Chapter 109 Crazy
Liu Laosi is not dead!

Liu Laosi is crazy!

Jiang Yi didn't make too much effort to find out the current situation of the old Liu's family.

After Liu Laosi was killed by Dafeng, he became a little abnormal.

After all, he couldn't be a man anymore.

However, Liu Laosi's life was saved, but he would live under the strange eyes of the people around him from now on.At the beginning, old man Liu and Chen Guixiang were protecting and persuading him.

But as old man Liu and Chen Guixiang got older and couldn't work anymore, many problems emerged in the old Liu's family.

There are five brothers in the old Liu family. After the fourth brother Liu was abolished, his ability to make a living is also much worse, and he has always been holding back the family.

Boss Liu and the others are four brothers. For the sake of their own brothers, they treated this brother very tolerantly.But things in this world have never been so simple.

As the years passed, the grandchildren of the old Liu family grew up and wanted to marry a wife and a man, and all of this required money.

Money is really a good thing.

When there is no money, no one is a thing.

For the sake of money, the smell of gunpowder in the old Liu family became stronger and stronger.

Liu Laosi's sisters-in-law often ridiculed Liu Laosi in various ways, pointed at Sang and scolded Huai.

In this way, Liu Laosi finally collapsed.


Seeing that fourth brother Liu was going crazy, boss Liu and his wives were resolute in their resolute refusal to take care of this dragging one.

Break up!

After being unable to stop his son and daughter-in-law's decision to separate the family, old man Liu compromised and only asked for one thing, that is, their brothers must take good care of brother Liu Lao Si in the future.

As a father, old man Liu is really benevolent to his son Liu Laosi.

Because, after presiding over the separation of the sons, old man Liu drank pesticides, and Chen Guixiang was also drugged in the meal by old man Liu.

"Is this considered retribution?"

Knowing what happened in the old Liu's house, Jiang Yi remained silent for a while.

But thinking that it was almost time for her to leave, Jiang Yi no longer felt sorry for what happened to the old Liu family, so she had to call all the daughters back.

Everything that needs to be explained has to be explained!

In this era, Jiang Yi has lived for nearly 16 years, and her relationship with her four daughters is really deep.

Even, Jiang Yi felt that she might have to live to the end of her life in this era.

But who would have thought, this damn pop-up popped up.

She is leaving after all!


After receiving Jiang Yi's call, the four daughters rushed back in a hurry.

"My lord, are you thinking of something fun again?"

Da Ya was the first to come back, and she took Jiang Yi's arm as soon as they met, acting like a little girl.

Jiang Yi raised her hand and nodded on Da Ya's forehead, and said, "It's not for fun, but, when your sisters are back, I'll tell you again!"

"Mom, don't scare me!"

Seeing Jiang Yi's serious face, Da Ya subconsciously felt that something bad was about to happen.

"Silly girl, what did I scare you for?"

"Then why do you have such a face?"

Da Ya is no longer a child.

"It's just that it's time!"

"Speaking of which, I'm also very reluctant to part with you, after all, I've been your mother for 16 years!"

"Mom, what are you talking about?"

After hearing Jiang Yi's words, Da Ya felt even worse.

Jiang Yi sighed, shook Da Ya's hand, and said softly: "Anyway, just wait, it will be soon!"

(End of this chapter)

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