Dressed as an age koi, her mother

Chapter 129 Moral Kidnapping

Chapter 129 Moral Kidnapping
The investigation team left, and Lin Guilan came back.

Lin Guilan, who already had a bad reputation, was rejected by the villagers when she came back this time. No one spoke to her or paid attention to her.

The people in the village are so simple!

If you hate someone, if you hate someone, then you don't care.

Lin Guilan was not very popular in the past, but when the villagers saw her, they would still be able to speak, and would not specifically target her.

But for now, that's it.

When everyone saw her, they hid from a distance and walked around.

Within two days, Lin Guilan couldn't bear it anymore.

Especially when Li Yaoguo, the son, had nothing good to say about her, Lin Guilan almost collapsed.

She ran to the courtyard where Jiang Yi and Song Laidi lived, knelt outside the door, begging for their forgiveness.

It has to be said that this person knelt there as the former mother-in-law of the two, but immediately attracted the attention of the villagers.

"Sister Dani, what should I do?"

Song Laidi heard Lin Guilan shouting outside, saw the other party kneeling outside the courtyard through the crack of the door, immediately panicked, and hurried into the house to look for Jiang Yi.

"It's okay, watch me!"

Isn't that kneeling down?

Regardless of whether Lin Guilan really repented or was just pretending, just because she forced two lives to death, Jiang Yi didn't want to make her feel better.

Two lives!
One belongs to He Maizi.

One, naturally belonged to the original Jiang Dani.

Although Jiang Dani will come back to life when she leaves, but Jiang Yi doesn't think that the person who comes back to life will still be the original person.

Because, without her coming, Jiang Dani would surely die.

Therefore, Lin Guilan bears two life debts.

The same is true for Li Dazhu who knows the truth but pretends not to know anything.

Neither of these two is a good thing.

Not to mention that this era is too difficult.

Just like the two lyrics of later generations, society is very simple, but people are the most complicated.

When Jiang Yi pushed open the courtyard door, there were already many people watching outside, and many people already felt sympathy for Lin Guilan who was kneeling on the ground.

From their point of view, Lin Guilan was at such an age and was once the mother-in-law of Jiang Dani and Song Laidi, even if there were some mistakes, it wouldn't be like this!

It's not that these people are so virginal and white lotus, but that's how human nature is.

Sympathy for the weak!
Jiang Yi pushed the door and went out. Before she could speak, someone spoke first.

"Da Ni, look at your mother-in-law is like this, let's forget about the past!"

"Yes, yes, you must forgive others and forgive others!"


Everyone spoke one after another, speaking for Lin Guilan.

Lin Guilan still knelt on the ground, lowered her head, and muttered to herself what she knew was wrong.

Jiang Yi raised her hand to signal the surrounding villagers to be quiet.

The crowd really quieted down.

Jiang Yi cleared her throat and said: "Uncles and aunts, I will ask you a question. If there is a person who almost kills you, and then he kneels in front of you, please forgive me, will you forgive me?"

Do not persuade others to be kind without suffering others.

Jiang Yi's simple question stunned the villagers.

"Uncles and aunts, she, Lin Guilan, forced the eldest daughter-in-law to death. My life is good. I didn't die. Now that she is kneeling here, I forgive her?"

"If I forgive her, my former sister-in-law, can she survive?"

"If you can, I, forgive her!"

"Otherwise, even if she hanged on the gate of my courtyard, I will not forgive her!"

(End of this chapter)

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