. In addition to the officials from each dynasty, there were also many ordinary people who came spontaneously.They are all here to send a heart and a blessing to Prince Rui!

In the past, the emperor might still have some jealousy, but now it is gone, because the current height of Prince Rui is no longer a lucky star of his Eastern Dynasty, but a lucky star of the whole world!As the Supreme Emperor said, Prince Rui was born in the Eastern Dynasty, that is the blessing of the Eastern Dynasty!

The day of the big wedding was still scheduled before Prince Rui's birthday.Because it's winter, it's too cold.Xue Jian decided to set the date for the early autumn season!

Xuejian is not unaware of the excitement outside.But she doesn't have to deal with it now.She doesn't even need to see special envoys from various countries.It is her senior brothers who help her to receive these people well.

Xue Jian first arranged the carriage and brought all the members of his Liang and Shen families to the capital.Because it is not convenient to live in the Prince's Mansion.There are often some official exchanges.Xuejian bought a big courtyard with five entrances in advance, and arranged for all the relatives of the Shen family to live there.

Whether it was the older sisters who were married off from the uncle's family or the cousins ​​who had already married, they all picked them up together.Needless to say, the second uncle's house is here.Because now Shen Chengye is also an official in the court, and married the granddaughter of the former prime minister Lu Xiang.The young couple had brought Shen Erzhu's family to the capital long ago, but Shen Erzhu still liked to do something in the countryside.

After Yueyin and Liang Junlei got married, they also lived in the capital for a long time. One of the couple was outside the home, and the other was inside. On one person.Liang Junlei's official career is also very smooth.In addition to being sent abroad for two years as a local county magistrate, he was now called into Beijing by the emperor and became a small sixth-rank official in the Ministry of Officials.

The official is not big, but it is a real job. All the officials in the whole dynasty are assessed from him.Therefore, even if he is only a small official, he is highly valued by the emperor, and all the courtiers dare not offend him.

And Shen Yuelian has always been a delicious guy, and she also came to the capital with her mother back then.Introduced by my sister-in-law's natal family, she married a cousin of my sister-in-law.Now she is also the wife of a small military officer.The husband and son-in-law are guarding the city gate.It can also take care of the family.

The second uncle's family, the one that worries Xue Jian the most is Cheng Qiang.After that defensive battle, Cheng Qiang was pushed out to become a great general.It's been remarkable over the years.

From the beginning of everyone's doubts to now, he was promoted repeatedly by the emperor and became a second-rank general.This is also unprecedented in the dynasty!There are really very few people who become generals in their early twenties!
And these years, because they have been at the border.Therefore, Chengqiang's marriage has become a matter of concern to everyone.It's not just the second aunt who is worried, even Xue Jian is also very worried!

In the end, it was the emperor who swiped his pen.With Xue Jian's consent, a younger sister of the queen's natal family was directly married to Cheng Qiang.And this girl Xuejian has seen it before, and she is also a very spiritual girl.It matches Cheng Qiang.

Their wedding was held last year.Because Cheng Qiang was a general, he couldn't leave the border town. In the end, the emperor sent someone to escort the bride to the border town to hold the wedding.Most of the members of the Shen family also went.It's just that Xue Jian couldn't make it unfortunately.

Because at that time, they were testing the propulsion of the big ship, which was a critical matter. Everyone could not leave, and Xuefeng could only send a lot of things.

However, this time Prince Rui's grand wedding had to be approved by the emperor, and Shen Chengqiang wanted to bring his wife back to attend the younger sister's wedding.It's just that it's because the wife is pregnant with a child, so she walks slowly on the road, and hasn't reached the capital yet.

Xuejian is now waiting for this brother to come back.Because of Shen Chengqiang, Fu Jinghao was replaced.Fu Jinghao has only been with Xue Jian for these years.But it made Shen Chengqiang unable to reunite with his parents for several years.

The members of the Liang family have also made arrangements, of course.The two elders lived in Liang Shengyue's house.There are also Liang Shenggao and Liang Shengbei, some of them live in Liang Shengyue's side, and some live in Liang Junlei's side. Anyway, they now have two courtyards in the capital.

However, Liang Junxiao, who was stationed in Beijing to help Xue Jian as a contact person, is now traveling to the mountains and famous rivers all over the world.Everywhere I go, I still send a letter to everyone, and then live there for a few days.Then go to the next one.On the contrary, I lived a very comfortable life.

But it also made Liang Shenggao and his wife very worried.How did this son's marriage work out!

But Liang Xia was the most disappointing member of the Liang family.Originally, she had made a good engagement for her, but she wanted to marry to Beijing, and kept pestering Xiao Hu all the time.In the end, I had no choice but to order her a No.5 from Liang Junlei's class.Then she was sent to the local area as a county magistrate with her husband and son-in-law.

Although that person was nice to Liang Xia.Because she couldn't afford to offend Liang Xia's natal family, but she didn't have a lot of heart for Liang Xia, so the husband and wife lived in a well-regulated way.Liang Xia always looked for her uncle, trying to transfer her husband back to the capital.

But Xue Jian raised objections to Liang Shengyue, and when Liang Junlei came back, it was the emperor who took a fancy to him. If he was brought back again, this capital would appear to be dominated by the Liang family.That's not good.Liang Shengyue also agreed with Xue Jian's opinion.So, I tried to find a way to transfer them to a better place to go abroad, and that was Qingyang.

(End of this chapter)

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