Chapter 156 The Truth
Jiang Yi is dead again!
When she threw the white willow javelin, the other side fired.

Although it is the kind of soil gun with a long tube spraying gun sand, hot weapons completely abuse cold weapons.

Jiang Yi didn't die all at once, but struggled for a long time, watching those people break through the hunting traps set by Mu Zhen and Mu Sheng and his son, and stand in front of them.

Well, Jiang Yi already knew what happened and why these people wanted to kill them.

Completely different from her guess, this was neither Mu Zhen's fault nor Mu Sheng's fault.

The root of everything lies in her!

That's right, it's Jiang Yi, here's Jiang Yi!
To be precise, this is Jiang Yi's fault here.

Well, Jiang Yi here used to have a lover, but due to some special reasons, the two broke up. Unexpectedly, that person couldn't stand the blow, and actually became mentally disturbed, that is, crazy.

The crazy opponent stabbed his parents seriously, and then ran away without a trace.

Now, it was the man's sister who came to take revenge.

Jiang Yi, who knows the truth, really doesn't know what to say


Jiang Yi, who died again, knew the truth of the matter, and she was much calmer when she woke up from the ward.

This time to save people, Jiang Yi did not wake Mu Qian up, but went alone.

After saving the person, Jiang Yi didn't explain anything, but went up to the roof of the hospital building alone.

That's right!
The roof is exactly where Mu Qian jumped off the building.

On the roof of the hospital building, there are many flowers and plants, as well as grapes planted in big flower pots, climbing up the full grape shelf.

Under the grape trellis, there is a recliner, and a person is lying on the recliner.

A woman, quite beautiful.

Seeing Jiang Yi appearing, the woman was obviously a little surprised, but she was still lying there, motionless, just looking at Jiang Yi who walked in.

"Manman, why don't you say a few words?"

Jiang Yi walked into each other step by step.

Cheng Manman is the name of this woman.

"say what?"

Cheng Manman looked at Jiang Yi coldly.

"I broke up with your brother, not because I abandoned him, but because your parents don't agree with us being together. You know all these things."

Jiang Yi inherited Jiang Yi's memory here, and naturally knew what happened to the so-called breakup, and there was no bloody plot of amnesia.

"My brother likes you so much, why can't you fight?"

"Do you know? My brother is crazy. He stabbed my parents and I don't know where he went."

"My family, because of you, can be said to be ruined!"

"But what about you?"

"You got married and had kids so soon!"

"Why should people in my family suffer, but you have a husband who dotes on you and an in-law who loves you? Even that sister-in-law respects you very much."


Cheng Manman roared at Jiang Yi with questions.

Jiang Yi looked at the other party's hysterical appearance, sighed, and said, "Is this my fault?"

"Is it right for me to live worse than your family?"

"I'm suddenly grateful to your parents. Fortunately, they don't agree with me. Otherwise, if I marry into your family, I might not even know how I died!"

This family is sick!
No wonder that man went crazy, depending on Cheng Manman's current appearance, this family might be suffering from ancestral mental illness.

"I want you to die!"

Cheng Manman jumped up when he heard Jiang Yi's words.

(End of this chapter)

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