Chapter 247 Making Decisions

"Director Liu."

"Director Liu, you are finally here, please persuade them quickly, they won't listen to what we say."

"That's right. The amniotic fluid is broken. I really can't delay any longer. Director Liu, please persuade them."

When a group of young nurses saw Director Liu, it was as if they were seeing a savior, and they started talking in a hurry.

"Quiet." Director Liu shouted.

"Comrade Hou heard that you want to see me. I'm here now. What do you think of our hospital? We'll talk about it in detail later. Now, please put your wife on the hospital bed first. Our nurse will take her to the operating room." Director Liu Said calmly.

There was a wave of wavering in the man's expression, seeing his wife lying in his arms whose breath was gradually weakening, he was no longer as persistent as he was at the beginning.

After all, the health of the wife and children is the most important thing.

When he was about to say yes, the old lady spoke.


"Director Liu, we have agreed with you before that you will do my daughter-in-law's operation. The old woman knows that you did not break the contract on purpose but that your hand was injured, but even so, you can't just find an intern to do it for me. The daughter-in-law delivered the baby."

"You are also a woman, don't you know how serious it is for a woman to give birth? How can you do such nonsense? Your hospital is too unruly."

The old lady scolded with a straight face.

Director Liu listened quietly, and waited for her to finish before saying: "I remember that yesterday I asked the nurse to inform the mother and family members that if you have any dissatisfaction, you can bring it up at that time, and we will try our best to arrange it, but now the hospital can't make other arrangements at the last moment. Doctor, I'm sorry."

Facing the old lady's obviously difficult words, Director Liu's attitude is still very peaceful.

Even if her hand was broken yesterday because of another unreasonable family member of the patient, she didn't change at all.

Wang Sijing is really blessing her now, she is a very good, responsible and excellent director of gynecology department.

"I was not here yesterday. I don't know anything. If I knew, I would tell you now. Don't give me excuses to fool me. The county hospital is so big that I can't find a good experienced doctor. I have to hire an intern doctor." Come on, you are making fun of the patient's life safety again."

The old lady obviously couldn't hear Director Liu's explanation.

Director Liu didn't say any more, and only looked at the husband of the pregnant woman: "Comrade Hou, you are the husband of the pregnant woman and the father of the child in her womb. What do you think should be done now? You have to disregard the life and death of your wife and unborn child." Continue to wait here for other doctors or go to the operating room now."

"Here, I would like to clarify one point in advance. Dr. Wang is not an intern, but an excellent famous doctor specially invited by our Dean Tian. We have all witnessed Dr. Wang's medical skills. I don't know where you heard who said what. , but please trust our hospital, thank you.”

Director Liu said in a calm and polite tone.

But Shi Shi's words are also very clear. If you don't agree with Dr. Wang as the chief surgeon, you can wait slowly. She can't arrange other doctors to come for the time being.

"What do you mean by that? If we don't accept her feelings, you don't care. Is there anything like this in your hospital? Does your hospital have any conscience? We paid so much medical expenses and you just treat us like this!"

The old lady roared, obviously extremely dissatisfied with Director Liu's handling plan.

"Ah!" The mother said in pain that she couldn't bear it, and the screams resumed.

"It hurts, it hurts, my child, my child!" The mother wailed while holding her belly, which irritated her eardrums.

It also whips the hearts of every doctor.

Director Liu's calm brows and eyes could not maintain calm, and he looked at the man: "You really want to continue this stalemate, or you can see it, I went into the operating room with Dr. Wang, and watched Dr. Wang perform the operation. If she If I make a mistake, I will do it myself."

After all, she couldn't watch the puerpera suffer in front of her.

"What's the use of you going, your hand is broken, we are looking for Director Zhao, you ask Director Zhao to operate on my daughter-in-law." The old lady said triumphantly when she saw that Director Liu couldn't hold on.

"How do you talk, you just broke your hand, our director Liu only has a slight fracture and heal soon, how can you curse people."

"That's why you are like this."

Several young nurses who couldn't practice at home couldn't help arguing for Director Liu, thinking that Director Liu was really unlucky these two days, and encountered these unqualified patients' family members again and again.

"You little girl is the only way to talk. You really don't understand the elders. No one will want your sharp clothes and sharp mouth!" The old lady scolded angrily.

These words were ugly, and the little nurses couldn't help but turn red with anger.

Director Liu's expression was also ugly.

"Comrade Hou, please make a decision as soon as possible. Director Zhao has already entered the operating room, and it is impossible to rush here. Other well-known doctors also have their own patients to be responsible for. As for the remaining two interns, their medical skills are not as good as Dr. Wang's." I can arrange for them to come if they want."

Director Liu being polite to the patient's family is her courtesy, but it doesn't mean that she can tolerate family members bullying colleagues in their department in front of her, even if it's just a small nurse.

She has her own principles.

The man's hand was tightly held by his wife, and he couldn't help gritting his teeth with such strength, from which one can imagine how painful his wife is now.

He knew he couldn't hesitate any longer.

The man raised his head, looked at Director Liu and then at Dr. Wang, and finally nodded heavily.

"Doctor Wang, my wife is begging you. I apologize for my words and deeds just now. Please don't argue with me. Please save my wife."

The man was visibly panicked.

"Son, what nonsense are you talking about, how can you agree, what can you do if you wait a little longer, anyway, it's going to be born anyway, what difference does it make if it's sooner or later, you—"

"Mom, stop talking, get out of the way and let the nurse help Wenwen." The man interrupted his mother's chatter with an angry roar.

He can no longer listen to his mother.

He felt that it was a mistake for him to listen to his mother's words and confront the doctors and nurses here.

Obviously, the doctor said before that his wife's fetal position is very normal, and the birth can be easily given by a normal delivery. When the nurse said yesterday, he and his wife felt nothing.

It was very efficient for Director Liu to immediately arrange another doctor with good medical skills to take charge when he went to the hospital, and they had nothing to say.

Now that he thought back to the morning when his mother came, he found out that he had analyzed a lot of things and couldn’t remember exactly what his mother said. He just felt that he was really stupid for listening to his mother’s words and letting his wife suffer here.

How could he treat his wife like this.

(End of this chapter)

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