Chapter 158 Shaking S
"She's a psycho!"



Threatening her?
Jiang Yi really laughed, she is a person who can be resurrected infinitely, what is she afraid of?
Wait, no, this is so fucking wrong!

Jiang Yi suddenly stopped. Why is she in this state more and more like playing a game?It's just that this game doesn't have an archive, and once it fails, it can only start from scratch.

This situation gets weirder the more I think about it.

Really, it's scary to think about it carefully!
Thinking of her situation, Jiang Yi's expression changed suddenly.

But such a scene fell in the eyes of the man, but it seemed that Jiang Yi was afraid.

"Humph, woman!"

Jiang Yi, who was still depressed about her situation, immediately got goosebumps when she heard the man's tone.

What the hell is this full of domineering president style?

"Dog, what happened to the years I traveled through?"

"Why do I feel like I'm wearing a book?"


Jiang Yi didn't think there would be such a stupid creature as a domineering president in the 90s.

That's right, in Jiang Yi's view, the so-called domineering presidents are idiots.

Also, this is indeed a personal attack!
Before Jiang Yi crossed over, she was considered an elite, but he and she had never seen a domineering president.She really couldn't imagine what kind of painting style it would be if a domineering president really appeared in reality.

Well, I really get goosebumps just thinking about it.

Jiang Yi's question was not answered, obviously, the unknown existence was pretending to be dead again.

Jiang Yi, who didn't get an answer, felt a little irritable.

The more she looked at the man in front of her, the angrier she became. He looked like a dog, but he spoke and acted inappropriately, and even acted like a domineering president to his mother.

Your uncle, can't bear it!

My mother's mission this time is too aggrieved!

No, I have to vent!
Jiang Yi suddenly took a step forward, and slapped the man on the face, fast and ruthless!
"Makes you disgusting old lady!"

"Your uncle, pretend to be an AC in front of my old lady, you scumbag, you old lady is used to you!"

Say a word and slap.

This man was completely helpless in front of Jiang Yi.

It looks like a tall man, but it is actually an embroidered pillow.

Jiang Yizhen didn't expect that the other party could not help beating him so much, after just a few slaps, the man crouched on the ground with his head in his arms.

"Sister, please forgive me!"

"I was wrong, I dare not do it again!"

"I broke up with Cheng Manman!"

"I won't trouble you anymore!"

"Don't, stop fighting!"

Facing the man's begging for mercy, Jiang Yi did not stop.

She suddenly found that she seemed to have a tendency to tremble a little. This kind of venting was really exciting.

When Jiang Yi finally stopped, the man had already been beaten to tears by her.

He was sobbing, with snot and tears, his appearance was indescribably miserable.

"Why are you crying? Shut up for me!"

Jiang Yi couldn't see a big man crying like a woman.


What's up girls?Aren't you a bitch yourself?
Bah, bah, bah, why are pussies not pussies, when did I become a pussy?I am a beautiful girl like a flower like a jade, to tell the truth, I am a beautiful girl!
The man who was reprimanded by Jiang Yi quickly controlled his sobs, but he still looked like he was trembling. Looking at Jiang Yi's eyes, he was affectionate.

"I'll go, my mother won't develop this guy into a masochistic tendency?"

(End of this chapter)

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