Chapter 113
two days!

Jiang Yi was lying on the kang, except for the girls in this body who came here with tears in their eyes.In this family, no one came to see her, and no one came to say a word to her.

Then, Jiang Yi understood that she was abandoned by this family and asked her to wait here to die.

Without the help of Da Ya and the others, Jiang Yi, who came to this time and space, would really starve to death here, and then restart again and again, starving to death again and again.

Thinking of the horrible reincarnation she almost experienced, Jiang Yi almost didn't go crazy.

Death is not scary.

With a kick of the legs, with the eyes closed, without breathing, this life is over.

But the scary thing is that he died and lived again, and then died again... and so on, I don't know when it will end.

"Haven't you breathed yet?"

"Probably not. This afternoon, those money-losers went in to have a look!"

"Why isn't this dead?"

"How about you strangle her?"

"That's murder, and you have to pay for it!"

"Then stop nagging, just wait!"

"Hey, she's still alive. When are we going to have a funeral? If we don't have a funeral and collect some things, we really can't live on!"

"Let's boil it!"

The conversation suddenly sounded outside the house.

When Jiang Yi heard this conversation, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly.

The two people who were talking were the father-in-law and mother-in-law of this body. The reason why they hoped for her to die soon was that they planned to get some things to live on during the funeral.

Originally, Jiang Yi hated it when she heard this.

But thinking of the situation in this family, Jiang Yi suddenly understood what the parents-in-law were thinking.Even, the predecessor chose to stay here to die, and he agreed with it.

But no matter what her predecessor thought, since Jiang Yi came, she couldn't accept it.

"Big girl, find a way to help me get some money and tickets from this era!"

When deciding to leave the house, Jiang Yi asked Daya for help again.

She doesn't know how difficult her task is now, but well, she has to pass the level in front of her first.

Otherwise, talk about a fart mission.

"Mom, Sanya is already collecting, but these things are very rare, you have to wait!"

Hearing Jiang Yi's words, Da Ya responded quickly.

"It's okay, Mom, don't worry."

"Mom, how about I get you some food directly!"

"Big ya, don't worry about this, wait for me to sort out the situation here first."

Jiang Yi, who finished chatting with Da Ya, slowly got up.

After two days of recuperation and supplemented with nutrient solution, her body has improved a lot, at least she is no longer about to collapse at any time.

When Jiang Yi walked out of the house, her mother-in-law Lin Guilan was startled, and all the clay bowls in her hand fell to the ground.

"you you……"

Lin Guilan was trembling all over, "Yes, yes, human, is it a ghost?"

"Mom, I'm human!"

Jiang Yi forced a smile, "I lay on the kang for three days, but I didn't die. I was thinking, maybe God won't accept me!"

"Mom, I don't want to die!"


"What's the matter?"

Hearing Jiang Yi said that she didn't want to die, Lin Guilan became anxious.

"If you don't die, how many people in our family will starve to death?"

"Don't you think about Da Hua and their sisters?"

"Second brother, you have to die, you have to die!"

Lin Guilan suddenly knelt down on the ground, "Mother knows it's wrong, but the family really has no food, so we can't go on!"

"You can't help but die!"

"If you don't die, we all have to die!"

"I kowtow to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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