Chapter 174

Yang Sanbao, who had always played the role of an obedient son at home, suddenly exploded, which was really shocking.

At this moment, no matter whether it was the old lady Song who had been abusive before, or Yang Dadi who later put on the majesty of the old father, they were all intimidated by Yang Sanbao's aura.

The old couple sat on the ground with dull expressions.

As for Yang Yibao, he was immersed in the pain of being deceived by his old father at the moment, and suddenly he didn't think about anything else.

Yang Erbao chased Sun Guizhi back, seeing the situation in the yard, he had no idea what happened.

"Father, mother, what's the matter with you?"

"Brother, what's the matter?"

"Third brother, what's the matter?"

Yang Erbao is not stupid, otherwise, he would not have persuaded Sun Guizhi to come back so easily.

He didn't know what happened at home, but he knew that something must have happened, and it was a big deal!
"Second brother, it's nothing, we are going to separate!"

"The money the family has saved over the years was used by my father to buy a house and decorate it for the fifth child!"

"What the hell?"

Hearing Yang Sanbao's words, Yang Erbao changed his face in an instant, turned to look at Yang Dadi, and said, "Father, is what the third child said true?"

"I didn't give all of it to the third child. I still have some money at home!"

Yang Dadi's attitude towards Yang Erbao is obviously different from that of Yang Yibao and Yang Sanbao.

And the reason for this is all because Yang Erbao has a bit of a temper, and once his temper comes up, his own father won't even recognize him.

This thing has never happened before.

In order to marry a wife, Yang Erbao took a fancy to Sun Guizhi, who was more beautiful, which was different from the girls Yang Dadi and Mrs. Song valued.

In order to show his dignity as the head of the family, Yang Dadi prepared to subdue Yang Erbao by force, but the red-eyed Yang Erbao beat him so much that he couldn't get off the kang.

Of course, Yang Erbao knelt in the yard for a day afterwards.

But no matter what Yang Erbao did later, it was Yang Dadi himself who was beaten, and he was the one who was hurt.

From then on, Yang Dadi was obviously a little cowardly towards the second son.

To put it bluntly, it is a sentence, good people are bullied.

Like Yang Erbao, although Yang Dadi was unhappy with him, he really didn't dare to treat him harshly.

"Father, how much money do we have left?"

"How much did you give Lao Wu?"

"When my eldest brother and I went to help Lao Wu get a house, I heard people say that a house in the city costs three to four hundred yuan a square!"

Having said that, Yang Erbao's eyes turned red.

If Lao Wu's house was bought, then their family is worth ten thousand yuan!
Although the saying of ten thousand yuan households is something that happened a few years ago, it is still very remarkable now.

"At home, still, there are more than 3000!"

"Yes, yes, more than 3 yuan!"

Facing Yang Erbao who was about to lose control, Yang Dadi finally said two numbers.

"Father, more than 3, how much is it?"

Obviously, Yang Erbao is not easy to fool.

"Three, thirty-nine thousand!"

As soon as the number came out, Yang Erbao had already punched Yang Dadi on the nose, "I... your ancestor!"

"My house is leaking, and I won't give you a new house. I have no money for repairs. You give Lao Wu [-], and then count the money you gave in the past few years. How much did you give Lao Wu in these years? !"

Yang Erbao, who had a temper, directly grabbed Yang Dadi by his collar and picked him up.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Yi couldn't help swallowing, this Yang Erbao is so fierce?
That's his own father, who actually beat him as soon as he said it!
(End of this chapter)

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