Dressed as an age koi, her mother

Chapter 178 Two Jiang Yis

Chapter 178 Two Jiangyis
Jiangji Braised Meat Shop!

How is this possible?
"Xiao Yu'er, don't you want to explain?"

She actually appeared in the time and space of the era where she once appeared, but she was in a different place and changed her identity.

"Host be safe and don't be impatient!"

Xiao Yu'er's voice was very calm, "You appeared in this time and space purely by chance."

"Is this what I care about?"

Jiang Yi was very angry, "When the Yancheng Jiangji Braised Meat Shop opened, I hadn't left this time and space yet!"

"That is to say, in this time and space, there are two me!"

"Should you give me an explanation for this?"

It wasn't that Jiang Yi was looking for something, but that there were two of her in the same time and space. This incident reminded her of the super brain-burning movie "Pre-Destination".

What is the movie about?
Believe it or not, it's a pretty sad story.

To sum it up, sleep yourself, give birth to yourself, kill yourself...

Of course, Jiang Yi was not so outrageous.

But there are two selves in the same time and space, which is outrageous.

"Host, this is a philosophical question!"

"Little Yu'er can't explain it either!"

"As you know, the task is beyond Xiao Yu'er's control."

"And the timeline, the parallel time and space, is something that Xiao Yu'er can't understand."

"Actually, you don't need to think about it at all."

"Maybe, the Jiangji Braised Meat Shop in this time and space was not created by you at all?"

"Come on, keep on talking!"

Jiang Yi barked wildly in her heart, "The font of Jiang Ji Braised Meat Shop is written in my own handwriting, do you think I can't even recognize my own handwriting?"

This time, Xiao Yu'er fell silent.

Jiang Yi was also silent.

Xiao Yu'er couldn't give her the answer, and she couldn't get the answer herself.

What an amazing thing!

In the end, Jiang Yi could only choose not to pay attention to this.

However, the emergence of Jiang Ji Braised Meat Shop means that she has lost a way to make a quick living and make money.As for other things, the entry threshold is slightly higher, which is not suitable for Jiang Yi now.

After all, as Jiang Zhaodi, she herself is a typical rural woman with no culture and knowledge.

This suddenly mastered some magical skills, how do you explain it?

In order not to cause trouble for herself, Jiang Yi felt that it would be better for her to be an honest housewife for the time being.

Speaking of which, Jiang Zhaodi had almost no relationship with the daughters in the past few years.

Now that Jiang Yi is replacing Jiang Zhaodi, she naturally wants to take care of the girls first.

Otherwise, when she grows old in the future, Jiang Yi is afraid that she will not be able to complete the task.

If she can't complete the task, she will have to restart everything.

Frankly speaking, this matter of time and space made Jiang Yi a little uncomfortable.

This house is really a bit too fierce.

In other people's family, it is great to have a son or daughter who is not his own. Now, in Wen's family, all three sons are not his own.

However, the good thing is that Yang Sanbao doesn't seem to be that confused.

But, even so, Jiang Yi still has scruples about Yang Sanbao.

When Jiang Zhaodi needed someone to support her, Yang Sanbao was not by her side.

This made Jiang Yi's perception of Yang Sanbao not much better.

If it weren't for his previous actions, Jiang Yi would definitely find a way to divorce Yang Sanbao first.

After all, she is a professional divorcee.

It's nothing unusual to leave a few more times.

(End of this chapter)

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