Chapter 171 Wonderful
"Third, you are not filial!"

"I'm going to find your leader, I'm going to sue you!"

When Mrs. Song heard Yang Sanbao's blunt words, she immediately took out the old lady's old way of sitting on the ground and making a fuss.

"You go and sue!"

"Go ahead."

"Anyway, this is not the first time!"

Yang Sanbao looked coldly at Mrs. Song who was sitting on the ground, clapping her hands on the ground.

"Even if you sue me for this job, that's all."

"It's a big deal, we will never communicate with each other."

"Anyway, you have many sons, so I'm not bad for retirement!"

Speaking of this, it can be seen that Yang Sanbao is really angry to the limit.

Mrs. Song did not expect that this tried and tested trick would not work.

Just when she was helpless, Yang Dadi came back from working in the field with Yang Dabao and Yang Erbao. Seeing the scene at home, he threw the hoe on his shoulder to the ground.

Unfortunately, without waiting for Yang Dadi, Sun Guizhi had already pounced on Yang Erbao.

"Yang Erbao, you bastard, I gave birth to three sons for you, and you actually slept with Sun Meili behind my back, are you still human?"

Hearing Sun Guizhi's words, Yang Erbao was stunned.

But he still stretched out his hand to stop the crazy Sun Guizhi, and shoved him to the ground.

"Sun Guizhi, why the hell are you crazy?"

"When did I sleep with Sun Meili?"

"Are you crazy? Splash dirty water on your man!"

Yang Erbao was really going crazy. He was so tired that he was going to sleep with Sun Meili?

"Just three months ago, Sun Meili came to our house to look for me!"

"You are sick!"

Yang Erbao stared, "Four months ago, my eldest brother and I went to the city to help the fifth child install a house. We went there for nearly two months. Why the hell am I sleeping with Sun Meili?"

"You bitch is really crazy!"

When Yang Erbao said these words, Sun Guizhi was dumbfounded.

It wasn't her man who slept with Sun Meili, who was that?

Seeing this, Jiang Yi said quietly, "I said Second Sister-in-Law, so Sun Meili said she slept with someone, so did she sleep with someone?"

"If I remember correctly, when she came three months ago, our father was the only man at home!"

As soon as Jiang Yi said these words, the whole yard became quiet.

Everyone's expression is quite strange.

Therefore, the truth is that if Sun Meili was really sleeping at that time, then the only suspect would be Yang Dadi.


"You three, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Yang Dadi couldn't bear this grievance, he was innocent all his life, why would he lose his life at the end of his life?

"Father, that's not what Zhaodi meant!"

Yang Sanbao immediately stood up and said, "What Zhaodi means is that you can't believe Sun Meili's words!"

"Well, she's beautiful Sun, how dare you lie to me!"

Sun Guizhi jumped up immediately, and rushed out of the door. She wanted to go back to her mother's house, and she wanted to tear this bitch Sun Meili apart.

Regarding Sun Guizhi's outburst, except for Yang Erbao, no one else took it seriously.

After all, if you are stupid, don't blame others for lying to you.

When Sun Guizhi and Yang Erbao went out, Yang Dashan looked at Mrs. Song who was still sitting on the ground, and said, "Old lady, what are you doing sitting on the ground?"

"Old man, the third child is not filial, he is going to move to the city!"

"He doesn't care about this family anymore!"

Seeing Yang Dadi, Mrs. Song immediately had a backbone and began to sue Yang Dadi.

(End of this chapter)

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