Chapter 135
Li Dazhu is very honest, he admits his mistakes obediently and admits his mistakes.

But Lin Guilan was unconvinced, stuck her neck, and started spitting: "It's unreasonable, bullying honest people, my house collapsed, and you are still bullying us poor people!"

"Are you still human?"

"Bully me, an old lady, you will be punished!"

When Lin Guilan was spitting at the top of her throat, what she said made everyone in the village very confused.

Lonely old woman?
Are they punished?
They didn't sleep most of the night, and they took the family out of the collapsed house just to get retribution?

"Shut your stinky mouth!"

In the crowd, I don't know who yelled first, and more and more people started to yell.

Someone even picked up the snow on the side, rolled it into a snowball, and threw it at Lin Guilan, who was screaming and screaming in front of her.

"Shameless thing!"

"Why didn't the beam smash you to death?"

"I am blind to save a bitch like you!"

"go to hell!"

The villagers were driven mad by Lin Guilan's shamelessness, and snowballs fell one after another.

I don't know who actually threw the stone over, and it happened to hit Lin Guilan's forehead, causing blood to flow out.

"Murder, kill!"

A heavy blow hit her forehead, and when she touched blood with her hand, Lin Guilan immediately screamed at the top of her throat.

Li Zhengdao and other village chiefs were startled when they saw blood dripping from Lin Guilan's forehead, and rushed forward to calm down the furious villagers.

"It's Jiang Dani, it's Jiang Dani who threw a stone at me!"

After the villagers quieted down, Lin Guilan suddenly let out a dry howl and pointed to Jiang Yi in the crowd.

"I saw it, it was her, a wicked woman with a vicious heart, who wanted to beat me to death!"

Originally, Lin Guilan's forehead was bleeding, which made many people calm down.

Now, when Lin Guilan said that she was going to kill someone, she immediately made the villagers tremble, including the person who really threw the stone.

After all, for them, the crime of murder is a serious crime that will be shot, who dares to commit it?

Now Lin Guilan pointed at Jiang Yi and pinned the crime on Jiang Yi's head, which immediately eased the nervousness of the villagers. Fortunately, it was not her.

Especially the person who really smashed the stone was completely relieved in his heart.

Jiang Yi was also quite confused at this time.

At first, watching the villagers denounce Jiang Dani, he felt happy in his heart, but the next moment, a big hat fell on his head.

Well, the current situation can be called an attempt.

But whether it was an attempt or a success, the crime of murder is not so easy to bear.

"Lin Guilan, you said I hit you with a stone?"

"Is there any evidence?"

After all, Jiang Yi is a proven old driver, facing Lin Guilan's framing, his attitude remains calm as always.

"I saw!"

Lin Guilan stiffened her neck and raised her voice, "It's you, it's you who threw stones at me!"

"is it?"

Jiang Yi smiled slightly, "Then, did you see how big a stone I was holding, what color and shape was that stone?"

"I, I didn't see clearly!"

How did Lin Guilan know what kind of stone she was hit by?

All she knew was that this was an opportunity to kill Jiang Dani with one bite.In her opinion, only when Jiang Dani is finished can her good days come.

"Lin Guilan, do you know? Slander and slander are punishable by crime!"

"Also, no matter who threw the stone at you, it's not considered murder. At most, it's just a fight, and it's just a few words of criticism and education!"

(End of this chapter)

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